CODE 104222 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 1 BIOLOGIA APPLICATA E SPERIMENTALE 11158 (LM-6) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR BIO/08 TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: ANTHROPOLOGY AND HUMAN ANATOMY TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES This module provides an introductory survey of the basic principles of the study of human remains to establish personal identity based on the analysis of the skeletal shape and size, and on the application of demographic reference standards. It also introduces pathological and anatomical variations applied to establishing human identity as well as the traumas useful for estimating the cause of death or peri and post mortem events. The module will also focus on osteological analysis and comparison of bones belonging to different species. TEACHING METHODS Students who have valid certification of physical or learning disabilities on file with the University and who wish to discuss possible accommodations or other circumstances regarding lectures, coursework and exams, should speak both with the instructor and with Professor Sara Ferrando (, the Department’s disability liaison. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD GIULIA CACCIA Exam Board FABIO GIUSEPPE GHIOTTO (President) VANESSA COSSU GIULIA CACCIA (President Substitute) LESSONS Class schedule FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY EXAMS Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 17/01/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale 31/01/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale 21/02/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale 20/06/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale 04/07/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale 18/07/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale 12/09/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale