CODE 106947 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 3 cfu anno 1 FILOLOGIA E SCIENZE DELL'ANTICHITÀ 11268 (LM-15) - GENOVA TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW Effective teaching is not solely about selecting “what” to teach, but also requires careful consideration of “how” and “why”. Through a participatory and workshop-based approach, students will have the opportunity to personally experience diverse teaching methodologies and engage in discussions about the significance and outcomes of learning Classics. This will enable them to become effective and knowledgeable educators in the future. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Through an active and participatory approach, students will practise many didactic tools and develop an effective teaching strategy of Latin language and literature; they will also reflect on the meaning and the outcomes of the teaching of Classics. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course, students will be able to: Analyse the teaching context Set the learning outcomes, by rebalancing the aims if necessary Plan didactic units and activities Identify and use the best technological tools Improve their knowledge about assessment, monitoring and evaluation processes PREREQUISITES The issue about “how” and “why” Latin should be taught is closely related to “what” has to be taught. Therefore, a deep knowledge of Latin literature as well as full proficiency in Latin are mandatories. Students with scarce skills in Latin are invited to attend the translation Workshop ("Lettorato avanzato di traduzione latina"). TEACHING METHODS The course will have an active and participatory approach (workshop). Didactic tools and teaching strategies will be put into practice by planning didactic units and activities cooperatively. The course will focus on Latin, but references and comparisons with Ancient Greek will be frequent. Lectures will take place in-person; attendance is mandatory (at least 75%). Students are encouraged to sign up to the AulaWeb webpage of the course, where materials and information will be shared throughout the term. SYLLABUS/CONTENT - Latin: how and why? On the meaning of learning Classics - From knowledge to skills: Classics teaching nowadays - Latin and linguistic models - Didactic translation procedures - Approaches in teaching literature - Innovation in the didactics of classics - Designing a learning unit RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Didactics of Latin - Recommended textbook Andrea Balbo, Insegnare latino. Sentieri di ricerca per una didattica ragionevole, 2nd edition, UTET Università, 2023 History of Latin literature - Recommended textbook Gian Biagio Conte, Profilo storico della Letteratura Latina dalle origini alla tarda età imperiale, Le Monnier / Mondadori Education. Latin grammar - Recommended textbook Marco Fucecchi, Luca Graverini, La lingua latina. Fondamenti di morfologia e sintassi, Le Monnier / Mondadori Education. Further bibliography on specific aspects of the myths and their reception will be provided during the semester TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD ALICE BONANDINI Ricevimento: Office hours will be held either in person or online, by appointment. Please e-mail the teacher to schedule an appointment. Exam Board ALICE BONANDINI (President) LARA NICOLINI BIAGIO SANTORELLI (Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START February 2024. Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Assessment will be based on ongoing participation in workshop activities and educational dialogue; in particular, each student will be required to design, share and discuss a learning unit, whose subject, setting, objectives and teaching methodologies will be selected independently under the guidance of the teatcher. Students in the degree program "Letterature moderne e spettacolo" can replace the learning unit design with a paper on bibliographic material. ASSESSMENT METHODS Minimum attendance threshold: 75%. (See also: exam description)