CODE 68631 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 2 LINGUE E LETTERATURE MODERNE PER I SERVIZI CULTURALI 9265 (LM-38) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno 2 LINGUE E LETTERATURE MODERNE PER I SERVIZI CULTURALI 9265 (LM-37) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR L-LIN/11 LANGUAGE English TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: ANGLO-AMERICAN LITERATURE TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB AIMS AND CONTENT AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES At the completion of the course the student - will have become familiar with major American historical and cultural developments, and with some major American writers and texts; - will be able to interpret these developments in English and Italian with reference to fiction, poetry, drama and literary theory; - will be able to contextualize and analyze texts and documents of notable complexity and historical significance and describe their cultural and linguistic peculiarities. TEACHING METHODS The course is composed of lectures as well as seminars. The latter will involve the active participation of students, who can engage in individual and/or group research and presentations. Three hours per week given in two classes (of 2 hours and 1 hour respectively). LESSONS ARE IN ENGLISH. For students who decide to come to lessons, attendance is mandatory for 28 hours out of 36 (75% of the course). Attendance is checked through signatures. Students who are unable to attend will have to read some supplementary material. SYLLABUS/CONTENT The course will deal with the African American tradition from Colonial America to the contemporary period. Every year through different texts and perspectives, students will focus on some issues like slavery, African tradition, the Middle Passage, slave narratives, segregation, relationship with the white and European tradition, the Civil Rights Movement till the most recent expressions like Black Lives Matter. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Materiali critici e di supporto verranno resi disponibili su aulaweb Additional bibliography will be given during lessons TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD PAOLA ANNA NARDI Ricevimento: Office hours by appointment. Please send a message to Exam Board PAOLA ANNA NARDI (President) GABRIELE FERRACCI STEFANIA MICHELUCCI (Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START Second semester, Tueday, 20 February 2024. Class schedule ANGLO-AMERICAN LITERATURE AND CULTURE MOD.2 EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION For students who will attend the course, the evaluation will be based on their active participation in the lessons (25%), essay/guided report (25%), and the final exam (75%). For the other students, the evaluation will be based entirely on the final exam (75%) and essay/guided report (25%) Exam: 2 hours, 5 questions Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 23/01/2024 11:30 GENOVA Scritto 07/02/2024 11:30 GENOVA Scritto 07/05/2024 13:00 GENOVA Scritto 19/06/2024 11:30 GENOVA Scritto 03/07/2024 11:30 GENOVA Scritto 13/09/2024 16:00 GENOVA Scritto 27/09/2024 12:00 GENOVA Scritto FURTHER INFORMATION Attendance is highly recommended. Students who are unable to attend will have to study some supplementary or different material. Course enrolment via aulaweb is mandatory. Examination enrolment is through the unige website. This syllabus is valid till February 2025 Erasmus students are welcomed!