CODE 56018 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 2 cfu anno 3 SCIENZE E TECNICHE PSICOLOGICHE 8751 (L-24) - GENOVA LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The Developmental Psychopathology Laboratory is an experiential completion of the theoretical part of the course and is designed as a space for active student participation. The discussion of clinical cases will be based on the Developmental Psychopathology framework. This approach has as its cardinal principles: the continuity between normality and pathology, between childhood and adult life, between risk and protective factors, and the use of an evolutionary perspective. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The workshop aims to introduce students to the essential and operational parameters of psychodiagnostic assessment of children and adolescents, from a psychodynamic perspective, within the theoretical framework of Developmental Psychopathology. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The aim of the laboratory is to introduce the essential and operational parameters of psychodiagnostic assessment of the child and his/her family within the theoretical framework of Developmental Psychopathology. The intended learning outcomes relate to the exploration and understanding of the methods inherent in the psychodiagnostic process of the child and his or her family. More specifically, through participation in the planned classroom activities, by the end of the course students will be able to - describe the main steps related to the psychodiagnostic process of the child and his/her family; - apply the acquired knowledge in terms of psychodiagnostic tools and processes useful in analyzing a case in developmental psychopathology; - design a psychodiagnostic process for the child and his/her family's request for help; - manage one's interactions with a cooperative attitude that allows for good negotiation between different opinions, adapting one's communication to the specific context; - reflect on one's skills, develop critical thinking, and manage complexity in carrying out the psychodiagnostic process; - reflect on learned and unlearned skills and evaluate learning according to individual needs. TEACHING METHODS Lectures will be frequently alternated with small group learning and plenary exercises that allow for active and cooperative learning. Clinical cases will be discussed, exercises related to psychodiagnostic testing will be proposed, role-playing on clinical interviews will be conducted. Homework assignments will be assigned and then will be discussed in plenary and small group. SYLLABUS/CONTENT It will address the issue concerning the specific nature of psychopathology and clinical model in childhood. The following topics will be covered: developmental psychopathology and psychoanalysis; psychodiagnostic assessments; clinical history; clinical interview and questionnaires; relationship with parents; observation; introduction to some psychodiagnostic tools; clinical case practice; developmental psychopathology and professional ethics. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY - Panarello, L. (2022). Psicopatologia dello sviluppo. Modelli d'intervento con bambini e genitori nella pratica psicoanalitica. Franco Angeli: Milano. - Cursio, L. (2004). Guida pratica alla consultazione psicodiagnostica in età evolutiva. Milano: Franco Angeli. - Lambruschi, F. (2014). Psicoterapia cognitiva dell'età evolutiva. Procedure di assessment e strategie psicoterapeutiche. Roma: Carocci. - Lambruschi, F., Lionetti, F. (a cura di) (2015). La genitorialità. Strumenti di valutazione e interventi di sostegno. Roma: Carocci. - Bertaccini, F., Lambruschi, F. (a cura di) (2022). Psicoterapia cognitiva dell'adolescente. Setting clinico e strategie di intervento. Roma: Carocci. - Siegel, D. J., & Bryson, T. P. (2012). 12 strategie rivoluzionarie per favorire lo sviluppo mentale del bambino. Una guida pratica con esercizi, schede e giochi. Milano: Raffaello Cortina. - Ferro, A. (1992). La tecnica nella psicoanalisi infantile. Milano: Raffaello Cortina. - Vallino, D. (1998). Raccontami una storia. Dalla consultazione all’analisi dei bambini. Roma: Borla TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD SIMONE CHARPENTIER MORA Ricevimento: Please contact the teacher by e-mail at STEFANIA MUZI Exam Board SIMONE CHARPENTIER MORA (President) LAURA MIGLIORINI STEFANIA MUZI (President Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START Dr. Charpentier Mora (1st semester, Wednesday afternoon at the Albergo dei Poveri). Schedule: November 8, 15, 22, 29, 2023 (2-6 pm), December 6, 2023 (2-6 pm). Dr. Stefania Muzi (1st semester, Monday morning at the DiSFor). Schedule: November 6, 13, 20, 27, 2023, December 4, 2023 (2-6 pm). Dr. Simone Charpentier Mora (2nd semester, Thursday morning at the DiSFor). Schedule: February 29, 2024, March 7, 14, 21, 2024 and April 4 2024 (8-12 am). Dr. Stefania Muzi (2nd semester, Monday morning at the DiSFor). Schedule: February 26, 2024, Marc 4, 11, 18, 25, 2024 (10-14 am). Class schedule -LABORATORY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OF DEVELOPMENT - EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Written test ASSESSMENT METHODS The evaluation is based on the following criteria: frequency, active participation in working groups, adequacy of the submitted paper. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 17/01/2024 11:00 GENOVA Laboratorio 31/01/2024 11:00 GENOVA Laboratorio 12/02/2024 11:00 GENOVA Laboratorio 22/05/2024 11:00 GENOVA Laboratorio 05/06/2024 11:00 GENOVA Laboratorio 19/06/2024 11:00 GENOVA Laboratorio 10/07/2024 11:00 GENOVA Laboratorio 11/09/2024 11:00 GENOVA Laboratorio OpenBadge PRO3 - Soft skills - Imparare a imparare base 1 - A PRO3 - Soft skills - Sociale base 1 - A PRO3 - Soft skills - Personale base 1 - A PRO3 - Soft skills - Alfabetica base 1 - A