CODE 56074 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 8 cfu anno 2 PSICOLOGIA 8753 (LM-51) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR M-PSI/05 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW Individuals and social contexts are considered inseparable by the community psychology; they create an ecosystem whose knowledge is essential to understand the people’s behavior and to increase their well-being. Working in the perspective of community psychology, through its methods and techniques, means acting on relational and group processes, territorywise as a community that can sustain well-being. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The aim of the course is to promote the psychologist training in socio-cultural, organizational and territorial settings, according to persons, groups, and the community well-being approach. In particular the aim of this course is to enable students to present multi-level interventions, to interpret the contexts in preventive perspective, deepening the community work in public and private social-health services. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The course intends to deepen the discipline of community psychology through theoretical, research and intervention models, aimed at promoting community development. Furthermore, the course aims to provide skills both for the reading of contexts and for the definition and activation of community and evaluation projects, interventions and programs, based on well-being and empowerment. At the end of the course the student will be able to: learn the main methods and techniques of community psychology critically analyze the most relevant constructs of community psychology identify strengths and limitations of the various methodologies and techniques of community psychology design a community intervention to promote community development design a participatory evaluation process of a community project actively manage a presentation to a community PREREQUISITES Basic knowledge of community psychology, with particular reference to the key constructs of the discipline TEACHING METHODS The course will alternate lectures introducing methods and techniques, with investee lessons through the presentation of interventions in the field. Group activities can be also arranged to promote active learning methodologies of community psychology. SYLLABUS/CONTENT The following techniques will be analyzed in detail: analysis and writing of community profiles; organizational analysis of institutions, groups, associations; development and construction of community evaluation and intervention projects. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Program for students regularly attending the classes: Marta E., Mannarini T., De Piccoli N., Arcidiacono C. (2021) Manuale di Psicologia di Comunità, vol. 1 e vol.2 Franco Angeli, Milano. Slides on aulaweb. Program for students that cannot attend the classes: Marta E., Mannarini T., De Piccoli N., Arcidiacono C. (2021) Manuale di Psicologia di Comunità, vol. 1 e vol.2 Franco Angeli, Milano. Dallago L., Santinello M., Vieno A. (2004)Valutare gli interventi psicosociali, Le bussole, Carocci, Roma. Slides on aulaweb. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD LAURA MIGLIORINI Ricevimento: On Tuesday, by appointment, E-mail: Exam Board LAURA MIGLIORINI (President) NADIA RANIA LESSONS LESSONS START September 17, 24 Class schedule METHODS AND TECHNIQUES OF THE COMMUNITY ' PSYCHOLOGY EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The knowledge acquired will be assessed through an oral exam on the contents of the program. Through this mode, we will verify the theoretical and methodological knowledge acquired by the student, the critical look in relation to the main constructs addressed and the ability to translate them in the contexts. Assessment methods for attending students: Attendance at the lessons will allow you to get an overview of the materials in the program, thanks to the slides of the course, available on Aulaweb. Attending students will then give priority to the study of slides, the notes of the reports and use the texts in the program as a reference in case of further study. The oral will focus on the topics addressed in the lesson. In addition, attending students, will be able to design a community intervention, in the manner that will be presented in class, which will be the subject of the oral exam. ASSESSMENT METHODS Through the oral exam, students will be able to demonstrate an adequate knowledge of the main methodologies and techniques in the field of community psychology and to be able to apply the knowledge acquired in order to carry out community interventions. Students will be able to prove the acquisition of the technical language typical of the discipline. FURTHER INFORMATION For students with disabilities or specific learning disabilities (DSA). Students with disabilities or with DSA are reminded that in order to request adjustments for examinations they must first enter their certification on the University website at in the ‘Students’ section. The documentation will be checked by the University's Services for the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities and DSA Sector ( Subsequently, well in advance (at least 10 days) of the exam date, an e-mail must be sent to the teacher with whom the exam is to be taken, with a copy to both the School's Inclusion Services for students with disabilities and with DSA ( and the Sector indicated above using one of the following addresses (; The e-mail must specify the name of the teaching course the date of the call the student's surname, first name and roll number the compensatory tools and dispensatory measures considered functional and required. The contact person (Prof. Laura Traverso) will confirm to the teacher that the applicant has the right to request adaptations during the examination and that these adaptations must be agreed upon with the teacher. The lecturer will respond by stating whether the requested adaptations can be used. Requests must be sent at least 10 days before the date of the exam in order to allow the lecturer to assess their content. In particular, if concept maps are to be used for the exam (which must be much more concise than the maps used for study), if the submission does not respect the timeframe there will not be the technical time necessary to make any changes, which may be requested by the lecturer. For further information on requesting services and adaptations please consult the document: Guidelines for requesting services, compensatory and/or dispensatory measures and specific aids Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals Good health and well being Sustainable cities and communities