CODE 66869 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 2 LINGUE E CULTURE MODERNE 8740 (L-11) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno LINGUE E CULTURE MODERNE 8740 (L-11) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR L-FIL-LET/12 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The course introduces to the key theoretical elements related to teaching Italian as a foreign language and develops key foreign language teaching skills. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The students will learn how to describe key theoretical elements related to teaching Italian as a foreign language. This course also includes a practical part aiming to develop students’ practical teaching skills. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES This course aims to enable students to learn to describe: - the different Italian language acquisition contexts; - the different learner types; - the role of variation in language acquisition; - the main theories of language acquisition and the evolution of teaching methods; - the Council of Europe language policy; The course also aims to enable students to learn to: - assess teaching materials; - identify and implement language teaching techniques; - create exercises and activities to practice language skills; - plan a learning unit; - understand the key elements of testing and evaluation. TEACHING METHODS The course is made up of weekly lectures (3 hours a week). Attendance is not compulsory but recommended, especially for the practical part. The course adopts a double approach: a frontal approach to explain the theoretical aspects and a "hands on" approach to get the students to practice the skills required by language teaching. AulaWeb will be used, as well as a repository of teaching materials, to: - provide information about the course and the exams (“annunci”); - interact with the students (“forum”); - give online assignements (“compiti”). SYLLABUS/CONTENT The course aims to describe the different Italian language acquisition contexts and learner types, as well as the role of variation in learning foreign languages and the main language teaching theories, approaches, methods and techniques. The course focuses on how to plan and design lessons and how to assess linguistic competence. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Students will study on the slides presented during lessons and available on AulaWeb. For further reading: Diadori P., cur., Insegnare italiano L2, Le Monnier Università, 2022 (2019). TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD GIULIA LOMBARDI Exam Board GIULIA LOMBARDI (President) MANUELA MANFREDINI LESSONS LESSONS START Classes will be held in the second semester from 13/02/2023 to 12/05/2023: Monday 17-19 Aula E Polo Didattico Friday 16-17 Aula 11 Albergo dei Poveri. Class schedule TEACHING ITALIAN AS A 2ND LANGUAGE EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The course is assessed through: a written work (project or essay) an oral exam. The project consists in a Learning unit prepared during the course (attenders). The essay is a 10-page report on a topic chosen by the students among those discussed during the course (non –attenders) and defined with the Professor. Two weeks before the oral exam, non-attenders will submit their essay via email. On AulaWeb students will find supporting materials to help them in the preparation of the written papers. The oral exam for attenders and non-attenders is the same and it will consists in at least one question for each of the following areas: the different Italian language learning/teaching contexts the different learner types the main acquisition theories and foreign language teaching approaches and methods foreign language teaching techniques and lesson planning linguistic testing and assessment the Council of Europe linguistic policy ASSESSMENT METHODS The written work and the oral exam assessment will be based on rubrics with explicit criteria available on AulaWeb. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 20/01/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale L'esame si svolgerà in aula 11 (Albergo dei poveri). 11/02/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale L'esame si svolgerà in aula 11 (Albergo dei poveri). FURTHER INFORMATION EXAM SCHEDULE Summer Examination Session: 6/06/2023 14:00-19:00 AULA 1 Albergo dei Poveri 5/07/2023 8:00-14:00 AULA 1 Albergo dei Poveri Autumn Examination Session: 5/09/2023 8:00-14:00 AULA 15 Albergo dei Poveri 25/09/2023 14:00-19:00 AULA 18 Albergo dei Poveri Please be reminded to check the section “Annunci” on Aulaweb a few days before the exam for the list of the candidates and time slots. SPECIAL NEEDS Special needs students should contact the Professor at the beginning of the course. Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals Peace, justice and strong institutions