CODE 61347 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 9 cfu anno 2 LINGUE E LETTERATURE MODERNE PER I SERVIZI CULTURALI 9265 (LM-38) - GENOVA 9 cfu anno 2 LINGUE E LETTERATURE MODERNE PER I SERVIZI CULTURALI 9265 (LM-37) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR L-LIN/14 LANGUAGE German TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER Annual PREREQUISITES Propedeuticità in ingresso Per sostenere l'esame di questo insegnamento è necessario aver sostenuto i seguenti esami: MODERN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES FOR CULTURAL SERVICES 9265 (coorte 2023/2024) GERMAN LANGUAGE I 55928 2023 TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW Language change and language history: an introduction The course is a 9-credits-course consisting of a theoretical module (30 h, held in the 1st semester) dealing with language change and variation in German; language courses (80 h), whose aim is to develop oral and written competence in the German language. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES This module intends to provide students with the theoretical and methodological tools to analyze the German language in its complexity and variety; bring students to the C1.2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES Aims of the course ('theoretical module') are: Develop metalinguistic reflection on variational issues; Develop metalinguistic reflection on the features of the “language of immediacy” and “language of distance” as described in the model proposed by Koch & Oesterreicher. Train the students to use glossaries and terminology databases, monolingual and multilingual reference works, corpora, language atlases, and online dictionaries, in order to build and expand metalinguistic skills. At the end of the course, the students have in-depth knowledge of patterns of variation and change in German; have in-depth knowledge of the theoretical foundations relating to the linguistics of varieties; have in-depth knowledge of systematic patterns of language change that have affected the German language on different levels, from phonology to semantics and pragmatics; grammaticalisation processes will be also considered; have in-depth knowledge of the standardisation processes in the German speaking area; have the ability to apply the acquired skills to the translation of marked oral, written and multimedia texts; have developed skills in the use of language databases, mono- and multilingual reference works, terminology databases, and online dictionaries; will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in reading and interpreting texts; will be able to use linguistic and terminology databases, mono- and multilingual directories, online dictionaries and corpora; are able to present, comment, and evaluate in German their own analysis of selected issues; Language learning modules The courses aim to enable students to reach level C1.2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). After successfully completing the language learning courses the students have active and passive language skills in the German language at level C1 of the CEFR. PREREQUISITES Language level C1.1 in German language is required for participation. TEACHING METHODS The course (theory 'module') will combine various modes, mainly frontal lecturing, flipped classroom, and blended learning; PPT presentations and multimedia will be used. During the course (theoretical 'module') various exercises will be assigned with the aim of gradually checking the knowledge acquired. The theory 'module' (30 h, 1st semester) is accompanied by year-round language learning courses. Language learning modules: (80 h, yearlong) SYLLABUS/CONTENT Theory module Introduction to the concepts of linguistic 'variation' and 'variety'; Theoretical foundations relating to a linguistics of varieties; Dimensions of language variation with special consideration of the German language and the diachronic dimension; Systematic processes of language change at different levels, from phonology to semantics and pragmatics; Grammaticalisation processes; standardisation processes in the German-speaking area; "Language history from below": private correspondence and diaries as sources for language history. Language learning modules The practical language modules which include translation exercises will bring the students from B2 level to C1.1 level (1st year) and from C1.1 level to C1.2 level (2nd year) according to the guidelines of the Common European Framework of Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEF). According to University regulations, this syllabus is valid until February 2026. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Theory module Bär, Jochen A. s.a. Eine kurze Geschichte der deutschen Sprache <>; Elspaß, Stephan. 2005. Standardisierung des Deutschen: Ansichten aus der neueren Sprachgeschichte‚von unten‘. In Ludwig M. Eichinger & Werner Kallmeyer (eds.), Standardvariation. Standardvariation: Wie viel Variation verträgt die deutsche Sprache?, 63–99. Berlin / New York: de Gruyter; Nübling, Damaris, Antje Dammel, Janet Duke & Renata Szczepaniak. 2017. Historische Sprachwissenschaft des Deutschen: Eine Einführung in die Prinzipien des Sprachwandels. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto; Plewnia, Albrecht / Andreas Witt (eds.). 2014. Sprachverfall? Dynamik, Wandel, Variation (Institut Für Deutsche Sprache Jahrbuch 2013). Berlin: De Gruyter (pagine scelte / Auswahl) Further bibliographic and didactic resources will be provided during the semester (Aulaweb). Language learning modules: Kompass DaF C1.2 - Hybride Ausgabe allango. Deutsch für Studium und Beruf. Stuttgart: Klett or Kompass DaF C1 - Hybride Ausgabe allango. Deutsch für Studium und Beruf. Stuttgart: Klett TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD SIMONA LEONARDI Ricevimento: Office hours Individual meetings in my office or on Microsoft Teams are scheduled by appointment. Please write an email to fix it ( KARIN RAUSCH DARIAH SOPHIE BERGEMANN Exam Board SIMONA LEONARDI (President) LESSONS LESSONS START Theoretical module: 30 hours, 1st semester (October, 2024). Language learning modules: 1st + 2nd semester: October, 2024. Class schedule GERMAN LANGUAGE II EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Theory module: During the course verification of the learning process through tests and quizzes + written examination, in which the arguments treated during the class will be asked about + PPT presentation + oral examination. The final examination will consist of a written examination + oral commentary on the PPT presentation. During the written examination of the theoretical 'module', knowledge of the course content will be tested. The final assessment will take into account a) the PPT presentation (previously sent to the lecturer); b) the adequacy of the bibliography accompanying the presentation; c) the knowledge of the course contents (written examination/presentazion); d) familiarity with the the readings discussed during the course and with the materials made available on the Aulaweb platform. The languages learning courses will be completed by written examinations and an oral examination. written exam (essay writing) + oral exam (average of the marks of the exercise exams: 50% of the final mark) Registration for the exam of the theory class on the homepage of the University of Genoa ( > link „servizi online per gli studenti“ and for the exams of the applied modules in Aulaweb. The program of the course is valid until February 2026 in accordance to the departmental regulation. Students who do not attend the lessons or attend only sporadically are kindly requested to ask in good time (at least one month prior to the date chosen for the examination) for a meeting during office hours or by appointment (that can take place also online), in order to discuss the various points of the syllabus (which is the same as the syllabus for students who attend lessons regularly). ASSESSMENT METHODS Theory module During the course verification of the learning process through tests and quizzes + written examination, in which the arguments treated during the class will be asked about + PPT presentation + oral examination The final assessment will take into account a) the PPT presentation (previously sent to the lecturer); b) the adequacy of the bibliography accompanying the presentation; c) the knowledge of the course contents (written examination/presentazion); d) familiarity with the the readings discussed during the course and with the materials made available on the Aulaweb platform. Assessment system The assessment is graded according to the following evaluation system for lowest and highest marks: * 18/30: lowest positive grade. * 30/30: highest positive grade * 30/30 cum laude: highest positive grade. excellent performance. Registering for the examinations on the homepage of the University of Genoa (, link "servizi online per gli studenti“. FURTHER INFORMATION Target group The exam is obligatory for students in the second year of the master course in "Modern Languages and Literatures for cultural Services" LM 37/38 Credits The total exam consisting in theory class and language exercises is equivalent to 9 credit points. Language: Theory class: Lessons will be held mainly in German. Language learning courses: Lessons will be held mainly in German. Students with certified special educational needs (DSA) Students who have valid certification of physical or learning disabilities on file with the University and who wish to discuss possible accommodations or other circumstances regarding lectures, coursework and exams, should speak both with the instructor and with Prof. Sara Dickinson (, the Department’s disability liaison.