CODE 81042 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 10 cfu anno 2 SCIENZE DELL'ARCHITETTURA 8694 (L-17) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR ICAR/12 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER Annual SECTIONING Questo insegnamento è diviso nelle seguenti frazioni: A B C TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The studio course on building technology mainly regards architectural design with a focus on technological and environmental aspects, namely the role of materials, of construction processes, of the relationships between the different actors the design process and in the building construction. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The activity of the studio course on building technology is aimed to provide students with the skills of to use technology in order to enhance design creativity, and not to limit it. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The activity of the studio course on building technology is aimed to provide students with the skills of to use technology in order to enhance design creativity, and not to limit it. The activity of the studio course represents also, for students: the opportunity to develop design creativity in a comprehensive and harmonious way, with the integration of the aspects of the making of an object, from the design idea conception until the factory design; the ability to argue and support any design choice by limiting the creative liberty within conscious boundaries, while designing in a field of limited complexity; the ability to develop more simple design solutions to be easy to verify and control, each with distinct different objectives. At the end of the course the student must be able to independently design a simple architectural project and understand up to the detail the supporting structures, construction technologies, materials. The student must be able to tell and justify the choices made. The course can contribute to the following: Open Badge "Competence in design creation" PREREQUISITES It is preferable to have completed the first year course of technology fundamentals. TEACHING METHODS The studio course is organized to develop several design themes/exercises, increasing in difficulty, to face, from time to time, specific objectives to be attained and in particular to highlight the relationship between the different components of the architectural design. The division into themes allows students to focus, gradually, on relationship between technique, function and form, using the key of technology. The Professors of the two courses decide together the themes, from year to year. The exercises also require models or the construction of some projects or their parts. The exercises are developed in groups of two or three students. The exercises are associated with specific lectures. SYLLABUS/CONTENT At the beginning of lectures a general program of the course, and, for each of the exercises to be performed, a specific program will be provided. All information will also be uploaded on aulaweb. During the course some thematic areas of design are developed, each of them are aimed at achieving specific objectives, such as: relationship between material and joining elements; relationship among form, structure and technology; relationship among technical resource, form and load bearing structure; relationship among space, form, technology and performance of building elements to control climate (natural lighting, natural ventilation, solar radiation), etc. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY A bibliography is provided to the students depending on the exercises under development; specific information will be uploaded on aulaweb. Books on the course method: Andrea Giachetta (2022), Architettura e immagini mentali. Processi cognitivi per il progetto dello spazio costruibile nell'era della complessità. FrancoAngeli, Milano. AA (2021), Un anno di didattica. Innovazione e ricerca nella scuola di architettura di Genova. Sagep. Andrea Giachetta, Fausto Novi, Rossana Raiteri (2019). La costruzione dell’idea, il pensiero della materia. Riflessioni sul progetto di architettura. Franco Angeli. Novi Fausto, Giachetta Andrea, Piccardo Chiara (2018). La materia genera l’idea: esperimenti nella didattica di architettura / Matter generates the idea: experiments in the architectural education. AGATHÓN, vol. 3. Novi Fausto (a cura di) (2018). La didattica della tecnologia tra università e impresa. Un’esperienza di progettazione con il sistema costruttivo in acciaio SteelMax. EdicomEdizioni. Novi Fausto, Giachetta Andrea (2018). Laboratorio congiunto degli studenti di archeologia e architettura dell’Università di Genova: diario di un’esperienza transdisciplinare. In: Pallecchi Silvia. Raccontare l’archeologia. Strategie e tecniche per la comunicazione dei risultati delle ricerche archeologiche. All'Insegna del Giglio. Andrea Giachetta, Fausto Novi, Silvia Pallecchi, Giovanni Paolo Rava (a cura di). Idee per Policastro. ARCH_LAB: laboratori congiunti di Archeologia e Architettura. All'Insegna del Giglio. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD ANDREA GIACHETTA Exam Board ANDREA GIACHETTA (President) LINDA BUONDONNO MARIA CANEPA LESSONS LESSONS START Details in the academic calendar Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The exam consists of a workshop, at the end of the course. The assessment takes into account all the work done by the students during the academic year, considering the intermediate results and the final documents of project. ASSESSMENT METHODS The assessment of the activity is carried out by the teachers according to criteria noticed in advance to the students and takes into account, as a rule, also the interest and degree of participation in the lab didactic activities throughout the year. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 27/06/2024 09:00 GENOVA Laboratorio 27/06/2024 09:00 GENOVA Laboratorio FURTHER INFORMATION Attendance at a minimum of 70% of the activities is compulsory and is noticed and certified by the teacher. Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals Sustainable cities and communities OpenBadge PRO3 - Soft skills - Creazione progettuale base 1 - A