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CODE 66015
SEMESTER 2° Semester


The course gives the essential elements for understanding of analysis and exploitation of the electromagnetic phenomena. In the first part of the course the instruments for static and quasi-static analysis by circuit methods are introduced. In the second part of the course the principal application aspects of exploitation of power electromagnetic phenomena are introduced: electrical motors, power electronics and power electrical systems.



The course is aimed to supply fundamental acquaintances and mathematical instruments for the study and the analysis of the electric circuits in direct current and alternating current domain; basic elements relating to the study of electric machines and electric power systems are also provided.


The student should be able to analyze and solve simple electrical circuits operating in stationary and sinusoidal conditions. They will also have to be able to critically discuss the analysis techniques developed and the main theorems and formulations underlying the analysis and resolution procedures of electrical power networks.


The course mainly develops through frontal lessons with computer and audiovisual aids. Moreover sessions of exercises carried out in classroom are provided. The students who attend the course must record themselves to the site AulaWeb, enrolling themselves to the course. In such a way they will have access to didactic material of the course, will receive via email communications of the teacher and will have access to the results of the written tests.

For the development of the exercises in classroom, 1 hour weekly will be scheduled, in preparation of the practical tests, to leave, indicatively, from the third week of lessons.



  1. Introduction – Electrical power transmission - Electrical generators, electrical users, Electrical lines.
  2. Electromagnetic phenomena: General approach to the solution of the electromagnetic problems - Electric charge - Electrical current - Conductors - Continuity Law - Measure of the electrical current: ammeter - Electric field – Electric Voltage - Measure of the electric voltage: voltmeter.
  3. Electrical Conduction:  Ohm’s  and Joule’s Laws  - Electrical resistivity and conductivity - Conductors of generic form - Bipolar resistor - Characterization of a bipolar resistor.
  4. Electrical  Generators: Introduction – Behaviors of generators in open circuit - Behavior of generators with loads - Energy balance of generators – Electrical generators types.
  5. Bipolar devices and energy balance: Introduction – Equations of bipolar devices – Special bipolar devices  (short circuit and open circuit) – Rate of electrical energy  - Measure of the electrical power: wattmeter.
  6. Electrical network Properties: Introduction - Regime of operation (stationary, variable, transitory) - Analysis of the electrical networks - Topology of the networks - Kirchhoff’s  Laws – Network analysis methods.
  7. Steady state analysis: Introduction – Bipolar devices connected in series – Series connection of an ideal voltage generator  and a resistor - Resistors in series: equivalent resistance – Bipolar devices connected in parallel - Parallel connection of an ideal current generator and a resistor - Resistors in parallel: equivalent conductance - Network of resistors: equivalence concept - Star-delta transform – Steady-state analysis Methods  - Superposition method – Maxwell’s method  - Network reduction - Substitution Theorem – Thevenin’s transform – Norton’s transform – Millmann’s  Formula – Power matching - Maximum power transfer.
  8. Dielectric phenomena – Capacitor : Introduction – Gauss’s Law - Capacitor – Parallel-plate capacitor- Bipolar  capacitor – Capacitor  in steady-state regime  - Capacitor  in transient regime - electrostatic Energy - Series and parallel of capacitors - Displacement current.
  9. Magnetic phenomena - Inductor: Introduction - Magnetic materials - Ferromagnetic materials - magnetic Induction - Faraday-Neumann’s Law - Inductors – Inductor coils - Mutual inductors – Bipolar inductors  and two port inductors - Inductors in steady-state regime - Inductors in transient regime - Magnetic energy - Series and parallel of inductors.
  10. Sinusoidal steady-state networks: Introduction – Sinusoidal quantities: Phasors and sinusoids – Phasors graphical operations - generalized Ohm’s Law  - Impedance – Sinusoidal steady-state network analysis – Thevenin’s and Norton’s  transforms - Power balance in steady-state sinusoidal regime (average power, reactive power, complex power) - Measuring instruments in a.c.
  11. Three-phase network analysis: Introduction - symmetrical three-phase  voltages - Phase and line voltages – Three-phase balanced load – Currents in three-phase networks – Balanced load analysis – Single-phase equivalent - Powers in balanced three-phase systems.
  12. Magnetic circuits: Introduction - Reluctance – Ferromagnetic materials - Air gap - Magnetic  circuit’s Laws - Network analysis of magnetic circuits.

Electrical machines and Power Systems

  1. Transformers: Single-phase transformers - Equivalent circuit of the transformer – No-load (open-circuit) and short circuit tests – Power transformer on load - Three-phase transformers - Equivalent circuit of the three-phase transformer.
  2. Induction machines:  Basic principles of a three-phase induction machine – Action of a three-phase induction machine - Simplified equivalent circuit - Speed-torque Characteristics – Starting of induction motors - Induction machine acting as generator.
  3. Synchronous Machines: Constructional features – Basic principles – No-load characteristics of a synchronous machine - Synchronous machine on load - Equivalent circuit of the synchronous machine - Electromechanical behavior
  4. Power systems: Production – Transmission and Distribution – HVDC – Safety.
  5. Distribution and final users: Low voltage assemblies.


Written support are available on-line on AulaWb site. There are various folder, where:

in folder "appunti del corso" are available for download pdf copies of teaching slides.

in folder "esercitazioni" are available for download pdf copies of solved exercises.

in folder "risultati delle prove scritte" are available for download pdf copies of past written exams.

It is also useful consulting of following books available from school CBA:

M. Guarnieri, A. Stella: “Principi ed applicazioni di Elettrotecnica (volume primo)”, Edizioni Libreria Progetto Padova.

C. K. Alexander, M.N.O. Sadiku: “Circuiti elettrici”, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 88 386 0853-9.

C. A. Desoer, S. Kuh: “Fondamenti di teoria dei circuiti”, Franco Angeli Editore, Collana di Ingegneria Elettrica.


Exam Board


MASSIMO BRIGNONE (President Substitute)

DANIELE MESTRINER (President Substitute)

MARIO NERVI (President Substitute)

MANSUETO ROSSI (President Substitute)


Class schedule

The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy



The exam requires positive evaluation on a written test followed by an oral examination.

Written test: two written tests will be scheduled during the period of lesson (compitini). Each test require the solution of an exercise (one hour). Moreover written tests will be scheduled during the periods of examinations (January-February and June-September). Each test requires the solution of  two exercises (two hours).
The overcoming of written tests guarantees the admission to the oral tests until the first written test of the following academic year. Exceeded such term the written test must be newly old.


Written tests: For every proposed exercise it must be answered to 3 questions, each of which it is worth a point, for a total on the two exercises of 6 points. Admission to oral test requires total score turns out to be ≥ 4 on 6. Regarding the intermediate written tests, students attending the course for the first time are admitted.

Oral test: talk of approximately 30 minutes on practical examples (exercises) and theoretical arguments. Oral test will be possible during the periods of interruption of the lessons, the registration to the examination sessions with a restricted number is carried out by means of the online procedure. The registrations is opened beginning from the week precedence to that of the session of examination chosen. In lessons periods oral tests are provided on appointment basis, only for students who have finished the triennial cycle (students who have already attended the third year courses).

Exam schedule

Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note
13/01/2025 09:00 GENOVA Scritto Aula G1
30/01/2025 09:00 GENOVA Scritto Aula B2
03/06/2025 09:00 GENOVA Scritto Aula G3a
27/06/2025 09:00 GENOVA Scritto Aula B2
11/07/2025 09:00 GENOVA Scritto Aula B2
29/08/2025 09:00 GENOVA Scritto Aula E1


Pre-requisites :

Basics knowledge of Calculus and Physics (recommended).