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CODE 62123
SEMESTER 1° Semester
Propedeuticità in ingresso
Per sostenere l'esame di questo insegnamento è necessario aver sostenuto i seguenti esami:
Propedeuticità in uscita
Questo insegnamento è propedeutico per gli insegnamenti:
  • Chemistry and Chemical Technologies 8757 (coorte 2022/2023)
  • Chemistry and Chemical Technologies 8757 (coorte 2023/2024)
  • Chemistry and Chemical Technologies 8757 (coorte 2024/2025)


Polymeric materials are formulations having a polymer or a mixture of polymers as the main component.

Polymeric materials are extremely versatile and, therefore, widely used in industrial domains and daily activities. This teaching provides the fundamentals to the knowledge of this class of materials, placing particular emphasis on the structure-property relationships, which justify their widespread use.



The object of the teaching are materials having as main component a polymer or a mixture of polymers. The basic knowledge for the study of polymeric matrix materials will be provided, describing the main classes of polymeric materials with their respective sectors of use and the most common molecular and chemical-physical characterization techniques, also through laboratory exercises.


It is an introductory teaching on the science and technology of polymeric materials, the main objective of which is to highlight the correlation between the composition and properties of polymeric materials and the experimental data derived from their characterization. To pursue this aim, lectures are always accompanied by examples related to the use of polymeric materials in everyday life and industrial practice.

The learning outcomes expected at the end of the teaching are:

- to know the molecular structure of the most common polymers and to be able to classify them according to different parameters;

- to be able to use appropriate terminology in the description of phenomena and processes involving polymeric materials;

- to be able to relate the chemical, physical, mechanical, thermal and rheological properties of polymeric materials to their composition and structure;

- to be able to identify and interpret the information provided by the most common thermal characterization techniques of polymeric materials;

- to be able to identify and interpret the information provided by the most common techniques for determining the molecular mass of polymers.

The teaching is provided for the students of the Chemical Technologies curriculum (degree course in Chemistry and Chemical Technologies). Moreover, it is frequently chosen as optional teaching for 4 CFUs. In this case, the learning outcomes do not include the last point of the aforementioned list.


No official prerequisite for students of Course Degree in Sciences of Materials, though it is recommended to have overcome the exams of General and Inorganic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry.

Students of Course Degree in Chemistry and Chemical Technology must have passed the exam in Organic Chemistry 1.


The teaching consists of traditional lectures for a total of 40 hours (5 CFU), and a theoretical-practical laboratory part of 13 hours (1 CFU). Attendance at laboratory activities is compulsory.

In the practical part, the students, divided into groups, will have to apply the experimental protocols proposed for the characterization of polymeric materials under the guidance of the professor in charge. At the end of the experimental activity, students will have to deliver a brief report with the results obtained. Organization and dates of the laboratory activities will be communicated at the end of the traditional lessons of the teaching.


First part (4 CFUs):

General concepts on polymers and polymeric materials.

Structure of the polymeric backbone: composition, configuration, conformation. Nomenclature.

Classification of polymers based on different parameters (composition, polymerization degree and mechanism, origin, mechanical and processing properties, lifecycle).

Solid state polymers: amorphous polymers (common amorphous polymers and their use, glass transition temperature and study of the parameters influencing it), semi-crystalline polymers (common semi-crystalline polymers and their use, the melting temperature and study of the temperatures influencing it, thermodynamics and kinetics of the melting-crystallization process), thermosetting polymers, characterization techniques (densitometry, differential scanning calorimetry, determination of crystallinity degree, termogravimetric analysis).

Second part (1 CFU):

Introduction to rheological properties of polymers in mass and in solution.

Molecular characterization techniques of polymers (osmometry, viscosimetry, light scattering, ultracentrifugation, gel permeation chromatography).

Third part (1 technical-practical CFU):

Two laboratory experiences on:

- fractioning of a polydisperse sample of poly(oxyethylene) in aqueous solution;

- determination of the molecular mass of isolated poly(oxyethylene) fractions by density gradient and rheological characterization.

Both second and third parts of the teaching are not provided to students who attend the lessons for 4 CFUs.

Based on the content described, the teaching contributes to the achievement of the following Sustainable Development Goals of the ONU 2030 Agenda: Goal 4. Quality Education, Goal 5. Gender Equality and Goal 12. Responsible consumption and production.

As a quality assurance, the detailed program of the teaching is uploaded to the corresponding aula@web page, so the students can verify the correspondence between topics and learning outcomes.


To facilitate learning, lesson notes are uploaded to the corresponding aul@web simultaneously with their content’s presentation in the classroom.

In addition, quizzes and tests lasting one hour each and exam simulations are uploaded on the same webpage. These activities are to be taken asynchronously to the lectures in order to check individual preparation.

The following supporting texts are suggested limited to the content covered in the teaching:

Scienza e tecnologie dei materiali, D. R. Askeland, P. P. Fulay, W. J. Wright – Edizioni Città Studi, 2017

Fondamenti di Struttura, Proprietà e Tecnologia dei Polimeri- Testi AIM - Edizioni Nuova Cultura, 2011

Fondamenti di Scienza dei Polimeri - M. Guaita, F. Ciardelli, E. Pedemonte - Pacini Editore, 2009

Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali Polimerici - S. Bruckner, G. Allegra, M. Pegoraro, F.P. La Mantia- EdiSES, 2007

Introduction to synthetic polymers – I. M. Campbell – Oxford Press, 2000 – 2nd edition.

Fundamentals of Polymer Science – P. C. Painter, M. M. Coleman - Technomic Publishing Co., Inc., 1997- 2nd edition.

Polymers: Chemistry and Physics of Modern Materials – J. M. G. Cowie – Blackie Academic & Professional, Chapman & Hull Eds., 1991 – 2nd edition.

Supplementary material is provided on request to working students or students with SLD.


Exam Board



MAILA CASTELLANO (President Substitute)


SILVIA VICINI (Substitute)



The teaching is held on the first semester. The lessons timetable is available within the link below:

Class schedule

The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy



The exam consists of a written test and an oral test conducted by two teachers (including the teacher in charge).

During the calendar year, 7 official exam sessions are scheduled, distributed in the time intervals established by the Manifesto degli Studi and the Regolamento del Corso di Studio of the CdS involved. Extraordinary exam sessions outside the as-indicated periods will be granted only to students overdue with the curriculum studiorum.

The written test consists of two parts, the contribution of which to the exam evaluation is specified below:

- the first part consists in the interpretation and discussion of experimental data deriving from the characterization of polymeric materials in order to verify the acquired ability to apply the theoretical concepts to real situations; the first part of the written test is awarded a maximum rating of 14/30;

- the second part consists of a test composed of 4 questions (multiple and/or open choice) on 4 different topics included in the teaching program; the second part of the written test is awarded a maximum rating of 10/30.

The questions relating to the written test are inserted in a single document, previously prepared by the examination committee and numbered. At each examination session, the document is selected from those available by number and without knowing its content.

Composition and numbering of the document are differentiated according to the CFU number of the student's study plan.

The oral exam, which is awarded a maximum rating of 6/30, consists of:

- the discussion of laboratory reports for students who attended the teaching for 6 CFU and took part in the technical-practical activity (3/30);

- the description and discussion of the properties of a class of polymers or of a specific polymer (3/30 or 6/30 for students who attended the teaching for 4 CFU).

Students are admitted to the oral test if they acquired a score of 12/30 or more in the written test; oral test is optional for students who acquire a score of 18/30 or more in the written test.

For students with valid certification of physical or learning disabilities, the examination methods refer to the specific regulations of the University of Genova (

We recommend the students who wish to discuss possible accommodations regarding the exams to contact by e-mail the teacher and the reference lecturer of the School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences ( well in advance (at least 10 days).


The examination will aim to check the effective achievement of the learning outcomes by the student relatively to:

- the ability to correlate the properties of polymeric materials to their composition and structure;

- the ability to compare and integrate the data available from various experimental characterization techniques and from the correlation structure-property models included in the teaching program.

Moreover, the examination will assess if the student has reached an adequate level of topics mastery and language skills.

Otherwise, the students are invited to deepen their preparation also by taking advantage of further explanations by the teacher before repeating the exam.


Any pre-requisites are defined in the following documents: Regolamento del Corso di Studio and/or Manifesto degli Studi of CdS involved.

However, it is recommended to have overcome the exams of General and Inorganic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry.

Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals

Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals
Quality education
Quality education
Gender equality
Gender equality
Responbile consumption and production
Responbile consumption and production