CODE 65275 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 1 LINGUE E LETTERATURE MODERNE PER I SERVIZI CULTURALI 9265 (LM-38) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno 1 LINGUE E LETTERATURE MODERNE PER I SERVIZI CULTURALI 9265 (LM-37) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR L-LIN/03 LANGUAGE French TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: FRENCH LITERATURE AND CULTURE TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB AIMS AND CONTENT AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the course, the student : - will have mastered the tools useful for the study and analysis of the literary text; - will have acquired knowledge of the specificities of the didactics of the literary text - will be able to recognise and exploit the potential of the study of literary history; - will be able to recognise the various linguistic and cultural specificities present in literary texts; - will be able to analyse, interpret and teach theoretical and literary texts; - will be able to elaborate short texts presenting literary works for a non-specific reading public; - will be able to present orally the contents and specificities of a literary text to a non-specific readership, setting it in its cultural and historical context; - will be able to design the presentation of popular material related to the literary text in a professional context. The teaching aims to contribute to the achievement of the following Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda: - Goal 4. Provide quality, equitable and inclusive education and learning opportunities for all - Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls - Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development TEACHING METHODS Presential lessons with the support of digital technologies. The following modes will be used during the course: Flipped classrom, Task based learning, Cooperative learning and Collective reading. Attendance will be monitored. Group and individual work, self-assessment and flipped classroom activities will be offered to the attending students. The performance of these activities will be assessed and may be worth up to four extra points to be added to the final grade. Evenings at the theatre and meetings with the directors and actors of French and/or French-speaking plays staged in the 2024/25 programme will be promoted in collaboration with the city's theatres. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Usage de la littérature en contexte professionnel (enseignement et métiers du tourisme) The course aims to address the study of literature with a view to its possible use in the working world. The course will present both innovative didactic techniques for the pedagogical exploitation of the literary text, notions that will be useful to students wishing to embark on a teaching career, and ways of using the literary text in tourist itineraries. For the latter aspect, reference will be made to and the course will form part of the work in progress for the School of Humanities project ‘Literary, artistic and cultural itineraries in the city’. The topics covered will be: 1. The specificities of the different types of literary text 2. School competitions in Italy: skills and knowledge required of the French language teacher 3. Main teaching techniques for the pedagogical exploitation of the literary text in an FLE class. How to construct a literature teaching unit 4. Creation of a didactic unit by each student/student 5. The literary text in the service of ‘tourism’. The project ‘Literary, artistic and cultural itineraries in the city’. 6. How to devise a system of tourist-literary itineraries dedicated to French or French-speaking authors who have spoken about Genoa and/or Liguria in verse and prose. 7. How to set up a bibliographical research. The search for sources and investigation inside archives. 8. How to choose relevant information to include in a panel. 9. Creation of some ‘tourist’ panels by each student The programme is a single one: all teaching materials will be made available to all students on the aulaweb platform, so it is not considered appropriate to distinguish the programme between attending and non-attending students. However, please note that non-attending students will not be eligible for the bonus of up to 4 points reserved for attending students. In lieu of the work in progress, non-attending students must present and illustrate during the final examination interview a project on the exploitation pédagogique of the literary text (creation of a teaching unit) and a project on the ‘exploitation’ of the literary text for tourism (creation of a panel). RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY All supporting teaching materials will be uploaded onto the aulaweb platform (handouts, slides, links) and made available to students. We recommend the adoption as a reference text of a History of French Literature textbook to be chosen from: Histoire de la France littéraire, Paris, PUF (più volumi) Histoire de la littérature française, Paris, GF Flammarion (più volumi) The manuals indicated are available in the Library of the Department of Languages. Reference Bibliography : "Exploitation didactique du texte littéraire” S. Giusti, Insegnare con la Letteratura, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2011. Alfred Noé, «Littérature : retour au texte», Le Français dans le monde, 261, 1993, p.45-46. Marie-Claude Albert et Marc Souchon, Les textes littéraires en classe de langue, Paris, Hachette, 1995. Insegnare letteratura in lingua straniera, a cura di M. Stagi Scarpa, Carocci Faber, 2005 Luc Fraisse, «La perspective de l’histoire littéraire dans l’enseignement secondaire», Revue d’histoire littéraire de la France, 2005, 1, pp.161-187, "Exploitation touristique du texte littéraire” Genova per noi. Testimonianze di scrittori contemporanei, M. Bacigalupo, A. Beniscelli, G. Cavallini, S. Verdino (a cura di), Genova, Accademia Ligure di Scienze e Lettere, 2004 Viaggiatori stranieri in Liguria, E. Kanceff (a cura di), Torino, CIRVI, Biblioteca del Viaggio in Italia, 1992. L. Cavicchioli, Liguria. Vagabondaggi letterari in Riviera, Polaris, 2020 G. Marcenaro, Viaggiatori stranieri in Liguria, Genova, De Ferrari, 1990 G. Marcenaro, Viaggio in Liguria, Genova, SAGEP, 1994 Other specific bibliographical references will be provided during the course. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD CHIARA ROLLA Ricevimento: By appointment in my office or on Microsoft Teams. LESSONS LESSONS START Week of 30 September 2024 Class schedule FRENCHE LITERATURE AND CULTURE MOD.1 EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The course includes an in itinere assessment, the preparation of a portfolio and a final interview. The portfolio will consist of the two activities (preparation of a teaching unit and a tourist board) that will be assigned to the attending students according to an agreed timetable and published on the aulaweb. Non-attending students, as they will not be able to accrue the in itinere assessment, will have to present and illustrate a project relating to the exploitation pédagogique of the literary text (elaboration of a didactic unit) and a project for the exploitation touristique of the literary text at the final interview. ASSESSMENT METHODS The course includes an in itinere assessment of the learners' productions of at least two exercises in group and/or individual mode, and the preparation of a portfolio that will trace the learning path of each learner. Each of these activities aims to develop the learners' knowledge and skills and will be assessed individually, forming the basis for the final grade which will be derived from the result of the activities carried out in class, an assessment of commitment and assiduity to the lessons and a final interview in which the learners will illustrate their portfolio highlighting the knowledge and skills acquired. It should be noted that the students will have to demonstrate that they are able to explain their arguments clearly and in their own right, using the specific language of literary studies. FURTHER INFORMATION Registration on aulaweb compulsory. Students who have duly registered a certification of disability, DSA or other special educational needs are advised to contact both the contact person Prof. Sara Dickinson ( and the lecturer at the beginning of the course, in order to agree on teaching and examination methods that, while respecting the teaching objectives, take into account individual learning methods and provide suitable compensatory tools.