CODE 106467 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 2 cfu anno 2 SCIENZE DELLE PROFESSIONI SANITARIE TECNICHE DIAGNOSTICHE 11266 (LM/SNT3) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR MED/05 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: METHODOLOGY OF APPLIED RESEARCH AND QUALITY ASSESSMENT TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB AIMS AND CONTENT AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES Provide students with the tools to plan a study and apply the results in clinical practice: know the objectives and areas of application of the various types of research, know how to classify the sources of biomedical information, know the design, objectives and main bases of observational and experimental study, learn methods and tools of the process that lead from the research question to the study design. At the end of the course the student will have acquired the tools and knowledge necessary to carry out a systematic review of the literature, will have acquired the tools necessary to critically analyze a scientific article and apply the results to clinical practice and the knowledge necessary to structure and design a study using different research approaches consistent with the defined goal. TEACHING METHODS Theoretical lessons (16 hours of training) on the topics covered by the program, with interaction and practice in the classroom In the event of a health emergency, lessons will be held according to the University directives SYLLABUS/CONTENT General section (Nicola Traverso) The philosophy of science: definition and historical basis; the scientific method; the methods of reasoning (abduction, deduction, induction); the syllogism; so-called “truth determination methods”; statistical correlations and causal correlations; epistemology; concept of methodology. Pure and applied research: differences and integrations. Method phases: identification of the problem as a lack of knowledge; background learning; hypothesis formulation; research design; choice of methodologies; data collection and analysis; comparison with the initial hypothesis; any new hypotheses. The communication of scientific data. Example of a research project. Applied part (Anna Lisa Furfaro) - Research and scientific research concept - Definition of method and scientific method - Research methodology: from the idea to the drafting of a project, to the writing of a scientific article, to the presentation of data at a congress (poster, oral communication) - Importance of scientific background and literature review for drafting a project/article - Tools to carry out a careful and good review of the literature: how to carry out a bibliographic survey, search engines - Bibliometric indexes: databases (Scopus-WOS); impact factor journals; h-index authors; article citations - Concept of idea: feasibility, novelty, ethics, relevance - Question concept: Examples of question categories in health research - How to write an abstract for a congress and prepare a poster or an oral communication - How to write a scientific article - How to write a science project - Practical part: preparation of a paper (abstract for a scientific conference, review, original scientific article) RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Educational material will be provided by the teachers TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD ANNA LISA FURFARO Ricevimento: By appointment by email: NICOLA TRAVERSO Ricevimento: For appointments, contact the Professor via email at: The teacher's office is located in the General Pathology Section of DIMES, Via Leon Battista Alberti 2, Room "Ex-direzione", 1st floor, 16132 Genoa Nicola Traverso is the Coordinator of the Integrated Course of Clinical Pathology and Immunohematology Exam Board MAURIZIO BRUSCHI (President) ANNA LISA FURFARO (President) MAURO COSTAGLI ALESSANDRA PULLIERO ANNA MARIA SPAGNOLO NICOLA TRAVERSO (President and Coordinator of Integrated Course) LESSONS LESSONS START First semester of the current academic year Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The exam takes place through an interview with the student on the topics covered by the teacher in class. The student will also be asked to simulate a research plan on a topic of his/her choice. In the event of a health emergency, the exams will be held according to the University directives ASSESSMENT METHODS The verification of learning takes place through the final oral exam, which aims to ascertain the effective acquisition by the student of the expected learning outcomes. The student will be examined on the contents of one or more chapters carried out in class, with questions designed to evaluate his learning and his ability to make connections between the topics covered. For the final assessment, the following requirements will be assessed: the level of knowledge of the topics covered by the questions, the ability to present and adopt appropriate specialist terminology, the ability to treat