CODE 65220 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 9 cfu anno 3 LINGUE E CULTURE MODERNE 8740 (L-11) - GENOVA 9 cfu anno LINGUE E CULTURE MODERNE 8740 (L-11) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno LINGUE E CULTURE MODERNE 8740 (L-11) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR L-LIN/21 LANGUAGE Polish TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER Annual PREREQUISITES Propedeuticità in ingresso Per sostenere l'esame di questo insegnamento è necessario aver sostenuto i seguenti esami: Modern languages and cultures 8740 (coorte 2022/2023) POLISH LANGUAGE II 61295 2022 TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The course aims to provide a linguistic-cultural preparation of a pragmatic nature which, in relation to communication skills, reaches the B1 -B2 level. Depending on the profile and interests of the course participants, students will be invited to collaborate in the realisation of an interesting new cultural project by the University of Genoa on literary, artistic and cultural itineraries in the city. In the second semester, the course will include reading, analysing and translating fragments of texts by selected Polish writers who, inspired by their stay in Genoa, immortalised Italian impressions in their works. The results of the students' work will enrich the content of several Polish stops on the "Genoa of Foreign Travellers" tourist itinerary. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The course aims to provide a linguistic and cultural preparation of a pragmatic nature that, in relation to communication skills, reaches the B1 level (basic), ie a competence to solve situations that requires a high communicative capacity in spoken and written language, as well as in the production of clear, correct and detailed texts on subjects that are known or interest the student. For some students, the course includes theoretical lessons and exercises on technical languages of economy and tourism. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the Polish III course for 6 ECTS, the student should acquire all the abilities foreseen by the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) at level B1 and some of the level B2. The students of the course for 9 credits will also attend the theoretical module, divided into two parts. The theoretical module conducted by Prof. Quercioli (18 hours) proposes to give an introduction to the terminology of translation studies and to accompany the student in achieving the ability to translate a short literary text; they will also be given the tools to compare, where possible, different translation choices made on the same text. The elaboration of a critical reasoning that allows to apply the notions learned in the course of the teaching to the concrete studied texts will be essential. The Theoretical Module conducted by Prof. Kowalcze (12 hours), on the other hand, deals in detail with some topics of Polish-Italian contrastive grammar, especially in the areas of lexical derivation, semantics and cross-cultural pragmatics. Students will also analyze the most common errors due to interference with the Italian language. From a broader perspective, the course aims to develop the following overarching goals: 1) provide quality, equitable and inclusive education and learning opportunities for all; 2) achieve gender equality and empower all women; and 3) reduce inequality within and among nations. PREREQUISITES The course is intended for third year students of Modern Languages and Cultures who have passed the Polish II exam. Participation is also allowed for Polish Erasmus students. TEACHING METHODS Polish Language Cours (Lettorato): 80 hours of language exercises (40 in the first semester and 40 in the second semester) - for students who choose the course for 6 and 9 CFU Theoretical Module: 30 hours of theoretical lessons provided for students who choose the course for 9 CFUs. The theoretical module is divided into two parts; the first, of 18 hours, is held by prof. Quercioli. The second, of 12 hours, is conducted by prof. Kowalcze, Both parts consist of classroom lectures. SYLLABUS/CONTENT The Lectureship (language exercises) program is balanced between the study of new grammatical topics and the development of solid lexical and communicative competence. The course covers the descriptive grammar concepts of the Polish language expected at the B1-B2 level, there including all elements of nominal, pronominal and verbal inflection. Students will also learn about the numeral system and various types of lexical derivation. From the very beginning of the course, special attention is paid to students' interaction in Polish in the various communicative situations expected at the B1-B2 level. Course participants will be asked to write various texts on a regular basis, the themes of which will correspond to the syllabus. During the lectures of the Theoretical Module Prof. Kowalcze will deal in detail with some topics of Polish-Italian contrastive grammar and intercultural pragmatics drawn from the Lectureship programme. The students will read and analyse excerpts from scientific articles, while the linguistic material will consist partly of material used by the lecturer in her research on Polish-Italian bilingualism, and partly of excerpts from literary texts by Polish writers and poets dedicated to Italy and, in particular, to Genoa. Specifically, we will focus on literary texts by M. Konopnicka, H. Sienkiewicz, Cz. Miłosz, A. Zagajewski, Z. Herbert and the texts on their stays in Genoa. The part of the theoretical module of prof. Quercioli consists of classroom lectures dedicated to translation exercises, interpretation and commentary on literary texts drawn from the program of Polish Literature 2 and advanced teaching. Both autonomous translations will be produced and translations already published will be examined, and comparisons will be made between several versions of the same text. A brief introductory text on Translations Studies will also be studied. Non-attending students may take the final examination of the course but are invited to contact the professors at the beginning of the academic year to agree on a possible programme adapted to their training needs and Polish language skills. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Prof. Quercioli: texts will be be agreed with the students and provided at the beginning of the academic year Prof. Kowalcze: The main manual for the Polish Language Course will be agreed with the students at the beginning of the academic year. Recommended manuals: A. Achtelik (et al.), Bądź na B1, Universitas, Kraków 2012. P. Garncarek, Czas na czasownik, Universitas, Kraków 2011. P. Gębal, Od słowa do słowa toczy się rozmowa. Repetytorium leksykalne z języka polskiego jako obcego dla poziomów B1 i B2, Kraków 2012. E. Lipińska, Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski. Manuale di grammatica polacca per italiani, Universitas, Kraków 2011. E. Lipińska, Umiesz? Zdasz! (B2), Universitas, Kraków 2009. A. Stelmach, I. Stempek, Polski krok po kroku 2, Kraków 2018. A.Stryjecka, L.Marinelli, Corso di lingua polacca, Hoepli, Milano 2014. Teaching materials for the Theoretical Module will be provided by Prof. Kowalcze during the course of the academic year and indicated on the course's Aulaweb platform. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD LAURA QUERCIOLI Ricevimento: The reception of Prof. Quercioli will take place at the request of students. KAROLINA KOWALCZE Ricevimento: To confirm the time of office hours for students please consult the personal page of Dr. Karolina Kowalcze and / or contact her via email: Exam Board KAROLINA KOWALCZE (President) LAURA QUERCIOLI (President) ARSEN HORDZIY LESSONS LESSONS START POLISH LANGUAGE COURS (LETTORATO): I semester The first lecture will be on Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2024, 8:30-10 a.m., aula I/ Polo didattico. Wednesday 8.30-10, aula I (Polo didattico) Thursday 13-15, aula I (Polo didattico) THEORICAL MODUL: II semester Class schedule POLISH LANGUAGE III EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The exam consists of an oral test for the theoretical module (for the 9 CFU course only) and a written test and an oral test for language exercises. In each of the three exam sessions there is a written session and two oral exams. Dr. Kowalcze: The written test relating to language exercises consists of a dictation, a short composition in Polish, various listening exercises and a grammar test, organized in a series of different exercises, on the topics covered during the year. Passing the written test is a prerequisite for access to the oral test. The oral exam relating to language exercises consists of a short conversation in Polish on the topics covered during the year and with the aim of verifying the grammatical and communicative skills acquired by students throughout the year. Prof. Quercioli: oral exam, during which will be verified both the technical ability to translate a short literary text and that of arguing on the linguistic and lexical choices presented. ASSESSMENT METHODS Prof. Kowalcze: during the academic year there are 3-4 written intermediate tests ('in itinere') with the aim of providing adequate preparation for the end-of-year test. The final exam of the course is aimed at verifying the effective acquisition of the four language skills at the level required by the educational objectives of the course, as well as the metalinguistic and translation skills developed by the student during the lessons. The final grade of the course is calculated on the basis of the average of the partial grades obtained: 1) from the intermediate 'in itinere' tests, 2) the written exam of the lettorato, 3) the oral exam of the lectorate, 4) the oral exam of the theoretical module (for those taking the 9CFU course). Prof. Quercioli: the oral exam aims to ascertain the following aspects of student preparation: ability to present the knowledge acquired and internalized with respect to the basic concepts of the course, ie the definition of the translation activity. The ability to autonomously translate a short text and to compare, justifying them, different translation choices, will be evaluated. Course attendance and accuracy in basic terminology will be evaluated positively. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 28/01/2025 10:00 GENOVA Scritto + Orale 29/01/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale 12/02/2025 09:00 GENOVA Scritto FURTHER INFORMATION Attendance is highly recommended. Non-attending students can take the final exam of the course, but are invited to contact the teacher at the beginning of the academic year to agree on a possible program adapted to their training requirement and language skills in Polish. Students who have duly filed a certification of disability, DSA or other special educational needs are advised to contact both the Prof. Sara Dickinson ( and the lecturer at the beginning of the course, in order to agree on teaching and examination methods that, while respecting the teaching objectives, take into account individual learning methods and provide suitable compensatory tools.