CODE 66897 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 10 cfu anno 2 BIOTECNOLOGIE 8756 (L-2) - GENOVA LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA PREREQUISITES Propedeuticità in uscita Questo insegnamento è propedeutico per gli insegnamenti: Biotechnology 8756 (coorte 2023/2024) MICROBIOLOGY, GENERAL PATHOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY AND LABORATORY 66902 MODULES Questo insegnamento è composto da: HUMAN ANATOMY HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The lectures of Human Anatomy and Human Physiology Unit of the Human Anatomy and Physiology, with Laboratory, are held in the first semester of the second year. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The aim of the course of Human Anatomy and Physiology and Laboratory is to provide the student with the appropriate knowledge about the organization and functioning of the human body. The lectures will focus on the description of the structural organization and function of the organs at cellular and molecular level. The acquired knowledge will provide the student with the proper tools to further deepen the subject autonomously. The lectures will be supported by laboratory activities in which the student will experience some of the methodologies used in the Anatomy and Physiology field. TEACHING METHODS Lectures and laboratory. Any Student with documented Specific Learning Disorders (SLD), or with any special needs, should contact the Lecturer(s) and to the dedicated SLD Representative in the Department before class begins, in order to liaise and arrange the specific teaching methods so that the learning aims and outcomes may be met. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD FABIO GIUSEPPE GHIOTTO Ricevimento: By appointment, e-mail: ANDREA NICOLA MAZZARELLO SILVIA GIOVEDI' Ricevimento: By appointment by email: ANNA FASSIO Ricevimento: By appointment by e-mail: FABIO BENFENATI Ricevimento: By appointment by email: BRUNO STERLINI Exam Board ANNA FASSIO (President) FABIO GIUSEPPE GHIOTTO (President) SILVIA GIOVEDI' (President) FABIO BENFENATI ANDREA NICOLA MAZZARELLO BRUNO STERLINI LESSONS Class schedule HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY AND LABORATORY EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Oral. ASSESSMENT METHODS The assessment of the achievement of educational objectives by assessing the level of learning of the subject by the students will be done through oral examination. The examination is carried out in an integrated way by professors of both modules, so as to ensure that the student has clear concepts of each module and is able to integrate the concepts of the two modules. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note Subject 19/06/2025 09:30 GENOVA Orale ANATOMIA UMANA 03/07/2025 09:30 GENOVA Orale ANATOMIA UMANA 17/07/2025 09:30 GENOVA Orale ANATOMIA UMANA 18/09/2025 09:30 GENOVA Orale ANATOMIA UMANA 19/06/2025 09:30 GENOVA Orale FISIOLOGIA UMANA 03/07/2025 09:30 GENOVA Orale FISIOLOGIA UMANA 17/07/2025 09:30 GENOVA Orale FISIOLOGIA UMANA 18/09/2025 09:30 GENOVA Orale FISIOLOGIA UMANA