CODE 65696 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 1 LINGUE E LETTERATURE MODERNE PER I SERVIZI CULTURALI 9265 (LM-38) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno LINGUE E LETTERATURE MODERNE PER I SERVIZI CULTURALI 9265 (LM-37) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno 1 LINGUE E LETTERATURE MODERNE PER I SERVIZI CULTURALI 9265 (LM-37) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR M-GGR/01 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: GEOGRAPHY OF CULTURAL HERITAGE AND TOURISM TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB AIMS AND CONTENT AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the course, the student will be able to: synthesise the basic elements of the geography of tourism applied to urban contexts and social dynamics; adopt a critical perspective on tourism processes; identify the multi-scalarity of tourism phenomena and their implications on places; identify and understand contemporary challenges to the promotion of places; analyse and understand the development processes of different forms of tourism in relation to contemporary challenges; argue and describe how the valorisation, protection and promotion of cultural and environmental assets is an articulated and complex process. TEACHING METHODS The course consists of lectures, for a total of 36 hours (6 CFU), aimed at presenting and studying the main notions of the geography of tourism through the use of practical examples. Furthermore, students will be invited to participate to fieldwork activities that will be organized during the course. Occasionally, scholars or experts in the discipline (Italian and foreign) may be invited to hold seminars to deepen specific aspects of the issues dealt with. Attending students will have the opportunity to produce case studies through group or individual work, which will have to be returned in the form of an oral presentation during the course. Punctual information will be provided in lessons and via the teaching Web Classroom. Students who have valid certification of physical or learning disabilities on file with the University and who wish to discuss possible accommodations or other circumstances regarding lectures, coursework and exams, should speak both with the instructor and with prof. Sara Dickinson (, the Department's disability liaison. Further information available at SYLLABUS/CONTENT The course will focus on two macro-themes: - Heritage and cities: tourism and the city in numbers; keys for the understanding of urban and social transformation linked to tourism; urban practices, touristisation of historic centres and its social impacts (disneyfication, foodification, gentrification, etc.); city branding; from the creative city to the shared city: effects on tourism and heritage - Heritage and climate change: cultural heritage at risk in Italy and in the world in numbers; climate change and intangible heritage; climate change and tangible heritage; land grabbing for tourism; tourism mobility and climate change; carbon footprint and tourism; transforming tourism to tackle climate change. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY For ATTENDING students - Teaching material (scientific articles and slides) uploaded by the lecturer on AulaWeb, suitably supplemented by the lecturer in the classroom and summarised in the lecture notes. In addition: Rossi U., Vanolo A. (2024 ed.). Nuova geografia politica urbana, Laterza (limitated to chapters 1 and 2) For NON ATTENDING students - Study of one of the following texts: Rossi U., Vanolo A. (2024 ed.). Nuova geografia politica urbana, Laterza (limitated to chapters 1 and 2) Gainsforth S. (2023). Oltre il turismo. Esiste il turismo sostenibile? Eris. - Critical reading of one of the following texts: Dematteis M., Nardelli M. (2023). Inverno liquido. La crisi climatica, le terre alte e la fine della stagione dello sci di massa. Roma: DeriveApprodi. Gainsforth S. (2019). Airbnb città merce. Storie di resistenza alla gentrificazione digitale. Roma: DeriveApprodi. D'Eramo M. (2019). Il selfie del mondo. Indagine sull'età del turismo. Milano: Feltrinelli. Bonifacio D. (2022). La disneyficazione. Dimensioni e registri di un linguaggio universale. Milano: Mimesis. Harvey D. & Perry J. (eds. 2015). The Future of Heritage as Climates Change: Loss, Adaptation and Creativity. London: Routledge (English text) Vanolo A. (2018). City branding: the ghostly politics of representation in globalising cities. London: Routledge (English text) TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD SARA BONATI Ricevimento: During the first semester, the service is offered on Wednesdays, from 11am to 1pm. To access the service, it is required to book an appointment writing to LESSONS LESSONS START Lessons are starting on February, 2025 Class schedule GEOGRAPHY OF CULTURAL HERITAGE AND TOURISM MOD.II EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The exam is oral. Group work, possibly carried out by attending students, even if discussed during the course, forms an integral part of the oral exam. Students who have valid certification of physical or learning disabilities on file with the University and who wish to discuss possible accommodations or other circumstances regarding lectures, coursework and exams, should speak both with the instructor and with prof. Sara Dickinson (, the Department's disability liaison. Further information available at ASSESSMENT METHODS The oral exam will allow to evaluate: - mastery and deepening of knowledge, - the ability to use the skills developed. Evaluation criteria are: - the quality of the oral communication, - the correct use of the appropriate vocabulary, - the ability of critical analysis, even on possible cases discussed. The students who carry out the group work will also be assessed on the quality of the paper as regards the content and formal aspects. Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals Sustainable cities and communities Responbile consumption and production Climate action Life below water Life on land