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CODE 80280
SEMESTER 1° Semester


Physical Chemistry of Magnetic Materials is a characterizing teaching of inorganic-physical chemistry curriculum focused on the theoretical and experimental aspects of the physical chemistry of the magnetic materials.




The teaching aims to bring the student to a knowledge of the behavior of chemical-physical systems subjected to magnetic fields. The effect of a magnetic field on a gas, on a liquid or solution, on an organic or inorganic solid will be studied. The main materials and compounds currently of particular technological and industrial importance will be examined: permanent magnets, magnetic recording, magnetic steels.


In the framework  of the materials science and technology degree program, the skills acquired in the course are to be considered particularly suitable for the Materials Scientist: Research Specialist profile. On the other hand,  the topic related to the technological applications of permanent magnets provides skills that are also suitable for the profile Materials Scientist: Specialist in Technology


Background in Mathematics, General Physics,  General Chemistry and Physical Chemistry  is recommended 


Lectures  (40 h) will be focused on the teaching program. Students, divided into small groups, will carry out laboratory activities (13h) aimed at consolidating theoretical knowledge and developing the ability to design both bulk and nanostructured magnetic materials. Attendance at lectures is mandatory to be admitted to laboratory activities.


Introduction-units of measurement in magnetism. SI and c.g.s system. Origin of magnetic moment: Orbital magnetic moment and Spin magnetic moment in quantum mechanics. Fundamental states and Hund's Rules. Coupling (Russell-Saunders, jj). Diamagnetism: Origin of diamagnetism; Classification of diamagnetic substances; Pascal's Law of Additivity. Paramagnetism: Treatment according to Langevin's Theory; Treatment according to quantum mechanics (Boltzmann equation and Brillouin function); Curie's law, Curie-Weiss law. Magnetism in transition metal complexes, Valence bond theory,  Crystalline field theory. Paramagnetism of conduction electrons. Ordered magnetic systems: Weiss theory, Heisenberg model, Band model. RKKY theory Ferromagnetism: Stoner-Wohlfart model, Phenomenological aspects. Magnetic anisotropy. Magnetic domains. The hysteresis loop. Saturation induction. Remanence . Coercive field. Antiferromagnetism: Molecular Field Theory, Metamagnetic transitions: first- and second-order transitions. Spin-flop transitions. Spin-flip transitions. Ferrimagnetism: Dependence of M on T and H. the compensation temperature. Molecular field theory in ferrimagnetic systems. Permanent magnets.  Superparamagnetism: Langevin theory applied to superparamagnetic particles. Blocking temperature. Definition of critical radius of superparamagnetic particle. Molecular magnetism: Exchange interactions in organic spin systems. Blaney-Bowers theory. Study of some technological aspects of magnetism. Hard magnets, soft magnets, magnetic steels. Two practical laboratory exercises related to the study of magnetic properties of materials will be offered. The detailed teching  program will be discussed with students during classes.


S. Blundell, Magnetism in condensed matter. Oxford: Oxford Univesity Press, 2001.

J.M.D. Coey, Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2010.

D. Peddis, P. E. Jönsson, S. Laureti, and G. Varvaro, Magnetic interactions: A tool to modify the magnetic properties of materials based on nanoparticles, vol. 6. 2014.

G. Muscas, N. Yaacoub, and D. Peddis, Novel Magnetic Nanostrucures Unique properties and applications. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier, 2019.


Exam Board


Pierfrancesco MALTONI

SAWSSEN SLIMANI (President Substitute)



lectures wiìill strat in October 2024 (more information are present to this link)

Class schedule

The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy



Oral examination lasting 45 to 60 minutes in the presence of two professors of the scientific discipline area.

- Preparation of the laboratory notebook containing a detailed account of all experimental and computational activities carried out in the laboratory. The laboratory notebook, personally prepared by each student, must be submitted for evaluation at least 10 days before the oral examination.

- Preparation of the laboratory report prepared In a way that will be discussed in detail during classes. Generally speaking, the laboratory report should contain: a. detailed description of the theoretical background and experimental aspects of the laboratory experiences; b. elaboration, rationalization and critical evaluation of the experimental results. The laboratory report, prepared by small groups of students, should submitted for evaluation at least 10 days  before the oral  examination.



The assessment of the expected learning outcomes will be carried out by the combined assessment of the oral examination, laboratory notebook and laboratory report. Specifically:

-) The oral examination will allow' in addition to the assessment of knowledge of the topics covered by the teaching, the verification of the student's reasoning ability and his/her ability to solve simple exercises. During the oral examination, language property and appropriate use of specialized vocabulary will also be assessed.

-) Evaluation of the laboratory notebook will assess the student's critical observational and reasoning skills in planning and executing the experimental activity. The ability to describe the laboratory activity in a clear organic and detailed manner will also be assessed.

-) the assessment of the laboratory file will allow to verify the student's ability to rationalize the experimental activity carried out, elaborating and commenting critically on the experimental results obtained during the activities' laboratory. It will also be possible to assess the students' ability to organize a scientific text of medium length in a rational and homogenous way. Finally, students' team working ability will be assessed.

Exam schedule

Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note
30/01/2025 15:00 GENOVA Orale
13/02/2025 15:00 GENOVA Orale
07/07/2025 15:00 GENOVA Orale
21/07/2025 15:00 GENOVA Orale
04/09/2025 15:00 GENOVA Orale


Students who have valid certification of physical or learning disabilities on file with the University and who wish to discuss possible accommodations or other circumstances regarding lectures, coursework and exams, should speak both with the instructor and with Professor Sergio Di Domizio (, the Department’s disability liaison.

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