CODE 98856 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 1 cfu anno 2 INGEGNERIA MECCANICA - ENERGIA E AERONAUTICA 9270 (LM-33) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR ING-IND/11 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: ENERGY IN BUILDINGS TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW Focusing on the practical and methodological aspects, the course analyses all aspects relating to the design of systems serving civil buildings, guiding the student in the preparation of a complete thermotechnical project. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Students learn to use calculation and measurement tools in the main energy applications, with particular reference to the monitoring, diagnosis and maintenance of environmental conditioning systems. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The aim of the course is to provide the student with the skills for the preparation of a complete thermotechnical project of the systems serving civil buildings, starting from the preliminary project (calculation of needs, single-line diagrams), proceeding with the final project (dimensioning of components and distribution networks of working fluids) and in the executive one (preparation of a metric estimate). PREREQUISITES There are no prerequisites for accessing the final exam. TEACHING METHODS Theoretical lessons combined with numerical applications. As part of the innovation learning project adopted by the Bachelor Degree Course in Mechanical Engineering, novel tools will be used for the active learning of students. The goal is to increase students' skills via interactive, experience-based, learning methodologies (e-learning, teamwork, etc.) for enhanced student participation, using an advanced level of communication that makes the student more aware and autonomous. Students who have valid certification of physical or learning disabilities on file with the University and who wish to discuss possible accommodations or other circumstances regarding lectures, coursework and exams, should speak both with the instructor and with Professor Federico Scarpa (, the Polytechnic School's disability liaison. SYLLABUS/CONTENT AY 2020-21: Design of an air conditioning system: calculation of summer and winter power needs; identification of the necessary treatments on the psychrometric chart; calculation of air flow rates and sizing of the ducts and the aeraulic network; composition of the air handling unit and choice of components. The work must produce the technical report of the project; the dimensioned scheme of the system; the selection and metric calculation of the units and components. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Manuale degli impianti di climatizzazione. Editore: Tecniche Nuove; ISBN-10: 8848118844,ISBN-13: 978-8848118842 Manuale del termotecnico. Fondamenti, riscaldamento, condizionamento, refrigerazione, risorse energetiche, Editore: Hoepli; ISBN-10: 8820359715, ISBN-13: 978-8820359713 TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD ANNALISA MARCHITTO Ricevimento: By appointment with the teacher. Exam Board ANNALISA MARCHITTO (President) ANTONELLA PRIARONE PAOLO CAVALLETTI (President Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The exam consists of an oral interview, preceded by the delivery of the exercises and projects proposed during the course, which are the subject of discussion during the interview. ASSESSMENT METHODS Oral discussion focused on the energy certification compilated by the student. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 09/01/2025 14:00 GENOVA Orale 30/01/2025 14:00 GENOVA Orale 13/02/2025 14:00 GENOVA Orale 05/06/2025 14:00 GENOVA Orale 03/07/2025 14:00 GENOVA Orale 11/09/2025 14:00 GENOVA Orale