CODE 67885 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 1 cfu anno 1 FISIOTERAPIA 9281 (L/SNT2) - GE SAN MARTINO 1 cfu anno 1 FISIOTERAPIA 9281 (L/SNT2) - PIETRA LIGURE 1 cfu anno 1 FISIOTERAPIA 9281 (L/SNT2) - CHIAVARI 1 cfu anno 1 FISIOTERAPIA 9281 (L/SNT2) - LA SPEZIA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR MED/48 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GE SAN MARTINO PIETRA LIGURE CHIAVARI LA SPEZIA SEMESTER 1° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: KINESIOLOGY, BIOMECHANICS AND GENERAL REHABILITATION TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The biomechanics course deals with the basic elements of the biomechanics of the tissues making up the musculoskeletal system on the effects that mechanical stresses, whether static or dynamic, have on the structures involved in movement. The same is divided into two didactic modules. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The online course is completed with a view of all the video sessions and the passing of the self-evaluation test, the score of which is indicative of a level of learning that the teacher will test through the exam in attendance. After you have passed all online self-assessment tests you will receive a badge. You can see the list of badges by clicking on your name in the top right and then on the Dashboard. Badge release is not immediate as it happens through a timed procedure. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The first module deals with the meaning and relevance of biomechanics and related disciplines for the profession of physiotherapist. The second module deals with the basic elements of soft tissue biomechanics in general and the effects of mechanical stress on said tissues. At the end of the first module the student must be able to: Know and understand the meaning of the discipline of biomechanics in the context of kinesiology Know briefly the biomechanics glossary in Italian and the essential English-speaking terms Know and understand the basic terminology of kinematics, apply the correct terminology to describe a given movement, from the osteocinematic point of view Know and understand the basic terminology of arthrocinematics and apply the correct terminology Know and understand, in the field of physics, the basic terminology of kinetics At the end of the second module the student must be able to: Know the basic elements of the biomechanics of soft tissues and articular cartilage, fibrocartilage, intervertebral disc, including the mechanical properties of the nucleus pulposus and the fibrous ring. Know the basic elements of the biomechanics of the ligaments and the capsule. Know the basic elements of tendon and muscle biomechanics. Understand and define, in relation to these tissues, the concepts of: torque, arm, mechanical advantage TEACHING METHODS The biomechanics course is delivered in person through: lectures, theoretical-practical simulations / exercises for a total of 10 hours (1 CFU) Students with SLD, disability or other special educational needs certification are strongly encouraged to contact the teachers at the beginning of the course to agree on teaching methods which, respecting the teaching objectives, take into account individual learning methods and provide suitable compensatory instruments SYLLABUS/CONTENT Cartilage, intervertebral disc, ligaments and tendons, elementary knowledge on the composition and structure of different tissues, how to adapt to mechanical stress. Relations between mechanics and biomechanics, a definition of biomechanics, a definition of kinematics, the concept of the body in biomechanics. Angle of insertion, agonist muscle, antagonist muscle, axis of rotation, axial rotation, center of gravity, flexion, maximum joint congruence (close-packed position), minimum joint congruence (loose-packed position) creep, degrees of freedom, distraction, elasticity, external force, internal force, force torque, joint reaction force, kinetic chain, arm, mechanical advantage, osteocinematics, plasticity, rotation (roll), shear force (shear), spin, strain, stress, tension, torsion, torque , viscoelasticity, translation. Types of movement, translation and rotation. Concepts of rotation axis, degrees of freedom of a joint, kinetic chain. The conventional "concave-convex" law, the concept of arthrokinematics, the main movements considered in arthrokinematics the corresponding international terminology. The definition of kinetics; the concepts, borrowed from physics, of force, mass, acceleration RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Dvir z., Clinical Biomechanics, Churchill & Livingstone - Philadelphia 2000, Isbn 0-443-07945-5 Neumann D. A., Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system, Mosby - 2002, Isbn 08151634975 TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD ANDREA FUSCO Ricevimento: The teacher receives by appointment, taken with a request via e-mail: CONTACTS OF THE TEACHER email: Exam Board SUSANNA ACCOGLI (President) ALESSIA BARONE ANDREA BIANCHI LAURA BONZANO EMMA CERIONI LETIZIA DE MARCHI LAURA FARAGUTI FRANCESCA FARINA ANDREA FUSCO DANIELA GARAVENTA ANTONINO MASSONE GRETA NUNZIATI FLORIANA ROMANO LAURA ROSSI DANIELA SPINA ANDREA ZERILLI ALESSANDRO ROBUTTI (President and Coordinator of Integrated Course) LESSONS LESSONS START Lessons will take place in the 1st semester of the 1st year Timetable of lessons: The timetable of all courses can be consulted on Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The exam is oral. The grade will be mediated with the evaluations obtained in the other disciplines of the I.C. (Integrated Course) Exam sessions will be available for the winter session (January - February) and for the summer session (June, July and September). ASSESSMENT METHODS It includes at least 2 questions asked by the teachers in charge of teaching It will be aimed at evaluating an appropriate knowledge of the topics covered in module e however on all those specified in the program Students with SLD or with other regularly certified special educational needs will be able to agree with the teacher the written or oral modality, by contacting the teachers at least 10 days before the exam. They can also take advantage of 30% additional time Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 23/01/2024 09:00 GENOVA Orale 09/02/2024 09:00 GENOVA Orale 14/06/2024 09:00 GENOVA Orale 02/07/2024 09:00 GENOVA Orale 18/07/2024 09:00 GENOVA Orale 03/09/2024 09:00 GENOVA Orale 17/09/2024 09:00 GENOVA Orale FURTHER INFORMATION In the case of a student with a certified SLD, it is necessary to contact the Referent Professor of the DISABILITY and SLD Commission for DINOGMI: Prof. N. Girtler ( and, after evaluating the individual case, will send the teachers the necessary information both for the development of the lessons and the way in which the exam is carried out. The Integrated Course is preparatory to the first year internship exam