CODE 68095 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 3 FISIOTERAPIA 9281 (L/SNT2) - CHIAVARI 6 cfu anno 3 FISIOTERAPIA 9281 (L/SNT2) - PIETRA LIGURE 6 cfu anno 3 FISIOTERAPIA 9281 (L/SNT2) - LA SPEZIA 6 cfu anno 3 FISIOTERAPIA 9281 (L/SNT2) - GE SAN MARTINO LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION CHIAVARI PIETRA LIGURE LA SPEZIA GE SAN MARTINO PREREQUISITES Propedeuticità in ingresso Per sostenere l'esame di questo insegnamento è necessario aver sostenuto i seguenti esami: PHYSIOTHERAPY 9281 (coorte 2022/2023) ANATOMY-HISTOLOGY 65456 2022 SCIENTIFIC ENGLISH 65489 2022 PHYSICS, COMPUTER, RADIATION PROTECTION AND STATISTICS 65566 2022 PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 66899 2022 KINESIOLOGY, BIOMECHANICS AND GENERAL REHABILITATION 67884 2022 PRACTICAL-CLINICAL INTERNSHIP - 2ND YEAR 67894 2022 GENERAL PATHOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY 67905 2022 MUSCOLOSKELETAL PATHOLOGY AND RHEUMATOLOGY 67912 2022 APPLIED NEUROSCIENCES I 68102 2022 INTERNAL MEDICINE AND GERIATRICS 68107 2022 MOTHER AND CHILD MEDICINE 68111 2022 APPLIED NEUROSCIENCES II 68190 2022 BIOLOGY AND GENETICS 72717 2022 PRACTICAL-CLINICAL INTERNSHIP - 1ST YEAR 87033 2022 Propedeuticità in uscita Questo insegnamento è propedeutico per gli insegnamenti: PHYSIOTHERAPY 9281 (coorte 2022/2023) REHABILITATION OF VISCERAL FUNCTIONS 68205 MODULES Questo insegnamento è composto da: CARDIOLOGY GENERAL SURGERY (ELEMENTS OF) GASTROENTEROLOGY RESPIRATORY SYSTEM DISEASES NEPHROLOGY AND UROLOGY ONCOLOGY TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW It is an integrated course that includes 6 disciplinary modules: - Oncology - Diseases of the respiratory system - Cardiology - Gastroenterology - Nephrology and Urology - General surgery (elements of) AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES To acquire adequate knowledge of the most relevant diseases of the various systems, in particular with regard to gastroenterology, cardiology, respiratory diseases, oncology and nephro-urology. To learn elements of general surgery. To acquire knowledge about clinical pathophysiology and clinical examination with indications and contraindications to physiotherapy intervention. PREREQUISITES Basic knowledge acquired with the frequency of the lessons of the courses included in the study plan. The study plan is structured so as to allow a gradual acquisition of knowledge and skills in the main subjects under study. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD CARLO GENOVA Ricevimento: Available for meetings after booking with initial email contact: GIOVANNI PASSALACQUA Ricevimento: contacts: GIAN MARCO ROSA Ricevimento: At the first lesson the teacher provides the email and the mobile phone to the students in order to be available for any clarification and in-depth analysis of the topics covered in class. ELISA MARABOTTO ELISA RUSSO EMANUELA VARALDO ANDREA BASTRERI MATTEO BRUNACCI CLAUDIO BIANCHI MARCO TAGLIAMENTO GIANLUCA FERRAIOLI MARCO CANEPA EMANUELA BENATTI FRANCO DE CIAN MANLIO MILANESE LUCA OLIVOTTI PIETRO DULBECCO LAURA CAPPUCCINO ANDREA PERCIVALE EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Quiz. Multiple choice questions. 31 questions (roughly divided into 5 per discipline), each with 4 possible answers, of which only one is correct. "All of the above" or "none of the above" are not accepted as an answer. Those who have answered 31/31 questions correctly will be awarded honors in addition to the grade. Teachers will be invited at the beginning of each academic year to provide new questions or to rephrase questions already used, in order to obtain a different pool of questions for each year than in previous years. ASSESSMENT METHODS Details on how to prepare for the exam and the degree of depth of each topic will be communicated during the lessons. In any case, the exam will focus on the topics covered during the lectures and on all those specified in the program