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CODE 103944
SEMESTER 1° Semester
Propedeuticità in ingresso
Per sostenere l'esame di questo insegnamento è necessario aver sostenuto i seguenti esami:
MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di:



The course aims to provide a theoretical framework of clinical psychology of early child-caregiver relationships within a salutogenic perspective. Particular attention will be dedicated to the observation of child and his/her relationships in the educational context as a clinical method. The course will focus on inter-subjectivity, co-regulation and self-regulation of needs and emotions, the principles of rupture and reparation, intense affective states, the stress regulation system, the emotional-relational climate in the context of services for childhood as a factor promoting health and well-being.


At the end of the course, the student will have to:

1. Know and understand the characteristics of some of the most widespread conceptual models and evaluation tools used in the field of clinical psychology focused on the child-caregiver relationships;

2. Understand the main implications of knowledge of clinical psychology in the context of childcare services;

3. Communicate the knowledge acquired with the specific terminology relating to clinical psychology;


The course will take place through lectures and classroom discussion of clinical vignettes.


In detail, the lessons will address the following topics:

- The theory of attachment (included: sensitive care and mentalization)

- The main contributions of Infant Research

- The observation of the child

- Intersubjectivity

- The processes of emotional regulation in early relationships

- The relational mind

- Main psychopathological manifestations related to child-caregiver relationships


Lessons will contribute to the achievement of the following Sustainable Development Goal of the ONU 2030 Agenda:

Goal 3. Ensure health and well-being for all at all ages


For attending students

Mandatory books:

  • Murray, L., & Marchetti, C. (2015). Le prime relazioni del bambino. Dalla nascita a due anni, i legami fondamentali per lo sviluppo. Raffaello Cortina Editore. Parti 2 e 3.
  • Slides and lesson’s notes

One to be chose within the followings:

  • Liotti G. E Farina B. Sviluppi traumatici. R. Cortina, Milano 2011
  • Stern, D. Il mondo interpersonale del bambino. Bollati Boringhieri. 1987
  • Cummings & Davis. (2013). Il conflitto coniugale e i figli. La prospettiva della sicurezza emotiva. Borla

For not attending students

Mandatory books:

  • Murray, L., & Marchetti, C. (2015). Le prime relazioni del bambino. Dalla nascita a due anni, i legami fondamentali per lo sviluppo. Raffaello Cortina Editore. Parti 2 e 3.
  • Fonagy, P., Gergely, Jurist, Target, M.. (2002) Regolazione affettiva, mentalizzazione e sviluppo del sé. Raffaello Cortina. Capitoli 1-5

​One to be chosen within the followings:

  • Liotti G. E Farina B. Sviluppi traumatici. R. Cortina, Milano 2011
  • Stern, D. Il mondo interpersonale del bambino. Bollati Boringhieri. 1987
  • Cummings & Davis. (2013). Il conflitto coniugale e i figli. La prospettiva della sicurezza emotiva. Borla
For international students, texts and articles in English are available on request.


Exam Board


DONATELLA PANATTO (President Substitute)



Lessons will start on Thursday, september 19th, h 12-14.

Lessons will be held every Thursday, 12-14, and Friday 14-16.




The evaluation will be expressed out of thirty. To pass the test, the lowest grade will be 18/30 and the highest will be 30/30. The student who has withdrawn is allowed to repeat the test in the next session; the student who did not obtain a sufficient rating is allowed to repeat the test in the next session.

The exam will be structured as follows:

A written exam consisting of 10 multiple-choice and three open-ended questions. The written exam will last one hour and thirty minutes. Specifically, 8 multiple-choice questions and two open-ended questions will focus on textbooks. The remainder of the questions will focus on the book of your choice. In the event of restrictions related to the health emergency, the examination procedure relating replaced by an oral assessment procedure.

Extraordinary sessions will not be organized outside the periods indicated in the Degree Program Regulations.

The exam can be taken in English or French depending on the student's preference.


The ability to remember and explain the knowledge acquired during the course will be verified by evaluating the correctness and completeness of the answers provided to the multiple choice questions and open-ended questions during the written exam.

The open-ended questions of the written exam will allow to assess the quality of the exposure and the correct use of the specialist vocabulary. The same methods will also make possible to ascertain the degree of understanding of the knowledge acquired during the course.

Exam schedule

Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note
16/01/2025 12:00 GENOVA Scritto
16/01/2025 12:00 GENOVA Scritto
30/01/2025 12:00 GENOVA Scritto
30/01/2025 12:00 GENOVA Scritto
13/02/2025 12:00 GENOVA Scritto
13/02/2025 12:00 GENOVA Scritto
29/05/2025 12:00 GENOVA Scritto
29/05/2025 12:00 GENOVA Scritto
12/06/2025 12:00 GENOVA Scritto
12/06/2025 12:00 GENOVA Scritto
27/06/2025 12:00 GENOVA Scritto
27/06/2025 12:00 GENOVA Scritto
17/07/2025 12:00 GENOVA Scritto
17/07/2025 12:00 GENOVA Scritto
11/09/2025 12:00 GENOVA Scritto
11/09/2025 12:00 GENOVA Scritto


Lessons will be held in person. The number of students who will be able to participate in the lessons will be calibrated with respect to the capacity of the classrooms available, as well as the specific indications from the University. Only in the event of a resurgence of the health emergency, and related distancing provisions by the University, the lessons will be remodeled remotely on Teams. The Teams platform may, if necessary, be used for specific needs (e.g. participation of external professionals).

The lessons will not be videotaped unless an obligation is provided by the University. However, if the appropriate technical equipment will be functional and available, the teacher will allow the double channel in synchronous in order to favor the inclusion of fragile students who are unable to access face-to-face lessons.

Students with certification of Specific Learning Disabilities, disabilities or other special educational needs are advised to contact the teacher at the beginning of the course to agree on teaching and examination methods that, in compliance with the teaching objectives, take into account individual learning methods and provide suitable compensatory tools.

Foreign students may choose to study on a translated version of the textbooks. If the translated or English version of the text is not available, an alternative text written in English will be agreed with the teacher. The exam can be taken in English or French depending on the student's preference.