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CODE 73202


The other activities allow us to broaden the horizon and integrate the acquisition of additional knowledge and skills into disciplinary learning, useful for training and for entering the job market.



The different types of Other activities (recognized according to the art. Recognition for other activities) aim to make the student acquire knowledge, skills and abilities concerning the use of IT tools, the written and oral expression in a foreign language, the insertion in an occupational context, the ability to synthesize and analyze, to manage complex relationships and problem solving.


Participation in educational activities will allow, according to the student's choice:

  • to acquire transversal and broad knowledge with respect to the training course (participation in conferences, seminars, etc.)
  • to acquire extra-curricular skills and competences (participation in workshops)
  • to acquire skills and abilities in the field of foreign languages.

The ability of the student to apply knowledge and skills in the training course is specifically developed through the workshops, participation in excavation campaigns or activities for the enhancement of cultural heritage promoted by the teaching staff of the course, and participation in professional activities of interest for cultural heritage.


The following will be considered valid for recognition as Other knowledge useful for entering the world of work (code 73202):

  • participation in the Erasmus or Cinda programs (1 credit for recipients of a semester scholarship with a minimum of 5 months spent abroad; 2 credits for recipients of a 9-month scholarship with a minimum of 7 months spent abroad; 3 credits for recipients of a 1-year scholarship with a minimum of 10 months spent abroad);
  • proficiency in modern foreign languages other than English as attested by internationally recognized certification (such as DELF, TestDAF, DELE, etc.), granted upon exam success (up to a maximum of 3 credits: 1 credit for level A, 2 credits for level B, and 3 credits for level C);
  • English language proficiency, as demonstrated by an internationally recognized certification awarded after passing a test at a level equivalent to or higher than C1 (1 credit for level C1; 2 credits for level C2);
  • participation in didactic laboratories organized as part of the degree course or connected to the course's educational objectives. (the Laboratories activated each year by the CdS are published on the website at the page;
  • participation in Summer Schools or other training programs held by universities or other scientific institutes in Italy or abroad, provided that they are pertinent to the degree course's subject matter;
  • participation in conferences and seminars strictly related to curricular training (up to a maximum of 2 credits), provided that these are initiatives organized by the University or initiatives with prior recognition by the Degree Program as valid for the acquisition of credits or initiatives of particular scientific importance in the opinion of the "Other Credits" Commission (N.B .: the ratio 25 hours = 1 credits remains valid, based on the hours of certified participation, even when other degree courses recognize and indicate a different ratio for their students hours / credits);
  • participation in excavation campaigns, archaeological reconnaissance and post-excavation laboratories;
  • participation in study trips that have received prior recognition by the degree course;
  • IT skills documented thanks to the possession of a Full (1 cfu) or Advanced (2 cfu) level ECDL license, or by passing an ad hoc test prepared by a university teacher.
  • civil service, only if the activities carried out are strictly related to the topics of the degree course (eg cultural activities carried out in museums, libraries, archives).

For students of the curricula in Historical-artistic heritage and in Archival and book heritage for the acquisition of credits of Other knowledge useful for entering the job market (code 73202) further training and orientation internships may be considered valid - linked to the educational purposes of the degree course, in addition to those compulsorily provided for in one's own curriculum, at the request of the student.

Certificates obtained in years prior to university enrollment are not recognized, with the exception of computer skills and linguistic knowledge, provided that the relative certifications have been obtained within the two years prior to the date of presentation to the Course.


Exam Board


GIANLUCA AMERI (President Substitute)

STEFANO GARDINI (President Substitute)



The student must submit to the Further Credits Commission, at least three months before the thesis discussion, the documentation attesting the skills acquired and / or the activities carried out and their duration. The student must also declare that (s)he has not previously used the activity carried out to request the attribution of CFU. The paperwork is available on the course website.


A commission of professors appointed by the Degree Course will assess the congruence and correspondence in credits of the certified training activity.

The Commission in charge of the recognition of other credits is composed of:


Credits for other activities may be included in the first, second, or third year study plan at the student's discretion. Credits can only be recorded if the corresponding code is entered into the study plan.