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CODE 61899


The final exam allows the student to acquire the ECTS related to the experimental thesis on an original topic to be carried out in a research laboratory under the guidance of a Supervisor appointed by the CCS of the Master’s degree course.



The final exam requires an experimental thesis on an original topic to be carried out at the research laboratories of the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry of the University of Genoa or, on request, at external, national or foreign structures (University, public or private laboratories or research institutions, public or private industries), under the guidance of a Supervisor. The results of the activity will be shown in a written dissertation prepared in an original way by the student under the guidance of a Supervisor and discussed orally in front of a Committee including teachers of the Master's degree course and experts in the field. During the thesis, the student will acquire the skills and methodologies necessary to face systematic research problems (basic and / or applied) as well as to analyze and report the results rigorously and clearly.


The aim of the final test is to verify that the student has attained the proper skills and abilities to develop an experimental research program on an original topic, albeit under the guidance of a Supervisor.

During the experimental work, lasting not less than 7 months, the student must demonstrate that he is able to:

• carry out the tasks entrusted to him systematically and independently;

• organize and manage the experimental activity;

• properly use the equipment made available;

• team work;

• consult the literature relevant to the experimental activity;

• analyze and critically evaluate the data acquired;

• report rigorously and clearly the results obtained in a written dissertation prepared in original form by means of appropriate lexicon and terminology.

During the pre-graduation seminar and graduation session, the student must demonstrate that he is able to:

• orally present the topics and the data obtained in a clear, concise and rigorous way;

• discuss the results achieved;

• properly answer the questions asked by the Degree Committee.


The student freely chooses a Supervisor and, in agreement with the latter, the theme of the degree thesis, which must be in accordance with the learning outcomes of the Master's degree course.

The Supervisor of the thesis work must be a professor of the Master’s degree course , or another professor of the MFN School of Sciences of the University of Genoa.

The student, in agreement with the Supervisor, chooses a first co-Supervisor to whom the CCS will support a second co-Supervisor among the teachers of the MFN School of Sciences. The co-Supervisors must critically follow the progress of the research and must be periodically informed by the student on the development of the experimental activity.


As a rule, 14 days before the graduation exam, the candidate must upload the written thesis on the relevant portal.


As a rule, 7 days before the graduation exam, the student will have to present the content of his thesis in a public seminar, which will be attended by all the members of the pre-graduation seminar Committee, the Supervisors and the Co-Supervisors. During the pre-graduation seminar, he will have 30-40 minutes to present the thesis and 20-30 minutes to discuss the results. The use of electronic media is allowed.

The pre-graduation seminar Committee presiding over the pre-graduation seminar must, unless exceptional cases, be the same of the Degree Committee.


The final exam consists of an experimental thesis lasting no less than seven months corresponding to 38 ECTS. The results of the activity will be shown in a written dissertation prepared in an original way by the student under the guidance of a Supervisor and discussed orally before an exam Committee composed of teachers of the Master's degree course and/or experts in the field.

The Chemical Sciences and Industrial Chemistry courses have detailed regulations for thesis and final examination activities, which can be found on the relevant websites of the two Master's degree Courses.

Chemical Sciences:

Industrial Chemistry:


There are not recommended texts, as they are closely related to the topic chosen for the experimental thesis.


Exam Board

ANDREA BASSO (President)



Scheduled dates for graduation sessions can be found on the Course website


Class schedule

The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy



During the academic year, 8 graduation sessions are normally scheduled, chaired by a Degree Committee composed of at least five elements.

The Master courses in Chemical Sciences and Industrial Chemistry have prepared detailed and specific Regulations for the conduct of the graduation examination, which can be consulted on the websites of the Courses


The candidate will not be able to access to the final exam before 7 months from the start of the thesis. The time available for each candidate for the presentation of the thesis with the help of an electronic medium and for the answers to the questions of the Degree Committee is 10—15 minutes.

In case of emergency and only according to specific indications by the University of Genoa, the assessment method for the final exam might be changed, including the possibility of an online procedure.

At the end of the exposition, the Commission shall meet to definethe graduation grade, determined on the basis of the aforementioned Regulations


The main purpose of the final exam is to verify the student's acquired ability to argue the issues developed during the experimental thesis and critically discuss the results obtained.

The criteria followed by the Degree Committee are listed below.

For the written dissertation: clarity of contents and synthesis, use of adequate vocabulary and terminology, care in the format of the text, care in the selection of bibliographic references.

For the oral presentation: mastery in the argumentation of the topics, effectiveness in both verbal and graphic expression, ability to critically evaluate the results obtained, ability to answer the questions of the Degree Committee and actively participate to the discussion.


Students who have valid certification of physical or learning disabilities on file with the University and who wish to discuss possible accommodations or other circumstances regarding lectures, coursework and exams, should speak both with the instructor and with Professor Sergio Di Domizio (, the Department’s disability liaison.

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