CODE 72250 ACADEMIC YEAR 2022/2023 CREDITS 5 cfu anno 2 SCIENZE E TECN. ATTIVITA' MOTORIA PREV. E ADATTATA 8747 (LM-67) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR M-PED/03 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The Special Pedagogy course of adapted motor activities is set up to train students to recognize the existence of certain universal values that must guide our actions. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The mono-disciplinary teaching of Special Pedagogy aims at the training objective of providing the master's degree students knowledge and skills on the pedagogical aspects of motor and sport activities adapted in the professional field of adapted motor sciences. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES To make sure that every decision taken is the product of a process of acquiring the values that determine the appropriate behavior to be followed; to conceive the motor activity not as training but as a process that makes use of pedagogical and psychological propaedeutical knowledge; know how to draw up a program and a project of motor activity in diversability and not; offer students a pedagogical / educational perspective in interpreting and managing the different special educational needs, present in young / adult recipients of projects concerning the promotion of adapted motor activities; questioning a concept related to physical activity adapted for special populations and to motor and sports activities only for the disabled; acquire the ability to read situations through observation, listening, relationships between the disabled person and his peers. Attendance and active participation in the proposed educational activities (lectures and laboratory activities) and individual study will allow the student to - gain an in-depth knowledge of the main macromolecules present within the main theories of pedagogy of adapted motor activities and those of psychomotor skills; - apply the differences between the various theories; - know the WHO classifications on disabilities and the various motor, sensory and intellectual disabilities. - identify the main intelligences and the theories connected to them; - know the concepts connected to emotional intelligence; be able to critically analyze the differences in motor activities to be applied with the various disabilities; - apply the acquired knowledge to adapted motor activities. Being able to create an educational project. Being able to design for skills in the field of adapted motor sciences. PREREQUISITES Pedagogical and educational skills acquired in the L22 three-year degree course and in the first year of the LM67 TEACHING METHODS Lectures, observation and discussion on practical lessons, planning, drafting, simulations, laboratory lessons,case study. In case of DAD, recorded lessons loaded on Teams and synchronous video lessons. SYLLABUS/CONTENT 1. Special and inclusive education; 2.The educational problems of the relationship with disabled people, with particular attention to the different problems connected to the different types of handicaps; 3.The theoretical assumptions, and practical considerations, referred to the construction of the special educational relationship; 4. The relationship between special educational need and educational planning, with reference to the theoretical paradigms of special pedagogy; 5.The purpose of special educational work; 6.The special educational function of adapted motor activities; 7. The planning of motor activities in diversability and not; 8. Design: drafting of a project chosen by the student; 9. Practical lessons of psychomotricity, sport and disability, description of motor activity and organizational management of organizations for diversification. 10.The support teacher, PEI, PDP 11. History of Special Pedagogy 12. Design by skills RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Senarega D. (2014) Educazione inclusiva e attività motoria Ed. Libero di scrivere, Genova Senarega D. (2018) Tecnica GAPSS Senarega. Ansia da prestazione sportiva e scolastica: istruzioni per l'uso. Amazon, GB e 1 :chosen between Senarega D (2014) Attività motorio-sportive nella disabilità Ed. Libero di scrivere, Genova Senarega D.(2014) Educazione motoria nella scuola del primo ciclo Ed. Libero di scrivere, Genova lanes D.(2001), Didattica speciale per l'integrazione, Erickson, Trento Baumann Z. (2005) Vita liquida, oppure (2002) Modernità liquida, Ed Laterza, Roma Galimberti U. (2011) L’ospite inquietante Feltrinelli, Milano TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD DANIELA SENAREGA Ricevimento: By appointement Exam Board DANIELA SENAREGA (President) AMBRA BISIO LESSONS LESSONS START October 2022 Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Oral or written ASSESSMENT METHODS Interview or written test on the indicated program, In addition to the exam the student will have to deliver a project a week before chosen by the student concerning the Special Pedagogy. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 19/01/2023 14:30 GENOVA Orale 09/02/2023 14:30 GENOVA Orale 07/06/2023 14:30 GENOVA Orale 28/06/2023 14:30 GENOVA Scritto 13/09/2023 14:30 GENOVA Scritto