CODE 65520 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 2 cfu anno 2 LOGOPEDIA 9282 (L/SNT2) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR MED/39 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: APPLIED NEUROSCIENCES I TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB AIMS AND CONTENT AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES TRAINING GOALS (DETAIL) Teaching aims to: - Introduce students to developmental neuropsychology; - provide students with the basics of the neurobiological maturation processes underlying language development; - to have students acquire language development in different components with a focus on the pragmatic-contextual component. - develop in students the basics of understanding and language production, the relationship between the development of oral language and learning of reading and writing; - develop in students the knowledge of the functional profiles and the tools for evaluating the different neuropsychological functions (e.g. attention/executive functions, memory, perception, etc.) and modules specific to each individual neuropsychological function. - develop in students knowledge of neuropsychological functioning and subject assessment (functional mapping) in relation to different pathologies specific to evolutionary age. - develop in students the knowledge of the differences between nosographic and functional/neuropsychological assessment. - provide students with the basics of neuroplasticity and functional recovery; - provide students with a general understanding of the principles of the rehabilitative approach in the different areas of atypical development, with a focus on Language Specific Disorders (DSL) and Learning (DSA) and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD); - introduce the issues related to the different existing rehabilitation tools; - develop in students the knowledge about the neuropsychological functioning of the subject (functional mapping) in physiological development and in relation to the different pathologies specific to the evolutionary age as the basis for the design of multidisciplinary enabler/rehabilitation care according to a cognitive approach. EXPECTED LEARNING RESULTS At the end of the teaching, the student will be able to: - Know the different functions and modules specific to each individual neuropsychological function; - Describe the development, organization and pathology of language functions and their relationship with other neuropsychological functions (e.g. perception, memory, attention) and with written language learning; - Explain the salient deficits/features and assessment in different specific and non-evolutionary age disorders (with a focus on specific language and learning disorders and autism spectrum disorders). - Know and apply multiple assessment tools; - Underline the positive effects in terms of the delineation of the neuropsychological profile, recognizing in the functional neuropsychological profile of the individual the strengths and weaknesses, the acquired functions, the emerging and those not acquired, the objectives of short, medium and long-term intervention; - Know: the concepts of neuroplasticity and functional recovery, the principles of the rehabilitative approach; - Design and implement enable/rehabilitative therapy plans, according to rigorous and effective techniques, for the child and adolescent; - Know, explain and apply some enabler/rehabilitative tools, critically assessing their effectiveness and developing the ability to work in groups and supervision. TEACHING METHODS The lessons are carried out in the front with interactive and participatory modality by the students so that the experiences made in the theory can be correlated. You use for this purpose the personal narration, the comparison in the class. The program is summarized by slides (Power Point) and complemented by relevant videos, integrated with the presentation of clinical cases and implementation of simulations/tutorials. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Neuropsychology of the development age Introduction Methodology Language Neuropsychology - Neurobiological maturation processes underlying language development - Language development in different components with a focus on the pragmatic-contextual component. The evaluation of communication and language. - Specific or primitive Disorders of Language Development (DSL): Nosographic Classification (DSM 5; ICD-10); Neuropsychological classification (Rapin and Allen) and clinic. - Acquired language disorders: Afasie - General principles and language rehabilitation nods Attention Neuropsychology: - Selectivity and Intensity Dimensions - Executive Functions Neuropsychology of Memory Memory development - Memory models Introduction to Specific Learning Disorders (DSA) - Dyslexia/ Dys spelling/ Dysgraphia/ Discalculia - Nosographic Classification (DSM 5; ICD-10) - From Assessment (clinical and functional diagnosis) to Multidisciplinary Load - Know and Apply some Enable/Rehabilitation tools (both computerized and paper). Neuropsychology and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) - Neuropsychological theories: theory of mind, theory of weak central coherence, theory deficits in executive functions. - Emotion neuropsychology. - From cognitive, neuropsychological and behavioural assessment to taking charge integrated multidisciplinary work. - - Evolutionary/cognitive behavioural therapeutic interventions; - Sensory perception: tools for evaluating/creating sensory-perceptual profiles; nods intervention. - Presentation of some intervention tools (e.g. social stories) Neuropsychology and Epilepsy - Neuropsychological profiles - Neuropsychological treatments and integrated care in Epilepsy RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY The examination will mainly focus on handouts, documents and articles provided by the teacher. Recommended Texts: Vicari S., Caselli MC. (a cura di), “Neuropsicologia dello sviluppo”, Il Mulino, Bologna,2010. Recommended Reading - Vicari S., Valeri G., Fava L., “L’autismo. Dalla diagnosi al trattamento, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2012. - Dawson G. e Rogers S., Earl Start Denver Model. Intervento precoce per l’Autismo. Linguaggio, apprendimento e reciprocità sociale. Omega Edizioni, Torino, 2010. - Marotta L., Caselli MC, “Disturbi del linguaggio. Caratteristiche, Valutazione, Trattamento”. Ed.Erickson, Trento, 2014. - Cornoldi C. “Difficoltà e disturbi dell’apprendimento”, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2007 - Battaglia F.M, Epidendio V., Schenone S., Pyrovolaki P., La giornata di Niki. Una storia con attività di potenziamento della comunicazione. Ed. Erickson, Trento, 2015. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD IRENE MEOLA Exam Board MAURIZIO BALESTRINO (President) LAURA MORI (President) ANDREA ESCELSIOR MARINA GRANDIS IRENE MEOLA LINO NOBILI (President and Coordinator of Integrated Course) LESSONS LESSONS START You can refer to the hour voice of lessons Class schedule PEDIATRIC PSYCHOLOGY EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The examination takes place in an oral form that also allows to share the modalities of study used by the student and to clarify any doubts; Initially a subject is asked to be preferred by the student, to move successively to two other arguments at the discretion of the teacher, of which at least one is inherent in the brief discussion of a clinical case with indication of the salient points of the project Rehabilitation. Further questions can be made if the student does not respond correctly and/or appears uncertain about the first. ASSESSMENT METHODS Ability to orient itself within the program, to make links between the characteristics of the neuropsychological profile (emerging, acquired and unacquired functions) and the objectives of the rehabilitation project in the short to medium and long term, Clarity and specificity in the exposure, coherence and correctness of data content in response Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 22/01/2024 14:30 GENOVA Orale 07/02/2024 14:30 GENOVA Orale 14/06/2024 14:30 GENOVA Orale 27/06/2024 14:30 GENOVA Orale 03/07/2024 14:30 GENOVA Orale 05/09/2024 14:30 GENOVA Orale 19/09/2024 14:30 GENOVA Orale FURTHER INFORMATION The examination may not be supported unless the relative propedeucity is respected. As these are integrated course exams, not passing a single discipline involves the repetition of the entire exam.