CODE 56945 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 1 SCIENZE DELL'ARCHITETTURA 8694 (L-17) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR ING-IND/22 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER Annual TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The course aims to provide engineers / architects with the tools for a rational choice of materials. The resistance and functional properties of the materials, the chemical-physical foundations on which they depend, the production processes and the post-production treatments to improve their performance will be described . The student will acquire the ability to select the materials and to face the problems of degradation and durability. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Provide the elements needed to understand the mechanical, functional properties and durability of materials. Provide the criteria for the choice of materials with particular reference to structural and non structural applications in building . AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The frequency and active participation in the proposed training activities (lectures, exercises and numerical exercises) and individual study will allow the student to: have a basic knowledge of the structure and microstructure of the various classes of materials; understand the correlation between structure, microstructure, properties and applications; know the different types of materials, with particular attention to the materials used in construction. provide the necessary elements to understand the mechanical and functional properties and durability of materials, the basic chemistry knowledge on the setting and hardening processes of binders and the corrosion of metal materials. be able, at least preliminarily, to choose the most suitable material for a specific application. PREREQUISITES No prerequisite TEACHING METHODS Lectures, exercises in the classroom (60 hours). The first part of course, in the period sectember-december will be made using Teams. Channel name is " Tecnologia dei Materiali e Chimica Applicata" or following University indications. The second part in January and II semester will be made following Genoa University indications. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Material classes: materials used in construction, mechanical and functional properties. Chemical-physical bases of material properties: chemical bonds, crystalline structures and microstructure. Mechanical properties: elastic modulus, yield point and tensile strenght. microstructure and property and relationship. Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams. Metal materials: Steel, production and thermal treatments, mechanical properties, weldability. Non-ferrous alloys for building and architecture. Properties and the production process of traditional ceramic materials and glass. Properties and uses of ceramic materials. Bonding materials: plaster, lime and cements, set and hardening mechanisms. Properties and composition of fresh and hardened concrete. Degradation factors of concrete and mortar. Corrosion of metallic materials. Polymeric and composite materials: production processes, mechanical and functional properties, viscoelasticity, use in the construction industry. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Slides showed during the lessons, on AulaWeb or provided during the course. W.F. Smith e J. Hashemi, Scienza e Tecnologia dei materiali, Mc Graw-hill Vito Alunno Rossetti, Calcestruzzo. Materiali e Tecnologie Mc-Graw-Hill. L. Bertolini, Materiali da Costruzione, Volume primo, Citta' Studi Edizioni, seconda edizione 2010. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD JUAN FELIPE BASBUS Exam Board JUAN FELIPE BASBUS (President) RODOLFO PINO BOTTER LESSONS LESSONS START Since this is a first year course, lesson start after the availability of test results. Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The final exam consists of an oral test with the aim of evaluating the achievement of the training objectives. Two questions will be asked during the test. The first will focus on a topic chosen by the candidate, the second will focus on a topic chosen by the examiner. ASSESSMENT METHODS The exam is designed to verify the student's knowledge of the main characteristics of the materials used in the construction context and the understanding of the relationships between chemical composition, structure and microstructure, parameters of the production process and the mechanical and functional properties of the materials. The clarity and precision of the exposition, the knowledge and understanding of the topics presented as well as the ability of the student to make a choice between different materials in relation to the objective of creating a simple device or elements of a construction will be assessed.