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CODE 63625
SEMESTER 1° Semester
Propedeuticità in ingresso
Per sostenere l'esame di questo insegnamento è necessario aver sostenuto i seguenti esami:
  • PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES AND EDUCATION 8750 (coorte 2021/2022)
  • HUMAN GEOGRAPHY 66887 2021
  • EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES 10841 (coorte 2021/2022)
  • HUMAN GEOGRAPHY 66887 2021


Intercultural geography is focused on developing skills to foster participatory inclusion between different societies through reflection and awareness of territorial identity. It is a kind of intercultural reading of the organisation of space. ntercultural geography,has as a specific training objective the acquisition of a solid cultural preparation, in the field of educational sciences, fundamental and necessary to understand the complexity of today's multicultural society, indispensable for the activity of the educator who responds to the diverse needs of the territory. From 'entrance into the world of work to participating inclusion between different societies through reflection and awareness of territorial identity. It is a kind of cross-cultural reading of the organization of space.



The course intends to present the stages of evolution of intercultural geography, understood as significant support in the complex construction of identity.


The course aims to present the stages in the evolution of intercultural geography, understood as a significant support in the complex construction of identity and understanding of alterity.Specific objectives are:

a)to enable students to acquire adequate knowledge and an effective comprehension capacity referring to the cultural diversity of the various populations of the Planet, also through the geo-anthropological approach;

b) to enable students to apply the achieved knowledge and to understand and solve problems in the different applied contexts referring to case studies on topics such as: current demographic dynamics, international and national migration, gender differences, socio-cultural gaps with particular reference to some of the goals of Agenda 2030 related to multicultural and intercultural processes.

The learning outcomes will enable the student to develop knowledge and skills suitable for working in intercultural design contexts.


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prerequisites: you must have taken the human geography examination 


Frontal lectures with slide projection and docu-film, with analysis and discussion of case studies, graphs, charts, tables, thematic maps. 

Materials uploaded on AULAWEB. Materials presented and discussed in class on intercultural geography tools will also be available.

For students with DSA certifications, compensatory or dispensatory measures are guaranteed, while taking care of the acquisition of the skills required for teaching (L.170/2010).

Please kindly contact the teachers in advance.



The Course aims to provide a framework on topics such as: cultural connotators (languages and religions), cultural diversity, globalisation, European integration, small and large migrations. and intercultural approaches for sustainable tourism. Particular attention will be paid both to cities as privileged spaces for the promotion of intercultural projects and to the 'non-places' of interculture such as food.




For attending students:

Obligatory study text: N. Varani, F. De Boni , Intercultural geography. Spaces, places and non-places. Mcgraw Hill, Milan, 2020. (New updated edition) and SLIDEs presented and discussed during the lessons.

The student must also integrate with the in-depth reading of a text/article of their choice from those listed below:

G. Barbujani, L'invenzione delle razze, Bompiani, Milano, 2006
M. Aime, A. Ballerini, P. Arvati, Noi e l’altro. Materiali per l’analisi e la comprensione dei fenomeni migratori contemporanei, Discanti, Ravenna, 2011
G. Amiotti, A. Rosina, Identità e integrazione, Franco Angeli, Milano 2007
Banini T., (a cura di), (2013), Identità territoriali. Questioni, metodi, esperienze a confronto, Franco Angeli, Milano


For students not attending:

-Mandatory study text: : N. Varani, F. De Boni , Geografia interculturale. Spazi, luoghi e non luoghi. Mcgraw Hill, Milano, 2020. (New updated edition)
-SLIDE presented during the lessons

The student must also integrate with a critical reading and report/processed written on a text of his/her choice from among the following: 

  • D.Pasquinelli D'Allegra, D. Pavia , C. Pesaresi ( a cura di) Geografia per l'inclusione.Partecipazione attiva contro le disuguaglianze, F.Angeli Milano, 2017.
  • M. Marengo, Geografie dell’intercultura, pacini, Pisa, 2007
  • G. Barbujani, L'invenzione delle razze, Bompiani, Milano, 2006
  • M. Aime, A. Ballerini, P. Arvati, Noi e l’altro. Materiali per l’analisi e la comprensione dei fenomeni migratori contemporanei, Discanti, Ravenna, 2011
  • G. Amiotti, A. Rosina, Identità e integrazione, Franco Angeli, Milano 2007

    For non-attending students:

    Required study texts:

  • N. Varani, F. De Boni, Dalla multicultura all'intercultura.Spazi e strumenti geografici, Mcgraw Hill, Milano, 2020. (Nuova Edizione)

  • F. DE BONI, K. MAMAYUSUPOVA  ( a cura di) LO SPAZIO DI RICERCA E L’ESPERIENZA INTERCULTURALE.Ambienti, territori e luoghi, (Limena- Padova), 2022.

  • The student must also integrate with a critical reading and report/written work on a text to be chosen from among the following 


Exam Board



GIAMPIETRO MAZZA (President Substitute)

SARA BONATI (Substitute)



I Semester

START Wednesday 21September 2022 p.m. (unless otherwise indicated)




For attending students (70-75% of the hours attended) there will be a written test at the end of the course (specific information on this will be given at the beginning of the course)


The oral test includes discussion, also with the help of graphs, maps and tables, proposed on aulaweb or present on the texts in the program, useful for understanding the territory intended as a central node for the study of contact and interactions between different identities. 

(if the provisions on social distancing are not so restrictive, a written test reserved for students attending synchronous streaming lessons can be agreed upon)
The oral test includes discussion, also with the help of graphs, maps and tables, proposed on aulaweb or present on the texts in the program, useful for understanding the territory intended as a central node for the study of contact and interactions between different identities. 


For attending students (70-75% of the hours attended) there will be a written test at the end of the course (specific information on this will be given at the beginning of the course)


The oral test includes discussion, also with the help of graphs, maps and tables, proposed on aulaweb or present on the texts in the program, useful for understanding the territory intended as a central node for the study of contact and interactions between different identities. 

The oral examination will be assessed on the basis: 
a) Knowledge of the topics covered in the course (65%)
(b) Quality of oral exposure/ability to present arguments and critical approach to the discipline (25%)
c) Mastery of specific vocabulary (10%)


Exam schedule

Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note
10/01/2024 14:00 GENOVA Orale
24/01/2024 14:00 GENOVA Orale
16/02/2024 14:00 GENOVA Orale
16/02/2024 14:00 GENOVA Orale
21/05/2024 14:00 GENOVA Orale
04/06/2024 14:00 GENOVA Orale
18/06/2024 14:00 GENOVA Orale
11/07/2024 14:00 GENOVA Orale
11/09/2024 14:00 GENOVA Orale


All students are invited to periodically consult the page for this teaching on the AulaWeb e-learning portal (accessible from the University website or at: All information and materials relating to this teaching are published exclusively on that site.

Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals

Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals
No poverty
No poverty
Zero hunger
Zero hunger
Quality education
Quality education
Gender equality
Gender equality
Reduce inequality
Reduce inequality
Responbile consumption and production
Responbile consumption and production
Peace, justice and strong institutions
Peace, justice and strong institutions