CODE 95257 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 10 cfu anno 2 SCIENZE DELL'ARCHITETTURA 8694 (L-17) - GENOVA LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA PREREQUISITES Propedeuticità in ingresso Per sostenere l'esame di questo insegnamento è necessario aver sostenuto i seguenti esami: Sciences of architecture 8694 (coorte 2022/2023) DESIGN WORKSHOP 1 95253 2022 Propedeuticità in uscita Questo insegnamento è propedeutico per gli insegnamenti: Sciences of architecture 8694 (coorte 2022/2023) DESIGN WORSHOP 3 95260 Sciences of architecture 8694 (coorte 2022/2023) DESIGN WORKSHOP 3-MODULE 1 107024 C DESIGN WORKSHOP 3-MODULE 1 107024 B DESIGN WORKSHOP 3-MODULE 1 107024 A Sciences of architecture 8694 (coorte 2022/2023) DESIGN WORKSHOP 3-MODULE 2 107025 C DESIGN WORKSHOP 3-MODULE 2 107025 B DESIGN WORKSHOP 3-MODULE 2 107025 A MODULES Questo insegnamento è composto da: DESIGN WORKSHOP 2-MODULE 1 A DESIGN WORKSHOP 2-MODULE 1 B DESIGN WORKSHOP 2-MODULE 1 C DESIGN WORKSHOP 2-MODULE 2 A DESIGN WORKSHOP 2-MODULE 2 B DESIGN WORKSHOP 2-MODULE 2 C TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD ALBERTO PETRACCHIN PHILIPP WUENDRICH ALESSANDRA RAMPAZZO ALBERTO BERTAGNA Ricevimento: By appointment ( ENRICO MOLTENI Ricevimento: by appointment by writing to CRISTIANA LOPES Exam Board ENRICO MOLTENI (President) PHILIPP WUENDRICH CRISTIANA LOPES (President) ALESSANDRA RAMPAZZO (President Substitute) VALTER SCELSI (President Substitute) ALBERTO BERTAGNA (President) ALBERTO PETRACCHIN EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Written + oral. ASSESSMENT METHODS The quality of the works presented allows to verify the ability of analysis and synthesis developed by the student and more generally the coherence of his design choices. The oral discussion allows to verify the student's understanding of the issues related to the project. The presence of external guests makes it possible to verify the student's ability to briefly describe their project.