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CODE 61345
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Spanish Language II (LM) is an annual Spanish Language Course and a Theoretical Module in the first semester.

The theoretical module aims to make students more aware of the economic value of the language of the Spanish language, the political role of institutions that deal with the language standard and the differences that exist between the normative and descriptive approach in the policy of international promotion of a language.



Spanish 2 aims at encouraging reflection on the economic and political role of Spanish in international relations and research using Web resources to develop C2 CEFR skills. 


Theoretical Module

In the theoretical module, special attention will be paid to the econometrics of the Spanish language and its international role. In addition, you will learn to analyse the political-linguistic discourse of the institutions responsible for the normative care of the Spanish language in the world. The training objectives are to

  • Make students aware of the fact that the history of the Spanish language in the world has always been conditioned by politics, world powers and balances and the economic interests of the countries that manage all trade in or towards the Spanish language;
  • make students autonomous and capable in consulting information sources and accessible linguistic resources created by institutions that safeguard the interests of the Spanish language, such as corpora;
  • make students capable of analysing and interpreting the language policy discourse of the institutions called upon to disseminate the Spanish language throughout the world.
  • to make students capable of searching and selecting sources of information in order to gain a better understanding of the political history of the Spanish language and also to make them capable of expounding it concisely.
  • In order to achieve these objectives, students will choose from the topics in the course syllabus the one of most interest to each one of them, they will delve into all its aspects by consulting the appropriate sources to talk about it in class and to participate in class debates.


C2 CEFR level descriptors:

Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. Can summarise information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation. Can express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations.


To take the final exam: have passed Spanish Language I (LM) and have the grade registered in your career.


The lectures take place in the classroom, with face-to-face teaching.

The course of the theoretical module implies a commitment on the part of the students to autonomous but also group work. The presentation of the topic to be prepared by each student presupposes a search among the sources of information known at the beginning of the course, a demonstration of functional literacy skills and mastery in the transmission of knowledge (also in digital format) and a good willingness to engage in group discussion and peer evaluation (which will be taken into account for the final presentation of each course content).

Non-attending students are required to contact the two lecturers to advise of their absence and to agree on any different course programmes, additional bibliography, etc.

IMPORTANT: Access to aulaweb with password to be requested by e-mail from Prof. Victoria Filipetto (


Theoretical Module 

A) History of the Real Academia (politics and works) compared with that of the Accademia della Crusca;
B) The political-linguistic role of the Spanish Language International Congresses;
C) Entities and foundations for the dissemination of Spanish: the Cervantes Institute and the Fundeu;
D) The model: standard and usage; standard Spanish, international Spanish; neutral Spanish;
E) corpus of Spanish and Combinatorial linguistics;
F) Online resources and accessibility policy.


Consolidate mastery of the language to reach level C2. Strengthen oral and written expressive resources.

Analysing morphosyntactic structures, also comparing them with those of Italian. Understand texts on topical subjects of a different nature and express oneself on their content.

Produce written texts of different types using the elements of coherence and cohesion effectively. Produce written texts as a summary of texts in Italian (mediation).

To consolidate the command of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions; to analyse implicit meaning; to enhance the mastery of different registers and the recognition/use of regional varieties.


Theoretical module

Much of the compulsory and recommended bibliography is accessible online and will be presented, analysed and discussed by the students during the lectures. The compulsory reading book for the exam for frequent and non frequent students is the following:

    ONE (Observatorio Nebrija del español). Por una estrategia global de difusión del español (2023).


  • Español C2, Editorial SGEL, Isabel Blanco y Mª Pilar Valero, ISBN: 9788419065216
  • Gramática de uso del español - C1 C2, Editorial Hoepli, Luis Aragonés y Ramón Palencia, ISBN: 8820347903


Materials on current affairs will be provided  by the teacher.


Exam Board



LAURA SANFELICI (President Substitute)



Lettorato (prof.ssa Victoria Filipetto) Inizio nella settimana del 30 settembre

  • mercoledì 10-12
  • giovedì 12-14

Le lezioni si svolgeranno a distanza su piattaforma Teams

Modulo teorico (prof.ssa Ana Lourdes de Hériz) - Le lezioni iniziano giovedì 3 ottobre.

  • lunedì 10-12, aula M (Polo didattico)
  • giovedì 11-12 aula I (Polo didattico)


Class schedule




Theoretical Module: Assessment of functional literacy throughout the course (in continuous discussion with students) and oral test for the assessment of compulsory reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.

Lettorato: written and oral test. 


The oral test of the Theoretical Module consists in the discussion of critical literature on the role of the Spanish language in the world, on its political weight and economic value as well as on the showcase that collects all this in the web of institutions that spread and promote the Spanish language. Students who have presented certain themes of the program during the lessons will be exempted from some parts of the exam.

The written test of Lettorato The Lettorato written test involves the production of two argumentative texts of approximately 300 and 150 words respectively on the topics contained in the bibliography or on those
covered in class. In both texts, expository effectiveness, adequacy of register, appropriate use of the components of coherence and cohesion, grammatical accuracy and lexical precision are evaluated. The written test also includes a reading comprehension exercise with a series of multiple choice questions on a current news article or a short opinion article. The morphosyntactic and lexical contents (periphrases, logical connections, consecutio temporum, idiomatic expressions, co-occurrences, etc.) are assessed with a series of exercises (between three and five) that correspond to the level to be achieved (C2 of the CEFRL).

The oral competence for the attending students will be evaluated with a conceptual grade based on the presentations made in class. For students who do not attend, however, the oral test takes place during the exam and consists of the presentation of the material assigned by the teacher during the course (journalistic articles and short stories by Spanish and Hispanic-American authors).

The grade for the  exam is calculated as the average between written and oral.


Exam schedule

Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note
21/01/2025 09:00 GENOVA Compitino
22/01/2025 09:00 GENOVA scritto con accettazione online
05/02/2025 09:00 GENOVA Compitino


Students with a certified DSA, disability or other special educational needs are required to contact the two teachers at the beginning of the course in order to agree on teaching and examination methods that, while respecting the teaching objectives, take into account individual learning methods and provide suitable compensatory tools.

Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals

Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals
Quality education
Quality education
Gender equality
Gender equality


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PRO3 - Soft skills - Alfabetica avanzato 1 - A