CODE 65223 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 9 cfu anno 3 LINGUE E CULTURE MODERNE 8740 (L-11) - GENOVA 9 cfu anno LINGUE E CULTURE MODERNE 8740 (L-11) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno LINGUE E CULTURE MODERNE 8740 (L-11) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR L-LIN/09 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER Annual PREREQUISITES Propedeuticità in ingresso Per sostenere l'esame di questo insegnamento è necessario aver sostenuto i seguenti esami: Modern languages and cultures 8740 (coorte 2022/2023) PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE II 61296 2022 TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The course provides practical skills in Portuguese equal to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The theoretical module introduces students to the linguistic history of Brazil in the period between "discovery" (1500) and linguistic standardisation (mid-eighteenth century). The comparison between European Portuguese (EP) and Brazilian Portuguese (PB) will be supported by the translation of contemporary texts in which convergences and divergences between the two macro-variants of Portuguese are evident. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Attending the theoretical module, focused on the History of brazilian-portuguese language, the students will acheive and apply skills of - reading and understanding the differences between european and brazilian Portuguese; - translating functional literature texts. Attending the practical module, the students will be able to reach the level B2. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. THEORETICAL MODULE The lectures of the Theoretical Module and the study of shared materials will enable students to - know the timing and modalities of the progressive imposition of Portuguese in Brazil starting from a situation of substantial multilingualism (indigenous languages, línguas gerais, Latin, dialects of Portuguese, African languages and other European languages); - master the main morpho-syntactic, phonetic-phonological and lexical differences between European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese; - identify the borrowings brought about by contact between settlers' languages and indigenous or African languages; - recognise the importance on the deep structure of the language of Afronegrismos. The aim of the course, to refine the students' linguistic sensitivity by enhancing the notions acquired in the context of the study of Portuguese, will also be pursued by translating literary texts that highlight the differences between EP and PB and at the same time enable them to expand vocabulary and phraseology. No less important is the work that the students are called upon to carry out in parallel with the lessons: choosing, constructing and presenting in class, at the end of the semester, a topic of their choice that deepens the subjects covered. For the success of the initiative, which aims to strengthen individual soft skills and preparation for the degree examination, it is essential to work on the dynamics within the group, so as to provide a collaborative environment that facilitates learning. Learning outcomes: * master the main differences between PE and PB and understand their causes. * translate written texts of various kinds; * refine group work strategies and cooperative skills; * to present individual research to one's peers. 2. LANGUAGE EXERCISES The language exercise programme will cover the topics included in level B2 (QECR). During the lessons, all the subject areas necessary for the development of linguistic, communicative and grammatical skills for the effective attainment of the expected level will be covered. During the lessons, the textbook indicated in the bibliography will be used together with other materials, provided by the teacher and regularly uploaded on Aulaweb, for the development of reading, writing and listening comprehension skills. Learning outcomes: * consolidate previously acquired grammatical structures; * acquire the competences required by level B2 (QECR); * independently produce/understand relatively complex written texts; * improve oral comprehension and production. PREREQUISITES Level B1 (PE or PB) TEACHING METHODS The lessons of the theoretical module will have a mixed character: frontal (history of the language) and workshop (translation tests). The lessons of the practical module will alternate between lectures and moments of discussion, conversation and participative exercises. SYLLABUS/CONTENT The six-month theoretical module (30 hours) is divided as follows: 20 hours on the linguistic history of Brazil. Programme: The Portuguese "discovery" of Brazil: Pêro Vaz de Caminha, the description of the Indio, the Portuguese language of the 16th century; The vehicular languages: the Tupinamba and the línguas gerais do Sul and do Norte. Portuguese as a minority language; Bandeiras and Jesuit missions: the relationship with otherness, mestizaje, the exploration of territory and the entry of borrowings from Amerindian languages; Native people today: O Canto da castanheira (1982); The linguistic-cultural contribution of blacks in the era of slavery; Quilombos as an early form of resistance against slavery: Quimbundu and other languages of Bantu stock; borrowings from African languages; the 'nation within the nation': Zumbi and the Quilombo dos Palmares; Characteristics of the Brazilian variant of Portuguese after the mid-eighteenth-century linguistic standardisation: historical-evolutionary divergences and reference patterns at morpho-syntactic, phonetic-phonological and lexical levels; The concepts of norma padrão, culta and popular; the irregular transmission of Portuguese in the absence of an adequate school system after the expulsion of the Jesuits; The afronegrismos and their impact on the deep structure of the language. Ten hours of translation (source text still to be defined) Language practice programme (CEFR level B2): * Indicative and conjunctive mode; * Orações infinitivas e conjuntivas; * Preposições com regência verbal e nominal; * Talvez e se calhar. a ideia de concessão; * Conjunções concessivas; * Conjunções finis, temporais, condicionais; * Orações relativas irreais; * Orações exclamativas de desejo; * Imperfeito do Conjuntivo; * Orações com a conjunção "se"; * Orações dubitativas: talvez; * Orações completivas; * Estruturas comparativas irreais; * Orações relativas de eventualidade; * Revisão mesóclise com Futuro e Condicional composto. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. THEORETICAL MODULE Marco Neves, The incredible secret history of the Portuguese language, Guerra e Paz, Lisbon 2017; Fernando Venâncio, O português à descoberta do brasileiro, Guerra e Paz, Lisbon 2022; Dante Lucchesi, Broken language and society. A polarização sociolinguística do Brasil, ed. Contexto, São Paulo 2015. Further resources and other material will be included in the lesson. All the material used will be regularly published on Aulaweb. Attendance is recommended, but not compulsory. 2. PRACTICAL MODULE Oliveira, Carla and Luísa Coelho, Aprender Português 3, Texto Editores. Coimbra, Isabel and Olga Coimbra, Gramática Ativa 2 (Português Europeu), Lidel. Further material will be provided by the teacher and/or uploaded to Aulaweb. · TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD CARLA SOFIA FERREIRA ANDRADE VIRGINIACLARA CAPORALI Ricevimento: Students are invited to refer to the course sheet of Language I, LM (90257) Exam Board VIRGINIACLARA CAPORALI (President) DULCINEIA ALVES DOS SANTOS LESSONS LESSONS START The theory module will take place in the second semester. Course start date, classrooms and times will be communicated as soon as they are available. The practical module will begin in the first semester on a date to be determined. Class schedule PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE III EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION 1. THEORETICAL MODULE For those attending, the theoretical module examination includes: * the presentation in class of a personal research conducted on a topic of your choice related to the programme; * an oral interview on the examination dates scheduled in the calendar. The oral examination consists of * a series of open questions on the programme; * a translation-linguistic analysis of a passage proposed in class. Non-attending students may agree on an alternative syllabus by writing to 2. PRACTICAL MODULE For the language practice part, a written test will be proposed at the end of the course. It will only be possible to attempt one language test per session. The test includes: reading and comprehension of a written text grammar exercises; use of the structures learnt during the year; production of a paper. The final grade is the reasoned average between the grade obtained in the theory part and the grade obtained for the lecture part. ASSESSMENT METHODS The written examination of Portuguese Language III will verify the knowledge of the basic grammatical rules and vocabulary, as well as the effective acquisition of the skills related to written production and oral comprehension. The oral examination for the theoretical module will test the acquisition of the topics covered during the course. There will also be a practical-theoretical question on the translations carried out in the classroom and the translation strategies applied. At the end of the course, the attending students will submit to their colleagues a research paper on topics of their choice related to the programme, which will count as part of the examination. The final grade is calculated as follows 33% (of the overall grade) for the written and oral practical part; 33% (of the overall grade) for the individual presentation; 33% (of the overall grade) for the theoretical and translation part. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 28/01/2025 13:00 GENOVA Orale Aula E, Polo 13/02/2025 13:00 GENOVA Orale FURTHER INFORMATION Students with DSA, disability or other special educational needs certification are advised to contact the teacher at the beginning of the course to agree on teaching and exam methods which, in compliance with the teaching objectives, take into account the learning methods individuals and provide suitable compensatory instruments. Non-attending students are invited to contact the teacher at to arrange an alternative programme. For the starting date of the courses and the relative timetables, it is recommended to visit the professor page (V. Caporali) at the link Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals Quality education Gender equality