CODE 80251 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 5 cfu anno 3 SCIENZE GEOLOGICHE 8763 (L-34) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR GEO/03 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester PREREQUISITES Propedeuticità in ingresso Per sostenere l'esame di questo insegnamento è necessario aver sostenuto i seguenti esami: Earth Sciences 8763 (coorte 2021/2022) EEXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS 25934 2021 PHISICAL GEOGTRAPHY AND CARTOGRAPHY 52415 2021 MINERALOGY 57251 2021 PALEONTOLOGY 64866 2021 GENERAL AND INORGANIC CHEMISTRY WITH LABORATORY 65847 2021 GEOLOGY 1 72871 2021 ENGLISH 72877 2021 GEOLOGY 2 80270 2021 ELEMENTS OF MATHEMATIC 91034 2021 MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: FIELD GEOLOGY AND GEOLOGICAL MAPS TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The course provides the basic instruments for reading and interpretation of the geological maps. The course aims also to train the students in the construction of geologic cross-sections across any fundamental geological structure. The course includes lectures, readings, and a cross-section exercises. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The attendance and participation to the planned educational activities, will provide students the basic knowledge of geological maps and geological cross-sections. In detail, the student will be able to: recognize and describe the geological forms and structures on geological maps; recognize and represent in two dimensions the 3D geometrical characteristics of rock bodies; reconstruct the geological history of an area from the interpretation of the geological map; select the correct methods and techniques to solve specific problems applied to geological maps; apply the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge to the analysis and description of the geology of a selected area; use the correct methodology to realize detailed geologic cross-sections; use of a a vector graphics package for drawind geologic cross-section TEACHING METHODS Frontal teaching classes, practicals and tutorials. Please refer to AulaWeb for further informations about the measures for the prevention and management of the epidemiological emergency caused by Covid-19 SYLLABUS/CONTENT The course syllabus includes presentation and discussion of the following main topics: - Geological maps: history and uses of geological maps, cartography and geologic maps, printed and digital geological maps - Attitude, true dip and apparent dip, thickness, shape of geologic objects and their representations on a map – Structure Contour line and their use – Representation of surfaces on maps - Three-point problems - Types of geological surfaces - Basic geometrical features of geological surfaces and structures (i.e.; limits, folds, faults) - Overlapping and juxtaposition relationships, heteropy and unconformity - Cross-cutting relations - Representation and interpretation of 3D geological forms on maps – Elements of a geological maps - Reading and interpretation of a geological map – main rules and methods for making geological cross-sections – Practical exercises for making a geological cross-section - Practical field exercises RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Slides and exercises proposed during the lessons will be available on AulaWeb at the end of each cycle of lessons / laboratory exercises. National and international geological maps that are available online . The suggested books are referred to as supporting texts, but students can still use other university level texts. Some textbooks recommended: Bennison G.M., Moseley K.A .Geological structure & maps. 7th edition Hodder 2003. - Bolton T. Geological Maps. Their solutions and interpretation Cambridge - University Press (1989). - Lisle R.J. Geological structures and maps. A practical guide - Pergamon Press 2003. - Simpson B. Lettura delle carte geologiche - Dario Flaccovio Ed. 2003, 107 pp.- Ragan D.M. Structural geology: an introduction to geometrical techniques. Cambridge University Press - Rowland S.M. Structural analysis and synthesis : a laboratory course in structural geology - Blackwell Sc. Publ. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD LAURA CRISPINI Ricevimento: Contact Prof. Laura Crispini via e-mail ( to arrange an appointment. Exam Board LAURA CRISPINI (President) FRANCO ELTER (President) PAOLA CIANFARRA LAURA FEDERICO MICHELE LOCATELLI LESSONS LESSONS START For lessons start and timetable please go to the following link: Class schedule INTRODUCTION TO GEOLOGICAL MAPS EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The exam in Module 2 consists of a written and an oral part. The final exam is the integration of tests of the two modules of the Course. Written Examination: realization of 2 geological cross-sections on geological maps illustrated during the course. To pass with success the examination the vote has to be at least 18/30 for each section. Oral Examination: questions on the main arguments explained during the course, reading and discussion of geological maps. The oral test can be taken after passing the written test of Module 2. Please refer to AulaWeb for further informations about the measures for the prevention and management of the epidemiological emergency caused by Covid-19 ASSESSMENT METHODS At the end of the course the student is expected to have acquired the appropriate knowledge and concepts for reading and interpreting geological maps and realize basic geologic cross-sections. The verification is made with practical excercises during the classes and with the written examinations using first elementary geological maps and then other geological maps of the national geological service. The ability of the student to discuss properly the arguments related to the interpretation of geological maps and the use of an appropriate terminology will also be evaluated. FURTHER INFORMATION Although attending the module is not mandatory, it is very important and highly recommended to join both classes and practical activities. Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals Quality education Gender equality Affordable and clean energy Decent work and economic growth Industry, innovation and infrastructure Responbile consumption and production Climate action Life below water Life on land