CODE 104848 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 2 BIOLOGIA APPLICATA E SPERIMENTALE 11158 (LM-6) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno 2 BIOLOGIA APPLICATA E SPERIMENTALE 11158 (LM-6) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR MED/04 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester PREREQUISITES Propedeuticità in uscita Questo insegnamento è propedeutico per gli insegnamenti: APPLIED AND EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY 11158 (coorte 2023/2024) ELEMENTS OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORY ANALYSIS IN THE PRACTICE OF THE NUTRITIONIST 111248 TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW Molecular Bases of Diseases is a fundamental teaching for the "Food and Nutrition" curriculum and for the "Biomedical" curriculum. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The course provides in-depth knowledge of the molecular mechanisms that underlie the most important human diseases. The changes in the structure, functions and control mechanisms underlying degenerative or progressive changes will be studied at the molecular, cellular and tissue level, with particular reference to the etiology and pathogenesis of neoplastic transformation and the main metabolic diseases. The knowledge acquired is fundamental in the preparation of professionals in the food / nutrition sector, as well as in research and in the clinical laboratory. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The in-depth study of the molecular mechanisms responsible for the alteration of tissue homeostasis and the pathogenesis of the main human diseases allows the acquisition of a solid cultural basis and the critical tools necessary for the student both in the applicative field of research (basic or applied) and in the approach to laboratory diagnostics. Specifically, the student will be able to -discriminate between the cell and tissue alterations found in the main human pathologies and identify typical molecular alterations. - to relate molecular or cellular alterations in common to different pathologies, - classify the different nosological entities, - acquire specific and specialized terminology. PREREQUISITES To properly deal with the contents of the course, solid knowledge is required in relation to biochemistry (signal transduction, protein synthesis, mitochondrial functions, cell cycle), anatomy (the heart and blood circulation, the lymphatic system, the liver, the pancreas), human physiology (the regulation of glycemia, blood, hemostasis) and general immunology (soluble factors, receptors, innate immune cells, development and activation of B and T lymphocytes). TEACHING METHODS 48 hours of lectures with multimedia presentations. Students who have valid certification of physical or learning disabilities on file with the University and who wish to discuss possible accommodations or other circumstances regarding lectures, coursework and exams, should speak both with the instructor and with Professor Sara Ferrando (, the Department’s disability liaison. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Adaptations: modifications of cell growth and differentiation. Atrophies, hypertrophies, metaplasia. Neoplasia: Atypia of the neoplastic cell. Metastasis. Benign tumors and malignant tumors. Histopathological classification. TNM system. Molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis. Oncogenes and tumor suppressors. Carcinogenic chemicals, radiation, viruses. Cancer progression. Cellular and tissue degeneration: Primary dysfunctions, intracellular accumulations, extracellular accumulations. Amyloidosis Liver disorders: Steatosis, Fibrosis, Cirrhosis. Hemosiderosis, Alcohol damage Atherosclerosis - pathogenesis and sequelae Diabetes: pathogenesis and sequelae Deficiency states: Iron deficiency, Vit. C, Vit. D, Vit. B12 Mucosal immunity - characteristics of IS associated with mucous membranes, organization of the immune system of mucous tissues, lymphoid tissues and lymphocyte populations associated with the intestine. Role of the microbiota in immunity and inflammation. Microbiota- dietary factors- and food allergies Diseases related to immune responses in the intestine: Type I, II, III and IV hypersensitivity reactions RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Information will be provided during the lessons TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD MARIAPAOLA NITTI Ricevimento: Anytime by appointment GABRIELLA PIETRA Ricevimento: Students have the possibility to contact Gabriella Pietra by e-mail ( or by phone (010 5558219) and ask for an appointment. Exam Board MARIAPAOLA NITTI (President) ANNA LISA FURFARO GABRIELLA PIETRA (President Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START For lessons start and timetable go to the link: Please check the module Aulaweb page for timetable updates dependent on the sanitary and epidemic situation. Class schedule MOLECULAR BASIS OF DISEASES EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Oral examination ASSESSMENT METHODS The student must correctly answer 5 questions relating to the exam program. For final evaluation, the commission will evaluate the following requirements: the level of knowledge of the topics covered by the questions,the ability to identify typical molecular alterations and molecular or cellular alterations in common/crucially different to different pathologies, the acquisition of specialized vocabulary and the ability to present and connect different related topics. During the exam, the rules regarding the assessment method of DSA certified students or students with other educational needs indicated by the university will be respected. (e.g.: additional time , use of concept maps to be viewed for approval by the teachers at least one week before the exam date). Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 17/01/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale 31/01/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale 21/02/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale 27/06/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale 18/07/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale 19/09/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale FURTHER INFORMATION Students who have valid certification of physical or learning disabilities on file with the University and who wish to discuss possible accommodations or other circumstances regarding lectures, coursework and exams, should speak both with the instructor and with Professor Sara Ferrando (, the Department’s disability liaison.