CODE 83831 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 2 DIGITAL HUMANITIES - COMUNICAZIONE E NUOVI MEDIA 9913 (LM-92) - SAVONA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR ING-INF/05 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION SAVONA SEMESTER 1° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The course deals with the design of flexible, accessible and robust web applications. Students will develop skills in creating effective user-centered web pages compliant to standards and following recent trends, based on the analysis of users’ needs, information architecture, usability and accessibility criteria, and functionalities. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Students will develop skills in creating effective user-centered web applications compliant to standards and following recent trends, based on the analysis of users’ needs, information architecture, usability and accessibility criteria, and functionalities. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES Web technologies are pushing rapid changes in software solutions, also reflecting on society and humans' behaviours. The objective ot the course is making students aware of Web design issues. Learning outcomes will be: understanding the role of technology in the evolution of Web design, knowing basics of HTML and CSS, understanding structures and concepts of layout design, using patterns, understanding development frameworks, developing prototypes. PREREQUISITES Basics in Computer Science. TEACHING METHODS Active lectures and hands-on labs. Classes are also held synchronously, remotely, via the Teams platform. Please note that the university laboratory and rooms meet more common accessibility criteria and they can be enhanced with specific aids and supporting technologies to make easy using computers for everyone, according to their specific needs. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Basics on the Internet and the WWW (recall) Web design history and trends Languages and tools for the Web Basic principles of web graphics Web design Frameworks Hands-on lab The course partially contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda UN 2030 No. 10 "Reducing Inequality" and No. 11 "Sustainable Cities and Communities" by addressing web accessibility (W3CAG) and universal design. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Teacher notes available via Aulaweb. Also: E-books on web trends available at the URL Mathis, L. (2016). Designed for use: Creating usable interfaces for applications and the web. People who cannot attend lessons will make reference to the contents in the many links suggested within the notes and watch the recordings of the lessons via Teams. Please note that the provided learning materials meet more common accessibility criteria, however they can be arranged in different formats, if needed, to improve their ease-of-use, according to each students' specific needs. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD MAURO COCCOLI Ricevimento: On lectures' days, at the Savona Universtity Campus. On appointment, at the Department DIBRIS in Genoa. On appointment, via Teams. Exam Board MAURO COCCOLI (President) GIANNI VIARDO VERCELLI GIOVANNI ADORNI (President Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START First semester 2023/2024 Thet timetable will be available at: Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION At the end of the course, students will have to illustrate their project works, carried out applying the notions acquired during the theoretical lessons and using the tools illustrated in the practical exercises. ASSESSMENT METHODS The project work aims to proving that the students have acquired Web design capabilities and skills in using tools. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 17/01/2024 09:00 SAVONA Scritto 31/01/2024 09:00 SAVONA Scritto 14/02/2024 09:00 SAVONA Scritto 04/06/2024 09:00 SAVONA Scritto 04/06/2024 09:00 SAVONA Scritto 28/06/2024 09:00 SAVONA Scritto 28/06/2024 09:00 SAVONA Scritto 12/07/2024 09:00 SAVONA Scritto 12/07/2024 09:00 SAVONA Scritto 11/09/2024 09:00 SAVONA Scritto 11/09/2024 09:00 SAVONA Scritto FURTHER INFORMATION Students with disabilities or learning disorders are allowed to use specific modalities and supports that will be determined on a case-by-case basis in agreement with the Delegate of the Engineering courses in the Committee for the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities. Students are invited to contact the teacher of this course and copy the Delegate (