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CODE 65339
SEMESTER 2° Semester
MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di:



The main purpose of the course is to provide the theoretical and practical knowledge needed to read, translate and understand the epigraphical messages of the Roman era (known as the writing civilization), in their various forms. Another objective of the course is to show and deepen the historical, institutional, social, economic, and cultural aspects contained in every epigraphical document, contextualizing them within the bigger picture of the ancient world, especially that of the Roman era. During the course, there will be several trips involving exercises focusing on the practical application of detecting and cataloguing (hard copy and electronic) of epigraphical documentation, exposed in the museums and collections of Liguria, Emilia and Piemonte.


      A relevant contribution to the knowledge of the Roman world is given by direct sources. Latin epigraphy plays a fundamental role within this, facilitating the identification of the dynamic landscape of Roman civilization including minor, but not negligible, details regarding this culture.
A working knowledge of Latin is not requirement for the course of study.

Learning outcomes
      The main purpose is to provide the theoretical and practical knowledge needed to read, translate and understand the epigraphical messages of the Roman era (known as the writing civilization), in their various forms.
        Another objective of the teaching is to show and deepen the historical, institutional, social, economic, and cultural aspects contained in every epigraphical document, contextualizing them within the bigger picture of the ancient world, especially that of the Roman era.
During the course, there will be several trips involving exercises focusing on the practical application of detecting and cataloguing (hard copy and electronic) of epigraphical documentation, exposed in the museums and collections of Liguria and Piemonte.
By the end of the course the students should have gained skills in:
         - reading, translation, interpretation, dating some epigraphical documents;   - classification of the main categories of inscribed monuments and their writing forms; - analysis of the historical, institutional, economic, social and cultural aspects included in each document; - contextualization of the epigraphical document within the bigger picture of the ancient world, especially of the Roman era; - orientation of bibliographical research and how to supplement and support this with additional sources.


The classes are structured in lectures, totalling 40 hours, and seminary activities (such as the ones that take place in museums and archaeological sites).
During the class, adequate material will be given to the attendees that will aid them to read, learn and translate the epigraphical text, inscribed on monuments, the photographs of which will be given in hard copy and digital form.

Lessons will be held in presence only. Attendance, although not compulsory, is recommended. The non-attending students are requested to keep in contact with the professor.

Students are requested to complete the registration for the related course available on ‘Aula web’.

Please note that it is not permissible to upload study material distributed in class onto private digital platforms.



For students taking the course for 6 cfu

In the introductive part, the following arguments will be discussed: 1. The definitions and characteristics of Latin epigraphy. 2. How an inscription would be prepared. 3. Latin Epigraphy and its interdisciplinary relations. 4 Diffusion and re-use. 5. A brief history of the discipline. 6. The alphabet and the epigraphic style. 7. The names of the Roman man and his evolution. 8. The senatorial, equestrian, and civic careers. 9. The imperial titling. 10. The classification of inscriptions. 11. Transcription, interpretation and publishing of an epigraph.
In the second part one will read, transcribe, and interpret a choice of epigraphic texts, focusing in particular on their documentary importance for the reconstruction of aspects of the political, social and economic life of the Roman world.

Laboratorio viaggiante di Epigrafia Latina

     During the classes several workshops and tours will take place, with practical excursions to the main museums and archaeological sites of Liguria.

For 2022-2023 the following trips are potentially scheduled:

- Museo Archeologico di Acqui Terme
- Museo Archeologico e della città di Sestri Levante 
- Civico Museo Archeologico di Pegli 
- Scavi di Libarna 
        During the academic year, one or two seminars can be planned by young PhDs, epigraphic scholars and/or professors in charge of teaching Latin Epigraphy, related to Italian or foreign universities.
         The non-attending students are requested to keep in contact with the professor.


Bibliography for students taking the course for 6 cfu
For the students attending the lessons, the notes taken during the class and visits to the museums and archaeological sites will be sufficient, implemented with the study of A. BUONOPANE, Manuale di epigrafia latina, Carocci, Roma 2020.

For non attending students:
1. A. BUONOPANE, Manuale di epigrafia latina, Carocci, Roma 2020; 2. G. POMA, Le istituzioni politiche del mondo romano, Il Mulino, Bologna 2002, e successive ristampe; non attending students are invited to contact the teacher to agree on the study material for the second part of the program.


Exam Board



ELENA CIMAROSTI (President Substitute)

PIA CAROLLA (Substitute)



SIMONE PODESTA' (Substitute)



February 2024, 19th



Verbal exam. Online registration to the exam via the Ateneo website will be mandatory.


The acquisition of basic methodologies in order to attain objectives, the knowledge of both the main characteristics of writing, the principal categories of epigraphical documents (especially public and institutional), bibliographical research skills, knowledge of the public and private institutions detectable in the given inscription documents.
The correct analysis of the epigraphic texts, distributed and illustrated in the lectures, will be used to verify the students’ level of preparation, possibly allowing access to an eventual level of excellence.
 The following skills will be verified:
         - reading, translating, interpretation and dating of epigraphical texts;
         - analysis of historical, institutional, economic, social and cultural aspects included in each document;
         - contextualization of the epigraphical document within the bigger picture of the ancient world, especially of the Roman era; 
         - orientation in bibliographical research and how to supplement and support with additional sources.

Exam schedule

Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note
31/01/2024 15:00 GENOVA Orale
14/02/2024 15:00 GENOVA Orale
08/05/2024 15:00 GENOVA Orale
29/05/2024 15:00 GENOVA Orale
26/06/2024 15:00 GENOVA Orale
23/07/2024 09:00 GENOVA Orale
10/09/2024 10:00 GENOVA Orale