CODE 65316 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 9 cfu anno 3 LINGUE E CULTURE MODERNE 8740 (L-11) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno 3 LINGUE E CULTURE MODERNE 8740 (L-11) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno LINGUE E CULTURE MODERNE 8740 (L-11) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR L-LIN/13 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER Annual TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW German literature comprises the written works of the German-speaking peoples. The study of “German literature and culture” should not only provide a concise historical survey of German literature, but also give an understanding of the cultural developments of German-speaking countries. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES This course aims to examine literary texts produced in German-speaking countries in their aesthetic value and as powerful instruments to understand the culture of these countries. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of this course you should have: - Acquired an understanding of German history and culture - Developed an ability to read and analyse fictional texts - Developed an ability to understand social, historical and political factors that have influenced the German culture PREREQUISITES The students have to have finished already the written and oral exams of Lettcult I and Lettcult II, including the part of the Canone, the list of all canonic texts that represent German literature on a whole from its beginnings to the present. TEACHING METHODS 1. Didactic Unit, winter semester: 36 hours frontal lecture in German, reading texts in German (6 Cfu) 2. Didactic Unit, summer semester: 18 hours frontal lecture in German, reading texts in German (3 Cfu) N.B.: 36 hours + 18 hours = 54 hours (9 Cfu) Attendance is not obbligatory, but heartily recommended Students who do not attend the classes have to contact the professor at the beginning of the semester and study the texts marked with * SYLLABUS/CONTENT TITLE: Aktualität und Geschichte im deutschsprachigen Drama und Theater vom Naturalismus bis zum 21. Jahrhundert. (Actuality and History in German Drama and Theatre from Naturalism to the 21st century) PROGRAMME/CONTENT: After focussing first in a sort of theoretical introduction on different drama and theatre concepts over the past two centuries we are going to trace, taking the examples of theatre plays with historical or societylinked plots as well as significant theatre productions, the evolution of drama and theatre from Naturalism to the 21st century. Primary literature: Frank Wedekind: Frühlungs Erwachen Gerhard Hauptmann: Die Weber Karl Kraus: Die letzten Tage der Menschheit Ödön von Horváth: Italienische Nacht Bertolt Brecht: Der aufhaltsame Austieg des Arturo Ui Wolfgang Borchart: Draußen vor der Tor Peter Weiss: Die Ermittlung Friedrich Dürrenmatt: Die Physiker Peter Handke: Publikumsbeschimpfung Heiner Müller: Die Horatier Harald Mueller: Totenfloß ---------------------------------- Thomas Bernhard: Heldenplatz Werner Schwab: Volksvernichtung Botho Strauß: Gleichgewicht Elfriede Jelinek : Die Kontrakte des Kaufmanns RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Secondary literature: Dossier containing parts of Manfred Pfister: Das Drama (genaue Seitenangabe demnächst) - Biblioteca Norbert Greiner u.a.: Einführung ins Drama. Handlung – Figur - Szene –Zuschauer (genaue Seitenangabe demnächst) - Biblioteca Franziska Schössler: Einführung in die Dramenanalyse. 2. Aufl., Lehrbuch J. B. Metzler. Stuttgart: Metzler 2017. - Teams, Materialien Seitenangaben: IX, 1-17, 21-22, 32-33, 59-70, 73-75, 109-123, 134-137, 215-226 C. Bernd Sucher (Hg.): Theaterlexikon - Biblioteca Primary literature: Frank Wedekind: Frühlungs Erwachen Gerhard Hauptmann: Die Weber Karl Kraus: Die letzten Tage der Menschheit Ödön von Horváth: Italienische Nacht Bertolt Brecht: Der aufhaltsame Austieg des Arturo Ui Wolfgang Borchart: Draußen vor der Tor Peter Weiss: Die Ermittlung Friedrich Dürrenmatt: Die Physiker Peter Handke: Publikumsbeschimpfung* Heiner Müller: Die Horatier* Harald Mueller: Totenfloß ---------------------------- Thomas Bernhard: Heldenplatz Werner Schwab: Volksvernichtung Botho Strauß: Gleichgewicht* Elfriede Jelinek : Die Kontrakte des Kaufmanns+ b TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD MICHAELA BÜRGER-KOFTIS Ricevimento: Personalized office hours upon appointments via email: Exam Board MICHAELA BÜRGER-KOFTIS (President) NICOLETTA DACREMA RAMONA PELLEGRINO (Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START ... of october 2023 Tuesdays 15 c.t. – 16, aula 9, Palazzo Cattaneo, v. Balbi 2 Wednesdays 17 c.t. – 19, aula 9, Palazzo Cattaneo, v. Balbi 2 Class schedule GERMAN LITERATURE AND CULTURE III EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Oral exams ASSESSMENT METHODS An exam, the length of which varies according to the programme, held by the professor responsible for the course, during which the level of the student’s knowledge will be assessed according to the following criteria: a) ability to read, translate and comment on and contextualise critically excerpts from texts examined during the course, plus other supplementary texts read and prepared autonomously, see the list which can be downloaded from the professor’s website, the course on aulaweb and can also be consulted on the notice board outside the professor’s office; b) ability to respond in Italian and German to questions on topics covered during the course and on supplementary texts prepared for the examination, as well as possibly developing an autonomous critical discourse. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 21/01/2025 12:00 GENOVA Orale 21/01/2025 13:00 GENOVA Orale FURTHER INFORMATION Target group Students from the 3rd year of LCM Students who have valid certification of physical or learning disabilities on file with the University and who wish to discuss possible accommodations or other circumstances regarding lectures, coursework and exams, should speak both with the instructor and with Prof. Sara Dickinson (, the Department’s disability liaison. Credits The exam is equivalent to 6 / 9 credit points. Languages Lessons will be held in German language (with explanaitions in Italian)