CODE 68312 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 1 cfu anno 3 ORTOTTICA ED ASSISTENZA OFTALMOLOGICA 9283 (L/SNT2) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR MED/30 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: VISION SCIENCES II TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The discipline provides to students the basic information of posturology which has the purpose the diagnosy and therapy for postural sistem disfunctions based on the global diagnostic model. It makes possible to link the clinic evaluations in particular: Neurologic, oculistic, orthopedic, physiatrist, dental etc. AIMS AND CONTENT AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES Acquiring the knowledge and skills to understand: 1) The Physiopathological basis and therapeutical knowledge for paralytic strabismus and restrictive. 2) Main characteristics of nystagmus congenital and acquired 3) Diagnosis and treatment for the upon patologies 4) Physiologic basis of balance and how the ocular pathologies can change them. The course wants to provide the followinf diagnostic tools: Barré's vertical The Romberg Test The rotation head test The Bassani test The Fukuda Unterberger test The manoeuvre of podalic convercence Every lesson is divided in theorical part of 90 minutes, and practical part of 30 minutes. Posturografic exam: The last lesson is dedicated to the usage of the stabilometric - baropodometric platform. It will be used for specifical misuration on students who will discuss together about the results. TEACHING METHODS The last lesson is dedicated to the usage of the stabilometric – baropodemetric platform. It will be used for specifical misuration on students who will discuss together about the results. Every lesson is divided in theorucal part of 90 minutes, and practical part of 30 minutes. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Hystorical information about the discipline. Balance. Structure and anatomy of the scheletric muscle. Muscolar tone. Isometric and Isotonic Contraction. The impulse transmission. Fine postural System. Concept of postural biomecchanic. What is a system. Esoentrance. Endoentrance. The eye. The eye as esoentrance. The eye as endoentrance. The eye movements. The mouth, relation between the occlusion and the posture. The vestibule. The anatomy of the foot. The foot as postural organ. The foot as vascular organ. Sensoral interaction. Postural deficit syndrome. Postural issues from the eye. How proceed with an examination: Anamnesis Clinical Tests: Barrè's vertical, The Romberg test, The rotation head test, The Bassani test, The Fukuda Unterberger test, Thumbs test, Podalic manouvre convergence. Slow ocular convergence test. Posturografic exam. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY - Dispense scritte e fornite dal Docente stesso - Bricot B., "La riprogrammazione posturale globale", Statipro (1998) - Guidetti G., "Diagnosi e terapia dei disturbi dell'equilibrio", Editore marrapese (1997) - Pacini T., "Studio della postura e indagine baropodometrica", Chimat (2000) - Gagey P.M., M. Weber, "Posturologia, regolazione e perturbazione della stazione eretta", Seconda ed. Marrapese Editore, Roma, 2000 - Densy-Struyf G., "Les chaines musculaires et articulaires", Maloine, Paris 1982 TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD CARLO ALBERTO CUTOLO Exam Board CARLO ALBERTO CUTOLO RICCARDO SCOTTO ALDO VAGGE MICHELE IESTER (President and Coordinator of Integrated Course) LESSONS Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Oral. It is mandatory the subscription to the website: ASSESSMENT METHODS The exam will be composed of questions about the lessons and it has the goal to evaluate the ability to use the correct vocabulary and exposition of basic concepts of posturology. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 20/01/2025 12:00 GENOVA Orale 19/02/2025 12:00 GENOVA Orale 09/06/2025 12:00 GENOVA Orale 16/07/2025 12:00 GENOVA Orale 15/09/2025 12:00 GENOVA Orale