CODE 104201 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 2 BIOLOGIA APPLICATA E SPERIMENTALE 11158 (LM-6) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR MED/05 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER Annual MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: LABORATORY MEDICINE TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The module provides the fundamental knowledge to evaluate the results of the main laboratory diagnostic analyses. In addition to the general methodological skills and to the knowledge of the most important instruments, the module provides the general clinical pathology expertises (accuracy and precision, diagnostic sensitivity and specificity, methodological sensitivity and specificity, positive and negative predictive value, normal range , decision-making levels) and investigates their clinical significance related to the various pathological conditions (e.g. inflammatory pathologies, cell damage and tumors, ect.). This module and the Clinical Biochemistry module will provide students with the fundamental skills of Laboratory Medicine. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The teaching of Clinical Pathology will integrate with the teaching of Clinical Biochemistry to provide students with medium-advanced knowledge on all fields of laboratory medicine, to prepare students for a possible career in this direction, subject to the achievement of the Specialization Dilpoma in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry. The student will have to demonstrate to be able to know all the main diagnostic tests and their applications, their meaning and their limitations, and also to choose which tests are indicated in the various human pathologies. The student at the highest level of preparation will have to reach the ability to decide which exams and in what order should be performed according to the pathology considered. TEACHING METHODS The teaching will be essentially delivered through lectures, during which however the teacher will try to interactively involve the students. NON-certification formative tests are possible during the course. They will NOT be taken into account for the outcome of the final exam. Students who have valid certification of physical or learning disabilities on file with the University and who wish to discuss possible accommodations or other circumstances regarding lectures, coursework and exams, should speak both with the instructor and with Professor Sara Ferrando (, the Department’s disability liaison. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Nicola Traverso (3 CFU) General principles of clinical pathology Concepts of accuracy, precision, specificity and diagnostic sensitivity, methodological specificity and sensitivity, positive and negative predictive values. Biological variability. Variability of the measure. Interferences. Mistakes. Quality control. Cell damage markers Main enzymes and serum proteins of diagnostic interest in the diagnosis of cell damage and death. Liver function test Enzymes of diagnostic interest for hepatocellular pathologies and biliary stasis. Bilirubin metabolism and jaundice. Test for lipid metabolism Lipoprotein and apolipoprotein classification. Reference and atherosclerotic risk values. Dyslipidemic phenotypes. Cardiovascular and homocysteine risk. Renal function and balance of body fluids Renal function test: indicators of glomerular and tubular malfunction Hydro-electrolyte balance: sodium, water, potassium Acid-base balance (blood gas analysis). Etiology of acid-base disorder and changes in values in metabolic and respiratory acidosis and alkalosis conditions. Compensation mechanisms and forecast tables of expected EGA values Urinalysis Extemporaneous sample examination and timed collection examination. Physico-chemical examination of urine. Urinary sediment examination Anna Lisa Furfaro (3 CFU) Laboratory diagnostics of inflammation Electrophoretic profile of proteins and acute phase proteins. Sepsis markers. Cardiac laboratory diagnostics Laboratory diagnosis of myocardial infarction and heart failure. Oncological laboratory diagnostics Classification of tumor markers, clinical applications and diagnostic methodologies. Circulating tumor markers. Tissue and molecular tumor markers. Liquid biopsy. Faecal Occult Blood Assay (FOBT) The laboratory in the evaluation of the nutritional status Nutritional status indicators. Serum vitamins and their diagnostic significance The laboratory in the evaluation of substances of abuse Biological substances and matrices. Analysis of the main psychoactive substances RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY All the material that the teachers will use during the lessons will be made available to the students of the course for study purposes through aulaweb. A useful and comprehensive treatise on laboratory medicine is Henry's, Clinical diagnosis and managements by Laboratory methods, Elsevier Useful manuals can be: Antonozzi. Gulletta. Laboratory medicine. Piccin Ciaccio. Lippi. Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine. Edises TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD ANNA LISA FURFARO Ricevimento: By appointment by email: NICOLA TRAVERSO Ricevimento: For appointments, contact the Professor via email at: The teacher's office is located in the General Pathology Section of DIMES, Via Leon Battista Alberti 2, Room "Ex-direzione", 1st floor, 16132 Genoa Nicola Traverso is the Coordinator of the Integrated Course of Clinical Pathology and Immunohematology GIAMPAOLA PESCE Exam Board ELENA ZOCCHI (President) GIAMPAOLA PESCE MAURIZIO BRUSCHI (President Substitute) ANNA LISA FURFARO (President Substitute) NICOLA TRAVERSO (President Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START Second semester of the academic year of reference (indicatively beginning of March) For lessons start and timetable go to the link: Please check the module Aulaweb page for timetable updates dependent on the sanitary and epidemic situation. Class schedule CLINICAL PATHOLOGY EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION See indications on the information sheet of the Integrated Course in Laboratory Medicine. During the exam, the rules regarding the assessment method of DSA certified students or students with other educational needs indicated by the university will be respected. (e.g.: additional time in the case of written exams, use of concept maps to be viewed for approval by the teachers at least one week before the exam date). ASSESSMENT METHODS See indications on the information sheet of the Integrated Course in Laboratory Medicine. During the exam, the rules regarding the assessment method of DSA certified students or students with other educational needs indicated by the university will be respected. (e.g.: additional time in the case of written exams, use of concept maps to be viewed for approval by the teachers at least one week before the exam date).