CODE 107001 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 3 cfu anno 2 BIOLOGIA APPLICATA E SPERIMENTALE 11158 (LM-6) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR BIO/03 TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW Food mycology includes the study of i) spontaneous and cultivated macrofungi of food and/or nutraceutical interest; ii) microfungi at the basis of food production, as well as iii) of food contaminants harmful to human and animal health. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The aim of the course is to introduce students to the main topics of food mycology with particular reference to i) the most common edible and toxic macrofungi; ii) the microfungi of food processing and iii) the most common fungal agents (moulds) contaminating food. It will also provide the basics for an adequate monitoring and control of biodeteriogenic fungi of food, which can represent an hazard for human and animal health. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES Attendance and active participation in lectures, practical activities, seminars, and individual study will allow students to - know the general morphological, trophic and ecological, organoleptic and nutritional characteristics of the most common edible macrofungi, both spontaneous and cultivated; - know the consequences of poisoning by ingestion of toxic mushrooms, the regulations in force to protect human health and consumers' health for the collection, production and trade of edible mushrooms, both wild and cultivated; - distinguish the main taxa involved in food spoilage phenomena and know the possible consequences for human and animal health; - monitor and detect the presence of fungal contaminants in food; - assess the suitable environmental conditions to prevent and/or limit the development of fungal contaminants for food preservation; - gain knowledge about the most common food transformations due to fungi. PREREQUISITES General knowledge of mycology, chemistry, and general and applied biology is required. TEACHING METHODS Lectures delivered via multimedia presentations and thematic seminars, in presence or via video recording, synchronous or asynchronous. Attendance at lectures is highly recommended. The thematic seminar activities take place in DISTAV's equipped classrooms, with microscopes and specific instruments. Lectures could be delivered via Teams due to specific restrictions due to COVID 19 emergency. Further information will be avaible on the AulaWeb page devoted to the module. Students who have valid certification of physical or learning disabilities on file with the University and who wish to discuss possible accommodations or other circumstances regarding lectures, coursework and exams, should speak both with the instructor and with Professor Sara Ferrando (, the Department’s disability liaison. SYLLABUS/CONTENT The module programme includes the presentation and discussion of the following topics. - The most common edible, wild, cultivated and toxic macro fungi: general elements, mode of development; trophic characters; factors affecting their development and growth. - Organoleptic characteristics and nutritional value of macro fungi. Mycotoxicology of macro fungi. Hints of mycology inspection and regulations in force in Italy to protect human health and consumers as concerns the collection, production, and trading of edible mushrooms, both spontaneous and cultivated. - Criteria for the identification and illustration of the main taxa of microfungi involved in contamination phenomena and alterations of food, and zootechnical productions. Hints on mycotoxicosis and conditions for the development of some mycotoxins in foods. - Methods of prevention, control the most common fungal contaminations of food and of laboratories involved in food production. - Main food transformations due to fungi (dairy products, alcoholic beverages, mycoproteins...). RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY PDF lesson slides plus other material in pdf format (scientific articles and online texts) downloadable from Aulaweb for students enrolled in the module. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD MIRCA ZOTTI Ricevimento: Agreed directly with the instructor via phone at +39 010 3538240 or through email at SIMONE DI PIAZZA Ricevimento: Students are received after booking an appointment by telephone (010 353 8240) or e-mail ( Exam Board MIRCA ZOTTI (President) SIMONE DI PIAZZA LESSONS LESSONS START The lessons of the first semester will begin on ?th September 2022 and will end by ?th January 2023, the lessons of the second semester will begin on ?st February 2022 and will end by ?st June 2023. See detailed timetable at the following link: Class schedule FOOD MYCOLOGY EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The exam consists of an oral during which the student is asked to answer questions by the teacher on topics covered by the course. ASSESSMENT METHODS Details on how to prepare for the exam and the degree of detail required for each topic will be provided at the beginning of the course and confirmed during lessons. The oral exam will focus on the topics covered during the lectures. The aim is to evaluate the degree of learning, autonomy, language ownership, synthesis, and exposition skills achieved by the student. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 23/01/2025 14:30 GENOVA Orale 06/02/2025 14:30 GENOVA Orale 11/06/2025 14:30 GENOVA Orale 25/06/2025 14:30 GENOVA Orale 09/07/2025 14:30 GENOVA Orale 23/07/2025 14:30 GENOVA Orale 10/09/2025 14:30 GENOVA Orale FURTHER INFORMATION Regular attendance at lectures is strongly recommended. Students with a disability/DSA certificate (special needs and specific learning disorders) should contact both the Professor and the Department contact person for disabilities (Professor Sara to ask for compensatory tools and dispensatory measures and other specific support services Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals Zero hunger Good health and well being Responbile consumption and production Life on land