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CODE 84424


Myths and Places of Rome: litterature as a tool for understanding Latin culture

Through the reading of Latins texts, always presented in the original language, the course aims to provide students with an introduction to Roman literature, mythology  and culture.

In the first part, a selection of Latin texts  will be analysed, providing insights into the cultural and architectural context in which ancient Romans lived. 

In the second part, students will be introduced to two significant myths from Latin literature, that hold relevance for both ancient and modern figurative arts: Troy’s final night and the labours of Perseus.



Providing methods and tools for the interpretation of Latin literary texts; identifying the salient features of Latin literature through the placement of the authors in the general plot of literary history, the different literary genres, the traditions of models and style; recognizing the contributions of thought, mental categories and language provided by Latin literature to the formation of European literature and culture.


At the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • assess the peculiar features of the main themes of Roman literature by reading and interpreting the production of the major Roman authors against the cultural background of their time;
  • interpret literary Latin texts on the linguistic, semantic and stylistic level;
  • recognise the recurring motifs of Greco-Roman mythology in Latin literature and their reception in the European culture as well as in modern figurative arts.
  • identify the reception of themes of Latin literature in the modern European culture.


Core of the course will be the reading, translation and interpretation of Latin texts. Therefore, a mandatory prerequisite is a very good knowledge of italian and intermediate skills in Latin language, as well as the ability of critically analyse the main structures of a text (both in Italian and Latin). Starting from the first semester, students will enhance their Latin skills by attending language classes ("esercitazioni"), which are indispensable for those who have never studied Latin before, as well as for those who have not recently exercised their linguistic skills.


The lectures will focus on the discussion and critical analysis of the texts in the reading list; attention will be paid to the literary and anthropological meaning of these texts, as well as to their reception. Educational excursions will be scheduled during class time.

The didactic approach will be based on dialogue; active participation will be encouraged.

The course will be supplemented by language classes; during the first semester, elementary skills in Latin language will be provided; during the second semester, the texts of the reading lists will be analysed.  

Attendance is highly recommended.  Only those who attend classes in presence will be deemed attending students. The teacher, upon specific request by single students, can allow to attend lessons remotely via Teams.

Attending students will be allowed to carry out simulations and in-progress assessments.

Students are encouraged to sign up to the AulaWeb webpage of the course, where all material and information will be shared throughout the term.



Myths and Places of Rome: litterature as a tool for understanding Latin culture

Through the reading of Latins texts, always presented in the original language, the course aims to provide students with an introduction to Roman literature, mythology  and culture.

In the first part, a selection of different Latin texts  will be analysed, providing insights into the cultural, architectural and material context in which ancient Romans lived. Texts will be provided through AulaWeb.

In the second part, the course will focus on two of the most meaningful works of Latin literature. These works outline a portrait of some major characters of classical myth, that will be followed through their reception in literature and figurative arts also through educational excursions. The analysis will focus on Troy’s last night (Virgil, Aeneid, book two) and Perseus, Andromeda and Medusa (Ovid, Metamorphoses, book four).  By comparing such literary elaborations with Hyginus’ mythographic stories, students will improve their skills in Latin language and translation. 

All texts will be read in Latin. In addition to the reading list, students are required to study the history of Latin literature (a list of the principal arguments will be provided at the beginning of the course).

Lectures will be supplemented by language classes ; during the first semester, elementary skills in Latin language will be provided; during the second semester, the texts of the reading lists will be analysed.  


A booklet containing all the exam texts will be provided through AulaWeb at the beginnning of the course.

History of Latin literature - Recommended textbook

Gian Biagio Conte, Profilo storico della Letteratura Latina dalle origini alla tarda età imperiale, Le Monnier / Mondadori Education.

Latin grammar - Recommended textbook

Marco Fucecchi, Luca Graverini, La lingua latina. Fondamenti di morfologia e sintassi, Le Monnier / Mondadori Education.

Latin texts – Recommended translations:

Igino, Miti del mondo classico, a cura di Fabio Gasti, Rusconi, Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna 2017

Virgilio, Eneide, vol. 1: Libri I-II, a cura di Ettore Paratore, Luca Canali, Mondadori, Milano 2012 (Fondazione Lorenzo Valla) or Virgilio, Eneide, a cura di M. Ramous, G.B. Conte, G.L. Baldo, Venezia, Marsilio, 2004

Ovidio, Metamorfosi, vol. 2: Libri III-IV, a cura di Alessandro Barchiesi, Richard John Tarrant, Ludovica Koch, Gianpiero Rosati, Mondadori, Milano 2007 (Fondazione Lorenzo Valla) or Ovidio, Le Metamorfosi, a cura di Gianpiero Rosati, Milano, Rizzoli 1994

non-attending students: further bibliography

G. Ieranò, Eroi. Le grandi saghe della mitologia greca, Marsilio-Feltrinelli, Milano, 2019


M. Lentano, Enea. L'ultimo dei Troiani il primo dei Romani, Salerno, Roma, 2020

Further bibliography on specific aspects  will be provided during the semester.


Exam Board



BIAGIO SANTORELLI (President Substitute)

ARIANNA FECIT (Substitute)

LISA LONGONI (Substitute)

LARA NICOLINI (Substitute)



Language classes will start on 19th September; the course on February 2024.



During the oral exam, students will be required:

  1. To answer questions on the major Roman authors and literary works and on the evolution of literary genres;
  2. to demonstrate their skills in Latin language and textual analysis by translating and commenting the listed texts;
  3. To discuss classical myths and their reception.

Reading list:

Places of Rome

All the texts contained in the booklet provided through AulaWeb at the beginning of the lessons.

Troy’s last night

Virgil, Aeneid, Book II, vv. 1-56; 199-265; 515-603; 707-804 (students will read the second book of Virgil's Aeneid in its entirety, in translation).

Hyginus, fabulae 108

Perseus, Andromeda and Medusa

Ovid, Metamorphoses, Book IV, vv. 663-803

Hyginus, fabulae  64


The examination will be oral. Students will be required:

  1. to answer questions on the history of Latin literature, discussing the life and works of some of the major Latin authors or the evolution of a literary genre
  2. to translate and analyse a passage of  Hyginus’ fabulae in its linguistic elements
  3. to interpret a poetic passage from the course reading list
  4. to discuss the anthropological and literary meaning of one myth as well as its reception in literature and figurative arts; individual research projects are welcomed.

Grading scale:

30 cum laude - 28: The student is able to answer questions on history of Latin literature throughly and to translate and discuss accurately the suggested texts, outlining their linguistic features;

27 - 23: The student shows an overall knowledge of the history of the Latin literature and of the selected texts, with some flaws that do not prejudice their correct interpretation.

22 - 18: The student shows a partial understanding of the texts, their language and their literary context.

Fail: The student misinterprets the texts and is not able to answer questions of history of literature.

Exam schedule

Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note
23/01/2024 14:30 GENOVA Orale
06/02/2024 14:30 GENOVA Orale
09/05/2024 08:30 GENOVA Orale
04/06/2024 14:30 GENOVA Orale
18/06/2024 14:30 GENOVA Orale
03/07/2024 15:30 GENOVA Orale
04/09/2024 15:30 GENOVA Orale