CODE 64986 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 12 cfu anno 2 GIURISPRUDENZA 7996 (LMG/01) - IMPERIA 6 cfu anno 2 SERVIZI LEGALI ALL'IMPRESA E ALLA PUBBLICA AMMINISTRAZIONE 10842 (L-14) - IMPERIA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR IUS/02 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION IMPERIA PREREQUISITES Propedeuticità in ingresso Per sostenere l'esame di questo insegnamento è necessario aver sostenuto i seguenti esami: LAW 7996 (coorte 2023/2024) INSTITUTIONS OF PRIVATE LAW 64976 2023 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 64979 2023 LEGAL SERVICES IN BUSINESS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 10842 (coorte 2023/2024) INSTITUTIONS OF PRIVATE LAW 64976 2023 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 65266 2023 MODULES Questo insegnamento è composto da: COMPARATIVE PRIVATE LAW - SOME TOPICS OF COMPARATIVE PRIVATE LAW COMPARATIVE PRIVATE LAW - INTRODUCTION TO COMPARATIVE LAW AND TO COMPARATIVE LEGAL SYSTEMS TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The course aims to introduce students to comparative law with particular regard to private law and non-western legal traditions. Given the growing influences deriving from realities other than Italian and European, the jurist's vision cannot be limited to domestic law. It is therefore necessary to understand the foreign legal mentality and how issues similar to ours are resolved in other countries. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Teaching of the history and analysis of legal systems PREREQUISITES Since an institutional knowledge of domestic private law is necessary, it is recommended to review the handbook of private law and public law TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD ELENA ANNA GRASSO Ricevimento: Office hours take place on lesson days and during exam sessions, by appointment. In order to better organize the appointments, please send an email to In any case, it will always be possible to organize a videocall on Teams Exam Board ELENA ANNA GRASSO (President) MATTEO PATRONE AGOSTINO BONAVERA (Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START I semester from September 14th to December 4th 2020II semester from February 15th to May 7th 2021 Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION There is a single exam, which includes both modules. The exam will be oral and will be held in the exam sessions scheduled in the teaching calendar. For non-attending students, the exam will take place orally, in the ordinary exam sessions. Students enrolled in the second year will be able to take the exam starting from the first session in May, referring to the non-attending syllabus indicated on the Manifesto. Attending students will be offered the possibility is offered to take a written test with open-ended questions, at the end of each module. In the event the student decides to make use of this faculty, the final grade will be the average of the result of the two tests, including in-depth analysis on specific topics and integrated by the materials that will be used in class. If the attending student does not take both written tests, the possibility of preparing on the syllabus for attending students indicated on the Manifesto is in any case reserved. Students who attend 2/3 of the lessons are considered to be attending. Attendance is valid until the autumn session of the following academic year and it is ascertained through periodic call attendance. SLIPA students can take the exam starting from the winter session in December. SLIPA attending students can take the written test provided at the end of module I. If attending students does not want to make use of this possibility, they will have to refer to the syllabus for attending students of Module I included in the Manifesto. The syllabus for non attending students of Module I is included in the Manifesto as well ASSESSMENT METHODS The exam will allow the teacher to verify the knowledge of the main characteristics of the legal systems and of the analyzed private institutions. The solidity of the assimilated notions, the use of legal language and the quality of the exposition will be taken into consideration. Particular importance will be given to the demonstration of knowing how to make interdisciplinary connections and to the assessment of the ability to carry out critical reasoning. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note Subject 10/12/2024 11:30 IMPERIA Orale DIRITTO PRIVATO COMPARATO - APPROFONDIMENTI SPECIFICI DI COMPARAZIONE GIURIDICA PRIVATISTICA 09/01/2025 11:30 IMPERIA Orale DIRITTO PRIVATO COMPARATO - APPROFONDIMENTI SPECIFICI DI COMPARAZIONE GIURIDICA PRIVATISTICA 04/02/2025 11:30 IMPERIA Orale DIRITTO PRIVATO COMPARATO - APPROFONDIMENTI SPECIFICI DI COMPARAZIONE GIURIDICA PRIVATISTICA 20/05/2025 11:30 IMPERIA Orale DIRITTO PRIVATO COMPARATO - APPROFONDIMENTI SPECIFICI DI COMPARAZIONE GIURIDICA PRIVATISTICA 05/06/2025 11:30 IMPERIA Orale DIRITTO PRIVATO COMPARATO - APPROFONDIMENTI SPECIFICI DI COMPARAZIONE GIURIDICA PRIVATISTICA 18/06/2025 11:30 IMPERIA Orale DIRITTO PRIVATO COMPARATO - APPROFONDIMENTI SPECIFICI DI COMPARAZIONE GIURIDICA PRIVATISTICA 08/07/2025 11:30 IMPERIA Orale DIRITTO PRIVATO COMPARATO - APPROFONDIMENTI SPECIFICI DI COMPARAZIONE GIURIDICA PRIVATISTICA 08/09/2025 11:30 IMPERIA Orale DIRITTO PRIVATO COMPARATO - APPROFONDIMENTI SPECIFICI DI COMPARAZIONE GIURIDICA PRIVATISTICA 10/12/2024 11:30 IMPERIA Orale DIRITTO PRIVATO COMPARATO - INTRODUZIONE ALLA COMPARAZIONE GIURIDICA E AI SISTEMI GIURIDICI COMPARATI 09/01/2025 11:30 IMPERIA Orale DIRITTO PRIVATO COMPARATO - INTRODUZIONE ALLA COMPARAZIONE GIURIDICA E AI SISTEMI GIURIDICI COMPARATI 04/02/2025 11:30 IMPERIA Orale DIRITTO PRIVATO COMPARATO - INTRODUZIONE ALLA COMPARAZIONE GIURIDICA E AI SISTEMI GIURIDICI COMPARATI 20/05/2025 11:30 IMPERIA Orale DIRITTO PRIVATO COMPARATO - INTRODUZIONE ALLA COMPARAZIONE GIURIDICA E AI SISTEMI GIURIDICI COMPARATI 05/06/2025 11:30 IMPERIA Orale DIRITTO PRIVATO COMPARATO - INTRODUZIONE ALLA COMPARAZIONE GIURIDICA E AI SISTEMI GIURIDICI COMPARATI 18/06/2025 11:30 IMPERIA Orale DIRITTO PRIVATO COMPARATO - INTRODUZIONE ALLA COMPARAZIONE GIURIDICA E AI SISTEMI GIURIDICI COMPARATI 08/07/2025 11:30 IMPERIA Orale DIRITTO PRIVATO COMPARATO - INTRODUZIONE ALLA COMPARAZIONE GIURIDICA E AI SISTEMI GIURIDICI COMPARATI 08/09/2025 11:30 IMPERIA Orale DIRITTO PRIVATO COMPARATO - INTRODUZIONE ALLA COMPARAZIONE GIURIDICA E AI SISTEMI GIURIDICI COMPARATI