CODE 94809 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 9 cfu anno 1 SCIENZE DELL'AMMINISTRAZIONE E DELLA POLITICA 11161 (L-16) - GENOVA 9 cfu anno 3 SCIENZE DELL'AMMINISTRAZIONE E DELLA POLITICA 11161 (L-16) - GENOVA 8 cfu anno 1 SCIENZE INTERNAZIONALI E DIPLOMATICHE 8768 (L-36) - GENOVA 8 cfu anno 2 SCIENZE INTERNAZIONALI E DIPLOMATICHE 8768 (L-36) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR L-LIN/07 LANGUAGE Spanish TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER Annual PREREQUISITES Propedeuticità in uscita Questo insegnamento è propedeutico per gli insegnamenti: POLITICAL SCIENCE AND ADMINISTRATION 8776 (coorte 2022/2023) LANGUAGE, CULTURE AND INSTITUTIONS OF SPANISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES II 94811 POLITICAL SCIENCE AND ADMINISTRATION 8776 (coorte 2021/2022) LANGUAGE, CULTURE AND INSTITUTIONS OF SPANISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES II 94811 INTERNATIONAL SCIENCES AND COOPERATION 10177 (coorte 2022/2023) LANGUAGE, CULTURE AND INSTITUTIONS OF SPANISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES II 94811 INTERNATIONAL SCIENCES AND COOPERATION 10177 (coorte 2021/2022) LANGUAGE, CULTURE AND INSTITUTIONS OF SPANISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES II 94811 TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The course is aimed at students approaching the language within a concrete field of action related to cultural issues in the social sciences. The course is open to absolute beginners and experienced speakers. The latter will be able to agree with the lecturer on the attendance of lecturing hours or the recognition of language certifications. At the end of the course the student will have reached level B1 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages. The course is annual. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the course, thanks to the acquisition of knowledge and skills corresponding to the B1 level of the MCER, the student will be able to produce and connect simple texts on the political and institutional issues of the Spanish-speaking world analyzed during the year. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The course, of 8 and 9 credits, aims to bring students closer to the study and analysis of some components of the Spanish language and their concrete use in different communicative situations, taking into consideration distinct dialectal variants of the Hispanic world, from a contrastive (IT/SP) and intercultural perspective. The course aims to enable students to reach a level of linguistic-communicative competence equal to B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Foreign Languages. The learning objectives are: To know and be able to understand the morphological structures of the Spanish language. To be able to recognise and describe the morphological, graphic units of the Spanish language; to be able to use derivative and compositional processes to form words; To be able to explain in a simple manner, but using the appropriate metalanguage, the contrastive interlinguistic (IT-SPA) and intralinguistic (European and Hispano-American SPA) differences and the fundamental phonetic and morphological phenomena. To recognise and describe the main geographical and social varieties of the Spanish and Spanish-American language. To develop not only sociolinguistic competence, but also existential competence ("knowing how to be", in the CEFR) through the construction of an intercultural personality that helps to know and manage without prejudice the rich linguistic and cultural range offered by the Spanish language. To be able to appreciate the richness of multilingualism, of dialectal varieties, of situations of contact in the Hispanic world, also in a migratory context. To develop the ability to make critical and constructive judgements on the linguistic policies implemented in the Hispanic world. To be able to present the course content clearly, using specific and correct metalanguage. To be able to use the acquired terminology and linguistic skills in the description and critical discussion of the linguistic, sociolinguistic and historical-cultural contents of the course. To be able to self-assess acquired competences. To be able to identify topics of study and research of interest in the Spanish-speaking world. PREREQUISITES The student must possess the basic metalinguistic terminology; must be able to recognize and classify the parts of discourse based on criteria pertaining to the morphological structure, the semantic value, the function. Strategic and referential skills are required, which will be further developed favoring the ability to use grammatical skills.Beginner students can supplement their language lessons with online courses from the University Language Centre. TEACHING METHODS Students can communicate with the teacher through Teams platform Aulaweb and e-mail.Lessons are accompanied by the use of the Aulaweb platform where the topics dealt with in class are inserted from time to time. For the linguistic part, faced with the help of lecturers, students attending and not attending will be based on the indicated textbook.Students in possession of a language certificate corresponding to level B1 or higher issued are exempt from the written test. Teams nnjz02d SYLLABUS/CONTENT Elements of phonetics and lexical morphology - Spanish and its varieties. - Spanish in contact with other languages - Latin American migration in Italy and Genoa - Linguistic Landscapes: Spanish in the Italian and Genoese Linguistic Landscape -Linguistic attitudes towards Spanish variants. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Meta ELE Final 1 - Libro del alumno - J. R. Rodríguez Martín, M. A. García Guerra - EDELSA. San Vicente, Félix y Bazzocchi, Gloria (eds.) (2021) Leti: Lengua española para traducir e interpretar, Bologna: CLUEB. Capitoli: a)“¿Qué español debo aprender para saber castellano? La unidad en la variedad y la variedad de la unidad” (de Lombardini, Hugo Edgardo), pp.11-29.; b) “Los hispanoamericanos en Italia” (de Ariolfo, Rosana y Mariottini, Laura), pp. 31-48. Ariolfo, Rosana (2017), “Visibilidad y percepción del español en el paisaje lingüístico genovés”, Lingue e Linguaggi, 21, pp. 7-25. ( Moreno Fernández, Francisco (2020), Variedades de la lengua española, London and New York: Routledge (capp. 2: El español en su historia y su geografía; 3: Políticas e ideologías lingüísticas del español; 4: Panorama lingüístico de la península ibérica; 5: Panorama lingüístico de iberoamérica; 14: Variedades de la lengua española y globalización). Sobrino Triana, Roxana (2018), “Las variedades de español según los hispanohablantes: corrección, incorrección y agrado lingüísticos”, Cuadernos de Lingüística de El Colegio de México, 5(2), pp. 79-119. ( Other materials and articles will be provided by the teacher during the course. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD MARIA EUGENIA ESPARRAGOZA DANIELA CARPANI Ricevimento: Reception will take place by a call on the Teams platform after sending an email requesting an interview or an appointment to the teacher. Exam Board DANIELA CARPANI (President) MARIA VICTORIA FILIPETTO MARIA EUGENIA ESPARRAGOZA (President Substitute) FRANCESCO PIERINI (Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START Language lessons on September; Course lessons 10 october Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION All students must register for the examination via the official Unige page: bookings close automatically one week before the date set in order to allow the lecturer and reader to manage the numerous types of written test. The course examination with the teacher is oral. In order to take the course examination with the teacher it is necessary to have passed the written reading test. The aim is to test attainment of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The oral examination with the teacher, which will take the form of a discussion, will cover the topics and concepts explained in class and considered in the prescribed bibliography and other texts suggested during the lectures. The aim of the examination is to test the depth and breadth of the student's knowledge, to assess their ability to critically analyse, discuss and evaluate the main themes of the course and to ascertain their ability to structure an argument and communicate what they have learnt. The minimum mark for passing the examination is 18/30. The written examination is disqualified from the oral examination. The recognition of certification or level of knowledge of Spanish as a mother tongue will be assessed and tested by the reader and in the case of a positive judgement may lead to exemption from the written test. Only attending students will be able to carry out any in itinere tests (group work, presentations, written tests). ASSESSMENT METHODS The written exam will assess the achievement of the exit level while the oral exam will assess, in addition to the level of knowledge of Spanish, the ability to orient oneself in the proposed content and to establish relationships and comparisons. The summative assessment is expressed in thirtieths. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 14/12/2023 14:00 GENOVA Scritto + Orale 18/01/2024 14:00 GENOVA Scritto + Orale 01/02/2024 09:00 GENOVA Scritto + Orale 23/05/2024 14:00 GENOVA Scritto + Orale 20/06/2024 09:00 GENOVA Scritto + Orale 11/07/2024 14:00 GENOVA Scritto + Orale 12/09/2024 14:00 GENOVA Scritto + Orale FURTHER INFORMATION The teacher actively uses the Aulaweb platform both for the publication of disciplinary contents and for communication with students. Registration is strongly recommended at the beginning of the academic year.