CODE 90257 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 9 cfu anno 1 LINGUE E LETTERATURE MODERNE PER I SERVIZI CULTURALI 9265 (LM-38) - GENOVA 9 cfu anno 1 LINGUE E LETTERATURE MODERNE PER I SERVIZI CULTURALI 9265 (LM-37) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR L-LIN/09 LANGUAGE Portuguese TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER Annual PREREQUISITES Propedeuticità in uscita Questo insegnamento è propedeutico per gli insegnamenti: MODERN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES FOR CULTURAL SERVICES 9265 (coorte 2024/2025) PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE II 90282 TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The course provides practical skills in the Portuguese language equal to level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The Theoretical Module prepares and leads to the translation of Navalha na Carne, a play by the Brazilian Plínio Marcos (1935-1999). AIMS AND CONTENT AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The lectures of the MT alternate the refinement of translation strategies of contemporary Brazilian texts (C. Lispector, H. Hilst, J. Guimarães Rosa) with the sociolinguistic study of Brazil since the Pombaline reforms of the mid 18th century. Drawing on the studies of Dante Lucchesi and Marcos Bagno, the following will be addressed: * the notion of preconceito linguístico; * the reasons for sociolinguística polarisation; * the consequences of the irregular transmissão of language; * the concepts of norma culta and norma popular; * ideology and linguistic normalisation. MT, learning outcomes. The MT prepares students to: * orient themselves in the linguistic and multilingual history of the American variety of Portuguese; * understand the sociolinguistic reasons behind the current polarisation of PB in Brazil; * translate literary texts from the Brazilian area; * refining group work strategies and cooperative skills. The practical module aims to consolidate C1 CEFR levels. The grammatical and lexical structures of the Portuguese language will be deepened through readings, conversations, written work, oral presentations and exercises of various types. Language exercises, learning outcomes: * consolidate previously acquired grammatical structures; * acquire the competences required for level C1 (QECR); * independently produce/understand highly complex written texts; * perfect oral comprehension and production. PREREQUISITES Level B2 (PE or PB) TEACHING METHODS The lessons of the theoretical module (30 hours, second semester) will be taught in Italian and will be partly frontal and partly dedicated to the linguistic analysis of the proposed texts and to translation strategies. Attendance is not mandatory but strongly recommended. The practical module course is annual and has a total of 85 hours. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Theoretical Module Programme. The lectures will be dedicated to the identification, from a historical and sociolinguistic perspective, of the morpho-syntactic and lexical differences of the American variety of Portuguese. The strategies necessary to deal with the collaborative translation of contemporary Brazilian texts (C. Lispector, H. Hilst, J. Guimarães Rosa) will also be discussed, working not only on translation skills in the strict sense, but also on the ability to work in a group (negotiation, listening, discussion). Programme of the Practical Module In the grammatical area, the following will be addressed: - Indicative / Conjunctive complete verbal system - Simple and compound conjugated infinitive - Use of the Gerund - Derivative Verbs / Verb Regencies - Reflexive Verbs - Periphrastic Conjugation - Personal Pronouns: atonal and tonic form - Adverbs and Adverbial Locutions - Prepositions and Prepositional Locutions - Indirect Speech - Passive Form - Subordinate Propositions - Conjunctions and Locutions - Text Connectors. For the lexical and communicative area, the following will be observed: - Familiar / Professional / Social vocabulary - Idiomatic Expressions / Sayings / Proverbs - Exclamations and Interjections - Prefixes and Suffixes / Diminutives - Polysemous words: usage and meanings - Homophones / Homographs / Homonyms / Paronyms - Supporting / Opposing opinions - Expressing feelings, desires, judgements - Persuade / Advise / Argue RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Theoretical module: Dante Lucchesi, Língua e sociedade partidas. A polarização sociolinguística do Brasil, ed. Contexto, São Paulo 2015. Handouts, literary texts and other hard-to-find material will be distributed in class by the lecturer and uploaded to Aulaweb. Practical module: Study books to be determined.Different types of texts and audio-visual documents will be shared during the course and uploaded to Aulaweb. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD CARLA SOFIA FERREIRA ANDRADE VIRGINIA CLARA CAPORALI Ricevimento: Students are invited to refer to the course sheet of Language I, LM (90257) LESSONS LESSONS START The MT will be held in the second semester. The start of the course will be announced as soon as it is available. The MP will start in the first semester on a date to be determined. Class schedule PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE I (LM) EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION For the Theoretical Module part, attainment of the objectives will be assessed by means of a final oral examination (approx. 20 minutes) which may be preceded, if deemed appropriate, by an in itinere examination to be conducted during class time. The Practical Module examination consists of a final written test. For each examination session there will be a single date for the written examination. The written examination includes * reading, comprehension and text analysis; * grammar exercises; * production of a paper and use of the morpho-syntactic structures learnt during the year. ASSESSMENT METHODS The oral exam relating to the theoretical module will verify the acquisition of the topics addressed during the course. There is also a practical-theoretical question on the translations carried out in the classroom and on the translation strategies applied. The Portuguese Language written exam will test your knowledge of grammatical rules and vocabulary, as well as the actual acquisition of skills relating to written production and written and oral comprehension. Only one paper is expected for each exam session. The dates of the writings will be communicated during the year and reported via Aulaweb and on the teacher's personal page: The final grade is calculated as follows: 50% (of the overall mark) for the written and oral practical part; 50% (of the overall mark) for the theoretical part. FURTHER INFORMATION Students with SLD, disability or other special educational needs certification are advised to contact the teacher at the beginning of the course to agree on teaching and exam methods that, in compliance with the teaching objectives, take into account the learning methods individuals and provide suitable compensatory instruments. Non-attending students are invited to contact the teacher at to agree on an alternative program. For the start date of the courses and the relative timetables, it is recommended to visit the teacher page (V. Caporali) at the link