CODE 107799 ACADEMIC YEAR 2022/2023 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 1 TECNOLOGIE PER L’EDILIZIA E IL TERRITORIO 11428 (L-P01) - GENOVA TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The workshop aims to provide the student with techniques and operating methods relating to the disciplines addressed. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The laboratory activities will allow the student to approach the issues dealt with in the lectures from a technical-operational point of view, under the guidance of professionals or technicians of the sector. The student will then obtain the skills to reach an adequate level of autonomy in carrying out the activities, exercise their most operational skills by integrating them with the cognitive ones, apply the theoretical knowledge acquired to specific contexts by collaborating with other students in the different phases of work and interfacing with the territorial realities, such as land registry, state property and local authorities. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The student will be able to understand the transversal nature of the professional figure through activities aimed at presenting the professional skills of the graduate in Technologies for the building and land sectors, a multivalent professional figure, in the various disciplines such as geomatic surveying and monitoring, site management, taking into account the regulatory principles and operating methods. The student will also be able to assess with which institutions, organisations and specialised professional figures to relate in the various fields of application. TEACHING METHODS The activities include seminars and technical visits to institutions, organisations, companies and professional studio. Mandatory attendance of at least 70% of the scheduled hours is required; in the event of an inability to attend for serious reasons, the possibility of supplementary activities will be assessed in order to reach the minimum required attendance. Working students and students with certified SLD (Specific Learning Disorders), disability or other special educational needs are advised to contact the teacher at the beginning of the lessons to agree on teaching and examination arrangements so to take into account individual learning patterns, while respecting the teaching objectives. SYLLABUS/CONTENT The topics that will be addressed will focus on: - Construction elements of the building - Balance, deformability and resistance of structures - Main structural elements in reinforced concrete and steel - Formal, functional and constructive synthesis of a project with critical autonomy - Normative references on constructions RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Code of Ethics and other material that will be provided TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD DOMENICO SGUERSO Ricevimento: Availability for student reception will be made known during the course of the activities. The course contact person is available to answer questions at times to be agreed with students: cell. 320-4320011 e-mail domenico.sguerso at Exam Board DOMENICO SGUERSO (President) STEFANO ARMANO PAOLO GHIGLIOTTI (President Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START Workshop activities will take place between 12 June and 1 September 2023 Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The preparation and oral presentation of a report on the activities carried out is required, highlighting the logical thread between the covered topics on the basis of a case study. There is no final mark, but a pass mark. ASSESSMENT METHODS The minimum threshold of 70% attendance of the scheduled hours will be verified. The oral presentation will make it possible to assess the ability to make connections between the different areas addressed in the assigned test; technical language property and the ability to critically analyse what is being presented will also be assessed.