CODE 66309 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 2 INGEGNERIA DELL'ENERGIA 11438 (L-9) - SAVONA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR ING-IND/33 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION SAVONA SEMESTER 1° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The course of "Electric Systems for Energy" is of very important in the background of an industrial engineer, who needs in-depth knowledge on the production, distribution and use of electricity topics and who must be able to manage optimally processes based on the use of electricity. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The course aims to provide the basic knowledge of circuit theory and functional aspects of electrical systems, with the aim of grasping the links between the general principles, the physical reality of the phenomena described and the technological applications AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The course would like to provide the basic knowledge of the theory of circuits and to analyse aspects of electrical systems, with the aim of linking together the general principles, the physical of the phenomena described and the applications at industrial level. This basic knowledge will be of fundamental importance to the student in his subsequent training course in the energy engineering sector, since themes today of strong industrial and social interest, such as modelling of renewable energy sources, smart grids and energy management systems, can not disregard the bases provided by the course of Electrical Systems for Energy. PREREQUISITES Basic knowledge of linear algebra, complex numbers and differential equations TEACHING METHODS Mix of theoretical lessons and resolution of practical test networks. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Bipoles and lumped parameters approach. Stationary linear networks. Kirchhoff laws, Thevenin, Norton and Tellegen theorems. General properties of linear circuits Linear networks in dynamic evolution: charge and discharge of capacitors and inductors. Sinusoidal steady-state analysis: phasors. Power and energy. Series and Parallel resonance. Power factor compensation. Thre-phase systems. Measure of electrical quantities. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Charles K. Alexander, Matthew N. O. Sadiku, “Circuiti Elettrici”, McGraw-Hill Companies, 2008. M. Fauri, F. Gnesotto, G. Marchesi, A. Maschio, "Lezioni di Elettrotecnica", Vol. I - Elettrotecnica Generale, progetto Leonardo, Società Editrice Esculapio, Bologna. M. Fauri, F. Gnesotto, G. Marchesi, A. Maschio, "Lezioni di Elettrotecnica", Vol. III - Esercitazioni, progetto Leonardo, Società Editrice Esculapio, Bologna. A. Andreotti, S. Celozzi, G. Fabricatore, L. Verolino, "Esercizi e complementi di elettrotecnica", progetto Leonardo, Società Editrice Esculapio, Bologna. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD MASSIMO BRIGNONE Ricevimento: Students that need further clarifications will be received on appointment (e-mail:, both using remote (via Microsotf Teams) as well as frontal meetings. FEDERICO DELFINO Ricevimento: Students that need further clarifications will be received on appointment (e-mail: Exam Board FEDERICO DELFINO (President) MASSIMO BRIGNONE (President Substitute) RENATO PROCOPIO (President Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Attention: due to the nCOVID-19 health emergency, the methods described below may be subject to significant changes. The final test consists of a written and an oral part, where students will be required to solve circuits in steady state, in dynamic evolution or in sinusoidal regime (single-phase or three-phase) and the presentation of theoretical concepts addressed during the course. The written exam is sucesfully passed if the student has obtained a score greater than or equal to 16. To participate in the written test, students must register at least five days before the date of the exam on the website The oral exam will take place in the same session of the written part (during the afternoon or in the following days, according to the number of partecipants). Special cases where students are not able to take the oral part in the same sesson for justified reasons will be examined individually by the Commission. The final score is a weighted average of the results obtained in the two parts. If the oral exam is insufficient, the Commission reserves the right to cancel the written exam as well. A score equal to or greater than 27/30 in the written test does not affect the possibility of obtaining a final grade of 30/30 after the oral test. There will be two partial tests (typically the first between late October and early November, the second in December). Students who will have an average greater than 16 could decide to go directy to the oral part, in one of the fixed calendar date. The overall score with which the oral exam will be accessed is the average of those obtained in the two partial tests. ASSESSMENT METHODS The methodology for evaluating the learning outcomes acquired by the student is based on the continuous interaction in the classroom during the course, in the practical part consisting of solving simple electric circuits, and collect all these information in the oral part of the exam. Details for preparing the exam and the importance of each topic will be given during the theoretical lessons and during the exercises. The written exam will verify the basic knowledge, especially the practical one for resolving circuits, whether in steady state, dynamic and sinusoidal (single-phase and three-phase). The student must be able to answer the questions posed in the problems, adequately motivating them, presenting a clear and ordered paper in which each quantity used must be defined. The numerical result and the proposed solution procedure will also be evaluated. The oral exam will mainly focus on the topics covered during the theoretical lectures and will aim to assess not only whether the student has reached an adequate level of knowledge, but if he has acquired the ability to critically analyze any electrical circuits that will be asked during the exam. The theorems and proofs explained during the theoretical lessons and/or during the exercises will be requested during the oral exam. Accuracy, clarity, personal re-elaboration and the use of correct terminology with which the required concepts will be presented will also be evaluated. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 11/01/2024 09:00 SAVONA Scritto + Orale 08/02/2024 09:00 SAVONA Scritto + Orale 30/05/2024 09:00 SAVONA Scritto + Orale 14/06/2024 09:00 SAVONA Scritto + Orale 19/07/2024 09:00 SAVONA Scritto + Orale 05/09/2024 09:00 SAVONA Scritto + Orale FURTHER INFORMATION Pre-requisites : Mathematical analysis and Physics passed with success at the first year. In particular Students must have learned the main concepts, the scientific method and the critical approach typical of these teaching subjects.