CODE 24716 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 3 ECONOMIA E COMMERCIO 8699 (L-33) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno ECONOMIA DELLE AZIENDE MARITTIME, LOGISTICA E TRASP. 8698 (L-18) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR L-LIN/07 LANGUAGE Spanish TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER Annual TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The Spanish language course aims to provide students with written and oral fluency corresponding to level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in order to meet demand in the socio-economic sector. The lessons aim to develop the four skills of oral and written comprehension and production, with a focus on oral skills. In particular, the language exercises in the first semester will focus on the acquisition of morphosyntactic and communicative skills in Spanish, with particular attention to socio-economic contexts of use. The theoretical module of the second semester, on the other hand, involves the analysis of theoretical aspects characteristic of the socio-economic sector in Spain and Latin America. Teacher: Prof. Matteo Anfuso Exercise: Dr. María Victoria Filipetto AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the course, students will have acquired a written and oral command of the Spanish language at the B1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, which will enable them to respond to demand in the socio-economic field, including the ability to manipulate and elaborate texts specific to socio-economic communication. The four skills of oral and written comprehension and production will be developed in parallel. The analysis of authentic documentation relating to the socio-economic field will form the basis of the teaching material. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The main objectives of the course are: - To provide basic written and oral command of the Spanish language in order to respond to demand in the socio-economic sector. - To bring students to a level of proficiency in Spanish at B1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. During the language exercises (80 hours), the four skills of oral and written comprehension and production will be developed in parallel, with particular emphasis on oral skills. During the theoretical module (48 hours), the most characteristic aspects of the socio-economic sector in Spain and Latin America will be explored and analysed. In particular, the student will: - They will master the basic and specific linguistic structures of the socio-economic sector in Spanish. - They will master the basic morphosyntactic structures of the Spanish language. - They will be able to converse on general and specialised topics with good formal correctness. - They will be able to elaborate and present a socio-economic proposal. - They will be able to recognise the specificities of different text types in the socio-economic field. - They will be able to use the terminology specific to the socio-economic field in Spanish and be able to adapt communicative strategies to the different text types. PREREQUISITES Teaching is intended for both beginners, who will be able to start from scratch, and non-beginners. No special prerequisites are therefore needed. In AulaWeb 2024, however, appropriate tools will be made available to students, especially beginners, to further facilitate the acquisition of the basic knowledge and skills needed to tackle the teaching content even more easily, as well as the possibility of practising independently (interactive exercises with solutions). TEACHING METHODS Lectures, with seminar character, involving the active participation of learners. Attendance, which is not compulsory, is highly recommended. Attending students (> 85%) will have the opportunity to take a ‘simplified’ examination. Students with certification of disability, DSA or special educational needs must contact both the lecturer and the Department's disability contact person at the beginning of lessons to agree on teaching and examination methods that, while respecting the teaching objectives, take into account individual learning methods and allow for the use of any compensatory tools. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Language exercises (80 hours, I semester): - Communicative functions: Asking first and last name, answering. Asking for personal details. Greeting. Spelling. Saying thank you. Introducing and introducing oneself; responding to a presentation and interacting. Saying welcome. Talk about a person's character. Ask for opinions and respond. Give personal information. Talk about likes and dislikes. Indicate the purpose of an action. Ask for the time and answer; state the time when the action takes place. Ask for location information. React with different levels of enthusiasm to opinions. Ask for the price. Give directions. Express consent and obligation. Order a speech. Driving someone; asking for directions. Describing objects. Express agreement, satisfaction, certainty, approximate amount and ignorance. Answer the phone; ask about someone. Express confidence. Apologise. Agree and make an appointment. Make comparisons. Express probability and obligation. Make suggestions. Express surprise. Offer to do something. Order the information in a story. Express levity and optimism. Ask about events and give explanations. Respond in a blunt manner and give clarifications. Introduce known events. Express agreement, disagreement and the importance of something. Respond negatively in a precise manner. Giving orders; inviting people to do something; expressing the importance of something; giving explanations. Make judgements. Expressing wishes; reformulating and giving advice. Expressing personal skills and abilities, resignation, hope and empathy. Give examples; offer listening. Continue stories; deny; follow a conversation with interest. Express consequence. Emphasise certain elements. Make references to the said and unsaid. Show scepticism. Introduce a new topic. Avoid commitments. - Grammar: Alphabet. Interrogative pronouns. Verb ‘llamarse’. Present indicative of ‘ser’. Numbers from 1 to 100. Present regular indicative of the three conjugations. Verb ‘querer’ and the first diphthongation. Possessives. Gender and number of nouns and adjectives. Determinative and indeterminative articles. Present indicative of the verbs ‘estar, tener, salir’. Verbs ‘gustar, interesar’. Ordinal numbers. Spatial indicators. Contrastive use to express existence. Verb ‘poder’ and the second diphthongation. Numbers from 100 to 10,000. Demonstratives. Adverbs of place. Irregular verbs in the present indicative tense. Use of prepositions. Use of tener que + inf. Numbers from 10,000 to 100,000. ‘Estar + ger.’, “ir a + inf.” and “acabar de + inf.”. Pronominal verbs. Reflexive verbs.Indefinite pronouns and adjectives.‘Volver a + inf.’.Comparative structures.‘Hay que + inf.’ and “cuánto + verb”.Past tense and temporal markers.Use of ‘ya, todavía’. Verb ‘conocer’. Object complement pronouns. Remote past and temporal markers. Indirect complement pronouns. Use of double pronouns. Verb ‘soler’. Contrasting past tense. Verbal periphrases. Affirmative and negative imperative. Future simple. Adverbs. Simple conditional. Trapassato prossimo. Present Conjunctive, regular and irregular verbs. Expressions of subjective and emotional impersonality. Expressions with ‘ojalá’. Verbs of opinion. Final subordinates. Temporal subordinates. Verbs of influence, doubt and desire. Indirect style. - Lexicon: Personal and professional data. Locations of a company. Professions and occupations. Nationalities and states. Professional and personal characteristics. Parts of the day and days of the week. Office equipment and furniture. Means of transport. Factory. Colours and sizes. Power supply. Holidays. Telephone conversations. Material requests. Daily diaries. Adjectives to describe objects, geometric shapes and measurements. City vocabulary. Creation of new companies. Exporting and importing. Products and services. CVs and job interviews. Detailed job descriptions.Evaluation of candidate requirements.Patents and inventions.Fairs and exhibitions.Stress at work.Occupational health and safety.Redundancies.Smartworking.Expatriation. Practices for working abroad. Management styles. Working environments. Digital world and social networks. Theoretical module (48 hours, 2nd semester): - Companies: Criteria for classifying companies. Technological companies. Taxes and taxation. The corporate world. Statrups and new technologies. Processing of documents. Observing and describing company charts. - Labour relations: the organisational chart. The social agents. The role of company associations and trade unions. The areas of a company. The types of dismissal. Reconciliation. The figure of women in the world of work. Work places and functions. Reconciling personal and professional life. Office materials. Writing reports. - International affairs: acronyms and acronyms. European and international economic bodies and organisations. The EU. Mercosur. World powers: G8 and G20. Free trade and trade treaties. The international protocols. Trade and economic agreements. The functioning of some European institutions. Economic and trade aspects of some states: weaknesses and strengths. - Human resources: The job search. The CV. The job interview. The job advertisements. The working day. Candidate requirements. Candidate selection. Job offers. Entrepreneurship. The types of employment contracts. - Corporate communication: The corporate image.Written communication.Letters, notices and other written requests.Oral communication.Non-verbal language.Social networks.The importance of communication in commercial business.Business communication techniques. The NLP. - Trade: Forms of trade. Globalisation. Methods of payment. Import and export. Types of customers. Customer care. The market. Buying and selling. Home services. Complaints. Law of supply and demand. Market surveys. - Marketing and advertising: Corporate marketing techniques and resources. Marketing mix. Marketing strategies. Market analysis. Sales strategies. Advertising analyses. Advertising icons. - Banking and Stock Exchange: Banking Institutions. Bank operations. Financial products. Investing in banks. Stock market indices. Stock market movements. The journalistic language of the stock exchange. Data analysis. - Culture: Telepizza. Spanish companies in the world. Gender equality. Greetings and corporate presentations. Commercial affairs: regulations and protocols. Immigration. El Rastro. Brand Spain. Viral marketing. The Spanish mint. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY The syllabus does not vary for non-attending students. All students are requested to come to class with a complete bibliography on the first day. Language exercises (80 hours, I semester): de Prada, M. y Marcé, P.: Entorno laboral, nivel A1/B1. Edelsa. Edición 2022. García, M., Guerrero, A., Oliva, C., Villegas, A. y Riccio, C.: En ruta. Gramática y vocabulario de español. Editorial Edinumen. Material publicado en AulaWeb. Theoretical module (48 hours, II semester): José Jimeno, M., Palacios, E. y Centellas, A.: Profesionales de los negocios B1/B2. enCLAVE-ELE. Material publicado en AulaWeb. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD MATTEO ANFUSO Ricevimento: See the personal page on the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures website: Exam Board MATTEO ANFUSO (President) MARIA VICTORIA FILIPETTO LESSONS LESSONS START The course is annual and divided as follows: - Semester I - language exercises (80 hours): beginning September 2024, as per teaching calendar. - Semester II - theory module (48 hours): beginning of February 2025, as per teaching calendar. Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Language exercises: computerised written test. Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes. Attending students (> 85%) may take a ‘simplified’ examination. Theoretical module: oral interview. Duration: 10-15 minutes. Both parts will take place on the same day. There are 4 written examinations (language exercises) and 7 oral examinations (theory module). The final grade is given by the average of the two parts (50% lecture + 50% theory module). Students in possession of DELE B1 or B2 certification prior to January 2023 must contact the teacher of the course to request validation of the written part of the lecture module. The oral part of the theory module must in any case be taken in the ordinary calls as per the university teaching calendar. Students with a disability, DSA or special educational needs certification must contact both the lecturer and the Department's disability contact person at the beginning of the lessons in order to agree on teaching and examination methods that, while respecting the teaching objectives, take into account individual learning methods and allow for the use of any compensatory tools. ASSESSMENT METHODS Language exercises: sectorial language skills (complete two texts with holes, terminology and grammar); written production (prepare a socio-economic text of approximately 150 words). Theoretical module: presentation of a project (choose a Hispanic company and prepare a socio-economic report taking into account all the theoretical elements analysed during the course) and oral interview on socio-economic cultural issues. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 17/12/2024 09:00 GENOVA Scritto + orale con accettazione online 13/01/2025 09:00 GENOVA Scritto + Orale con accettazione online 03/02/2025 09:00 GENOVA Scritto + Orale con accettazione online 27/05/2025 10:00 GENOVA Orale 27/05/2025 15:00 GENOVA Scritto 16/06/2025 10:00 GENOVA Orale 01/07/2025 10:00 GENOVA Orale 01/07/2025 15:00 GENOVA Scritto 02/09/2025 10:00 GENOVA Orale 02/09/2025 15:00 GENOVA Scritto