CODE 84184 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 2 PSICOLOGIA 8753 (LM-51) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR MED/39 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The aims of this course is to provide students with expertise in Neurology and Psychiatry of children and adolescents, with particular reference to the diseases that require psychological support in a work shared and multi-disciplinarity field. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The course aims to provide students with skills in the fields of neurology and psychiatry in childhood and adolescence, with particular reference to diseases that require psychological support in a network and multidisciplinary perspective. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The course aims to address the main issues of NPI and its different development and competencies especially in the following fields: neurological, neuropsychological, psychiatric and rehabilitative process; particular importance will be given to the meaning of networking neuropsychiatric disorders in developmental age. Recommended prerequisites: developmental psychopathology, adolescence psychopathology. TEACHING METHODS Lectures and discussions starting from the clinical experience, with slides presentation and group work on clinical material. SYLLABUS/CONTENT The course will cover the following topics: Mind and brain: short notes on the contribution of neuroscience for the understanding of the development and neurophysiology of the nervous system during childhood and adolescence. The complexity of the diagnostic process in NPI Epilepsy Notes on Headaches Intellectual disability Specific language impairment Autism spectrum disorders Feeding and eating disorders Elimination disorder Anxiety disorders Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders Depression Somatization Psychosis in childhood Conduct disorder Personality disorders Attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder Gender dysforia Post-traumatic stress disorder Research topics, insights: Adolescent Psichiatry and psychopathology RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Propedeutical study books V. Guidetti: Fondamenti di Neuropsichiatria dell'Infanzia e dell'Adolescenza-.Il Mulino Manuali, Seconda edizione 2016. V. Guidetti: Neuropsichiatria dell'Infanzia e dell'Adolescenza - Approfondimenti, Il Mulino Manuali. Seconda edizione 2016. Complementary and additional material: Slides, notes presented during the lessons Linee guida SINPIA TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD MARIA NACCARI CARLIZZI Ricevimento: Appointment by email Exam Board MARIA NACCARI CARLIZZI (President) DAVID GIOFRE' LESSONS LESSONS START The lessons will begin according to the calendar of the Academic Year 202024/25 and according to teaching assignement. Class schedule INFANTILE NEUROPSYCHIATRY EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Oral test with open questions ASSESSMENT METHODS The parameters for the evaluation of student learning capacity will be, through written examination, as follows: KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: students will acquire adequate knowledge and an effective understanding of Psychiatry that is needed to work in network field and multidisciplinary way respecting their role of psychologists. ABILITY TO USE ON DAILY BASIS KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: students will be able to use the acquired knowledge and to understand and resolve issues related to child Neurology disorders from the perspective of the psychologist in different organizational contexts. JUDGE AUTONOMY: students will use the knowledge to create synergies and comparisons with other professionals dealing with the psychological, psychiatric, neurological related disciplines in the field of development age. COMMUNICATION SKILLS: students will acquire the technical language typical of discipline to communicate clearly and unambiguously with specialists and non-specialists. LEARNING SKILLS: students will develop appropriate learning skills that will enable them to continue to develop independently the main issues of discipline, especially in contexts where they will operate. FURTHER INFORMATION No obligatory class lessons attendance but we strongly recommend attendance