CODE 114705 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 3 cfu anno 1 METODOLOGIE FILOSOFICHE 8465 (LM-78) - GENOVA LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW Through the reading and analysis of some classic texts in analytic philosophy, the seminar introduces tools to learn how to effectively write philosophical analyses and arguments. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The seminar aims to provide some fundamental tools for analyzing classical problems in analytic philosophy and for effectively writing philosophical analyzes and arguments. Through the in-depth study of some classic texts, the seminar provides the tools to improve clarity in exposition, precision in the use of language and awareness in the use of philosophical arguments. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the course, the student will: Be able to read, analyze, and discuss some philosophical articles from the analytic tradition. Be able to identify the main theses of an article. Be able to formulate arguments for or against a certain thesis. Improve their ability to clearly write arguments supporting or opposing a certain thesis. Improve their ability to structure and effectively write a philosophical article. PREREQUISITES None TEACHING METHODS The course includes an introductory part presenting classic articles and a section providing the main guidelines for effective analytic writing. Additionally, the course involves group discussions of the articles main theses, potential objections, and the arguments required to discuss the topic at hand. Finally, the course includes the planning, structuring, and writing of an article, either individually or in groups. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Reading and analysis of some classic texts from the analytic tradition taken from A. C. Varzi. Metafisica. Classici Contemporanei. Laterza Exercises in text analysis, identification of main theses, and formulation of objections. Guidelines for structuring and writing a philosophical article. Exercises in writing a philosophical article. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Materials will be provided during the lessons and made available on AulaWeb. The articles are selected from A. C. Varzi. Metafisica. Classici Contemporanei. Laterza TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD DANIELE PORELLO Ricevimento: Tuesday 15-17 DAFIST, sezione di Filosofia, Via Balbi 4, II piano. On Teams, team code qqnykcf. Exam Board DANIELE PORELLO (President) MARCELLO FRIXIONE LESSONS LESSONS START 3rd October 2024 Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION There is no final exam. ASSESSMENT METHODS Credits will be awarded based on seminar attendance (at least 75%) and the submission of the group work.