CODE 62222 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 9 cfu anno 3 SCIENZE GEOLOGICHE 8763 (L-34) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR GEO/05 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER Annual PREREQUISITES Propedeuticità in ingresso Per sostenere l'esame di questo insegnamento è necessario aver sostenuto i seguenti esami: Earth Sciences 8763 (coorte 2021/2022) EEXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS 25934 2021 PHISICAL GEOGTRAPHY AND CARTOGRAPHY 52415 2021 MINERALOGY 57251 2021 PALEONTOLOGY 64866 2021 GENERAL AND INORGANIC CHEMISTRY WITH LABORATORY 65847 2021 GEOLOGY 1 72871 2021 ENGLISH 72877 2021 ELEMENTS OF MATHEMATIC 91034 2021 MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: ENGINEERING GEOLOGY, HYDROGEOLOGY AND ENVIROMENTAL LEGISLATION TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The aim of the course is to provide students with the basic knowledge of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology: a) analysis and classification of rocks and soils; b) subsurface investigations; c) in-situ geotechnical tests, laboratory testing for soils and rocks; d) slope monitoring methods (main outlines); e) basic concepts of hydrogeology. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the course, the student should demonstrate to know the basic aspects concerning Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology. In particular, the student gains the following skills and abilities: a) characterization of geological materials (i.e., soils and rocks); b) estimation of physical and mechanical properties of soils and rocks; c) estimation of hydrogeological properties of soils and rock masses; d) recognition and characterization of aquifers; d) analysis of groundwater flow patterns and identification of the most suitable solutions for groundwater exploitation. TEACHING METHODS The course is based on lectures and laboratory activities. Attendance to lectures and laboratory activities is strongly recommended Lectures are performed through multimedia presentations dealing with theoretical arguments. Laboratory activities aim at applying theoretical knowledge by solving practical problems. They include both individual tasks and tutorials carried out and discussed with the teacher. In particular, the following activities will be developed: - Tutorials concerning soil identification and classification, lithostatic stress calculations for different stratigraphic settings; interpretation of data deriving from in situ and laboratory tests. SYLLABUS/CONTENT The course deals with the following topics: Elements of soil mechanics: soil description and classification; hydraulic conductivity and seepage processes; effective stresses, consolidation, shear strength. Elements of hydrogeology: introduction to the hydrologic cycle; hydrological behaviour of soils and rocks; hydrogeological parameters of soils, rocks and aquifers; Darcy's law and principles of groundwater flow in porous material; hints of unsaturated materials, classification of springs; water table and potentiometric surface maps; wells and principles of groundwater resource exploitation. Methods and techniques for subsoil investigation: design of field surveys; preliminary studies; wells and boreholes. In-situ geotechnical tests: strength and stiffness tests; permeability tests; geotechnical equipment and device. Landslides: landslide predisposing and triggering factors; landslide types and processes; engineering-geological investigations in landslide areas; hints of landslide monitoring techniques. Elements of rock mechanics: physical and mechanical properties of rocks; stress and strain; strength and stiffness of intact rocks and discontinuities; strength and stiffness of rock masses; geomechanical characterization of rock masses; geomechanical classifications (RMR and SMR indices). RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Learning material provided during the course and available on Aulaweb. The suggested bibliography for any further information is the following: Casadio M., Elmi C. (1995) – Il Manuale del Geologo. Pitagora Editrice, Bologna. Cestari F. (2005) – Prove geotecniche in sito. Ed. Geo-Graph. 3^ Ed. Civita M. (2005) – Idrogeologia applicata e ambientale. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana. Colombo P., Colleselli F. (1996) – Elementi di geotecnica. II^ Ed. Zanichelli, Bologna. Gonzalez de Vallejo L. (2005) - Geoingegneria. Pearson – Prentice Hall Ed. Gattinoni P., Pizzarotti E., Scattolini E., Scesi L. (2004) – Stabilità dei pendii e dei fronti di scavo in roccia. Edizioni PEI. Scesi L., Papini M., Gattinoni P. (2006) – Geologia Applicata. Il rilevamento geologico – tecnico. Vol. 1, II Ediz. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD GIACOMINO PEPE Ricevimento: To schedule an appointment, students are invited to send an email or to contact by phone or by AulaWeb. ANDREA CEVASCO Ricevimento: To be agreed with the teacher (e-mail). Exam Board ANDREA CEVASCO (President) GIACOMINO PEPE EDOARDO GIOVANNI DE STEFANIS (President Substitute) PIERLUIGI GIORGIO BRANDOLINI (Substitute) MARCO FERRARI (Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START The lessons timetable is available at the following link: Class schedule ENGINERING GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The exam consists of a written test (optional) during the course and a final oral exam. The written test consists of some questions on topics dealing with aspects of soils mechanics and hydrogeology. The oral exam is aimed at verifying the acquired knowledge and comprehension of subjects covered within the course along with the level of student's ability to present. The final mark is given by the weighted average of the marks obtained from the written test and the oral exam. Students with learning disorders “”disturbi specifici di apprendimento”, DSA) will be allowed to use specific modalities and supports that will be determined on a case-by-case basis in agreement with the delegate of the department in the Committee for the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities. ASSESSMENT METHODS The written test carried out during the course is aimed at verifying the degree of the acquired knowledge of the topics covered in the classroom. Oral examination is aimed at verifying acquired knowledge and comprehension of subjects covered within the course as well as the student's capability to address simple problems. The level of student's ability to present along with the correct use of technical terminology will be also evaluated. Details on how to prepare for the exams and the level of detail required for each topic will be provided during lectures. FURTHER INFORMATION Attendance is optional Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals Industry, innovation and infrastructure Life on land