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CODE 72124
SEMESTER 2° Semester
MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di:


The course aims to give students a basic knowledge that will allow him to observe and to design educational interventions in different contexts that can accommodate people with disabilities. It will be made an analysis of the evolution of special education from a cultural and legislative point of view; will be analyzed  planning tools helpful in practice. It is also provided, the deepening of some disability and the related intervention strategies.



Plan and organize educational and rehabilitation projects in a participation and recovery context of disabled subjects


At the end of the course the students will be able to:

  1. Describe the theoretical and methodological principles related to the identification and promotion of the concept of Inclusion and Special Educational Need.
  2. Identify the main approaches to disability with particular reference to the Independent Living Movement and Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
  3. Explain the reference legislation that regulates inclusion, in particular the principles of the UN Convention
  4. To define the observational and planning tools (ICF, ICD, Quality of Life Model, Pei, Life Project) and their application principles and the main intervention methodologies aimed at promoting communication processes (CAA) and autonomy (behavioral and cognitive-behavioral interventions)
  5. Analyze the environment and the functioning of the person according to the ICF perspective, understand the emerging needs by identifying possible facilitators and barriers
  6. Apply methodologies to promote communication (CAA), the acquisition of autonomy and the management of problem behaviors
  7. Design inclusive educational interventions starting from the detection of the need of the person with disabilities to promote a quality life (implementation of the PEI, of the Life Project and application of the Quality of Life Model)
  8. Design paths for the management of sexuality, free time, work and the "after us"

At the end of the course students will also acquire:

1.    Ability to communicate effectively in relation to the context, use sources and aids of various kinds, use critical thinking, process and evaluate information, discuss content.

2.    Ability to identify one's own abilities, ability to concentrate, critical reflection on a task, management of complexity, autonomy in decisions and in carrying out a task. 

3.    Ability to develop one's imagination and creativity, strategic thinking. 

4.    Ability to manage social interactions with a collaborative attitude and the use of constructive communication, to respect others and their needs, willingness to overcome prejudices, to express and understand different points of view.

5.    Awareness of one's preferred learning strategies, organization and assessment of personal learning as understood and learned by students




Dialogue lessons are foreseen (supported by slides) in which the problems connected to special education and the educational relationship in situations of special educational need will be discussed. The course will also provide practical (group) exercises, case study analysis, structured "debate" activities, world cafes, simulations and video analysis.

 The exercises will have the aim of helping the student to apply in practice what has been learned on a theoretical level. These activities will allow attending students to acquire an OPEN BADGE which will certify participation in a course aimed at acquiring soft skills relating to the following key competencies: functional literacy (advanced level); personal (advanced level); social (advanced level); learning to learn (basic level); project creation (basic level).

Aulaweb is the course workspace where the slides used by the teacher will be inserted (at the end of each lesson), in-depth materials, applications to encourage interaction and active participation by students. Students will also have the opportunity to upload materials they deem relevant to the topics of the course.

Experts and representatives of services for people with disabilities may be invited to the lessons



Epistemological identification of pedagogy and special education

concepts in the formation of an inclusive culture

The main authors

The legislative process

UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities

Approaches: Independet Living Movement, Universal Design for Learning



Classifications: from ICDH to ICF and ICD

The Quality of Life model

The IEP and the Life Project

Tools for observation and detection of the need



The adaptations

Augmentative Alternative Communication

The ABA method

Problem Behavior Strategies

Becoming an adult: managing sexuality in person with disabilities

Free time management of the person with disabilities

Wek management of the person with disabilities

"After Us"


The curse contributes to the achievement of the following sustainable development goal of the UN 2030 Agenda:

Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all



Attending student

1. Cottini L. (2021), Didattica speciale per l’educatore socio-pedagogico, Carocci editore, Roma.

2. Cottini L., Fedeli D., Zorzi S. (2016), Qualità della Vita nella disabilità adulta. Percorsi, servizi e strumenti psicoeducativi, Trento Erickson

3. Material provided by the teacher available in the aulaweb

Non-attending students

1. Cottini L. (2021), Didattica speciale per l’educatore socio-pedagogico, Carocci editore, Roma.

2. Cottini L., Fedeli D., Zorzi S. (2016), Qualità della Vita nella disabilità adulta. Percorsi, servizi e strumenti psicoeducativi, Trento Erickson

3. Additional book, will be communicated by the teacher 

4. Material provided by the teacher available in the aulaweb


Exam Board


DONATELLA PANATTO (President Substitute)



The lessons will start in the second semester. Students are invited to consult aulaweb of the course to view the calendar of meetings and  respective contents



Attending students

At the end of each module, an activity is expected to investigate the skills acquired on the topics covered, evaluated out of thirty.

During the lessons, the realization of a group project will be foreseen and aimed at investigating the ability to work in a team and to design a path for people with disabilities. The project will be evaluated out of thirty.

The exam will be aimed at evaluating the knowledge acquired. It will take place in written form (multiple choice test, 31 questions assessed, each 1 point) with the possibility of oral integration. It will focus on the contents of the program and on the material uploaded to the "aula-web".

The average of the marks achieved (in the end-of-module activities, in the project, and in the exam) determines the final grade.

Non Attending students

The exam will be aimed at assessing knowledge and will take place in written form (multiple choice test, 32 questions evaluated, every question 0.5 points + three open questions of a theoretical-application nature, each considered 5 points). It is possible to integrate the written test with the oral one. The exam will focus on the 3 texts indicated in the program and on the material uploaded to the "aula-web"


The successful learning of the discipline is certified by the competence demonstrated by the student to have acquired a knowledge of the subjects consistent with the expected results and in accordance with the training objectives declined according to the Dublin descriptors. 

The tests completed at the end of the module are aimed at detecting the acquisition by the students of the ability to apply in practice, on an individual level, what they learned during the lessons

The realization of the project is aimed at evaluating in the student not only the planning ability but also the ability to work in a team, discuss, debate, and compare in choosing the best intervention strategies

The final exam is aimed at evaluating the knowledge acquired during the course.

In each test, the quality of the presentation, the correct use of the specialized vocabulary, and the capacity for critical reasoning in the study carried out will be taken into account. 



All students are invited to periodically consult the page for this course on the AulaWeb e-learning portal ( to find all the information and materials relating to this course, appropriately updated.

Students with DSA, disability or other special educational needs certification are invited to contact the teacher at the beginning of the course to agree on teaching and exam methods that, in compliance with the teaching objectives, take into account individuals learning methods  and provide suitable compensatory instruments.

Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals

Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals
Quality education
Quality education


 PRO3 - Soft skills - Creazione progettuale base 1 - A
PRO3 - Soft skills - Creazione progettuale base 1 - A
 PRO3 - Soft skills - Imparare a imparare base 1 - A
PRO3 - Soft skills - Imparare a imparare base 1 - A
 PRO3 - Soft skills - Sociale avanzato 1 - A
PRO3 - Soft skills - Sociale avanzato 1 - A
 PRO3 - Soft skills - Personale avanzato 1 - A
PRO3 - Soft skills - Personale avanzato 1 - A
 PRO3 - Soft skills - Alfabetica avanzato 1 - A
PRO3 - Soft skills - Alfabetica avanzato 1 - A