CODE 73071 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 12 cfu anno 1 TECNICA DELLA RIABILITAZIONE PSICHIATRICA 9286 (L/SNT2) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR MED/48 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER Annual MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: PRACTICAL-CLINICAL INTERNSHIP - 1ST YEAR TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES To acquire the ability to orientate in the psychiatric professional field with experimentation of the ability to approach in this field. To acquire basic professional competences. To acquire the ability to make an observation (structured or not) of the environment and the patient, through observational interactions with the patient, self-observation, effective communication with the user and the team AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The teaching aims to: develop in students the skills related to knowledge and observation (structured or not) of the environment and the patient. Gradually acquire the ability to come into contact with the person suffering from psychiatric disorder, developing over time the ability to establish and maintain relationships with the person, to know through direct observation of diseases, to assess the social functioning and cognitive through the use of standardized instruments. At the end of the course, the student in the different areas of competence learning will be able to Therapeutic-rehabilitation area: - recognize, at an initial level of ability, the main reactions of the person to illness, suffering and hospitalization, respecting the behavioral differences related to the culture of belonging - basic competence: to evaluate the possible repercussions on the psychosocial functioning connected to the course of the main psychiatric illnesses, to the treatment, to the habits of life and to the reactions to the disease, to the hospitalization, to the assistance interventions - know and know how to administer standardized tools (assessment scales, interviews, questionnaires) for the evaluation of psychic disability and psychosocial discomfort and interpret the outcomes - basic competence: identifying the physical, psychological and social needs that are capable of functional recovery - collect data relating to the clinical history and the current condition of the person, selecting suitable sources of information, including structured observation / assessment tools, also paying attention to problems within the family Scope of communication and relationship - use correct communication skills within the team, acquiring a therapeutic, homogeneous and consistent attitude with the group - recognize and interpret the signals of verbal and non-verbal communication of the person - initial skills: activate assertive communication techniques and active listening - apply initial effective communication skills with different users for culture and lifestyle - acquire basic communication skills, effective to maintain a professional relationship, recognizing and applying the characteristics of a relationship of trust for the therapeutic alliance - recognizing and respecting the role and competences of the inter-professional team and its own workers Ethical-deontological and professional responsibility: - gain awareness of professional ethics in relation to the patient and the multidisciplinary team - initial acquisition of the ability to act in a manner consistent with the disciplinary, ethical and deontological principles of the profession of the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Technician in the various situationsplanned and in relation to the responsibilities required by the training level Scope of training and learning: - continuously search for self-learning opportunities - self-assess their skills and outline their development and learning needs - apply independent study skills - be able to ask questions about the exercise of their activity, relevant in time, place and interlocutors - participate progressively more actively in team meetings TEACHING METHODS Internship I a provides 12 CFUs, each CFU requires 25 hours of mandatory attendance. Participation in internships awarded from the second half of May to the end of July (first two weeks of September for possible recoveries). Each student is assigned an internship guide. Use of self-learning contracts and plans in order to empower the student in the planning of their internship and self-assessment. Clinical diary and experiential relationship. Self-assessment of the experience by the student. Learning contract Internship with experiences supervised by tutors and with a progressive initial assumption of autonomy and responsibility. Debriefing sessions to reflect and re-work experiences of professional practice: individual interviews with the teaching tutor and / or the professional teaching director; in class, debriefing of group experience, with discussion of cases and paradigmatic relational situations. Problem-based learning. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Training and orientation project Frequency of training according to the expected learning modalities in objectives. Participation in debriefing sessions Project-work preparation and final elaboration RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY The direct experience of training does not provide for texts. However, students are encouraged to research scientific articles, texts or evaluation instruments during the experience, so as to deepen through the study and independent research topics of particular interest to the single student, in the face of curiosities emerging from concrete experience, possibly even not yet addressed in theoretical lessons. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD Exam Board ANGELO OGGIANU (President) GUIDO FRANCO AMORETTI ELISABETTA GARBARINO ANTONIO GUERCI CAMILLA MONGAI CECILIA SERENA PACE MAURO PALUMBO ANNA SIRI ANNAPAOLA MAZZA (President and Coordinator of Integrated Course) LESSONS LESSONS START The frequency of the training will start in the second half of May Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION To access the exam, the frequency must be completed for all the hours provided, according to the indications and rules given before the start of the study. Proof of fitness for the professional laboratory must have been carried out. Examination divided into two parts, on two different days: a practical theoretical part, with a clinical case proposal and a possible question on the paradigmatic situation of clinical-rehabilitative practice, concerning the training objectives; a second oral part, with an interview with the internship experience, a return interview and an in-depth examination of the first part of the exam, the internship (requested with delivery at the end of July), any supplementary verification of the suitability of the professional laboratory , if the previous suitability test has not been fully completed. Evaluation in thirtieths ASSESSMENT METHODS The verification of the achievement of the expected learning outcomes will take into account the self-assessment of the student carried out during and at the end of the experiential path, the evaluation of the experience by the training guide (s) and the tutor, as well as the director of the professional teaching also through evaluation feedback during the internship (through structured assessment sheets and clinical reports on professional practice), the results of the exam tests, the project-work and the final internship. In addition to the acquisition of professional skills according to the expected learning, the ability to apply knowledge through the approach to the clinical case, the solution of a problem with respect to paradigmatic situations of the profession, the ability to re-elaborate, will be particularly considered. awareness and criticism of the experience, the ability to communicate in the oral interview and the acquisition of transversal professional skills, such as the active participation in the work sessions, the ability to comply with the requests, the punctuality in the delivery of the teaching material, the punctuality and quality in the presentation of the works. FURTHER INFORMATION To access the internship experience, the badges relating to the Prevention and Safety elements module must be obtained by the end of February. Rules for attendance: in case of absence, you must always inform in advance your training guide, whether the absence is due to health reasons or to others, for example exam. On the signature sheet, however, the day will be marked indicating the reason for the absence and zero hours. For absences of more than one day, as well as notifying the guide, it will be necessary to notify the tutor and / or director of the professional activity via e-mail communication. For reasons other than illness, the adequacy of the request will first be examined. It is allowed to decide to stay at home the day before an exam is taken, especially if it is particularly onerous, in addition to the day of the exam itself, but anyway it must be taken into account. It is not possible to recover hours of absence on other days of training, stopping for more hours than those provided by the P.F.O. (training and orientation project) The delivery of signatures certifying the attendance and other teaching materials, such as the clinical / experiential internship diary, duly completed, is weekly and takes place at the coordination office on Friday afternoons or Monday mornings, when not during laboratory meetings. professional or individual interviews. Student reception: By appointment, from Monday to Friday, upon request and e-mail agreement In addition to the individual interviews foreseen by the didactic planning of the internship, the student is invited to request one whenever he sees the need, especially during the ongoing development of the experiential path. E-mail address to be used:,