CODE 111853 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 5 cfu anno 1 INGEGNERIA CIVILE 10799 (LM-23) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR ICAR/09 TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The course PROGETTO E VALUTAZIONE DI OPERE IN C.A. aims to provide the tools for designing buildings in reinforced concrete (in seismic zones) and to acquire the necessary skills to develop detailed design documents, including the use of numerical examples (e.g., architectural design of plans and elevations, floor framing, details of openings, corner and lateral offsets, stairs and knee beams, reinforcement schedule for beams and columns, column schedule, foundations). AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES After briefly reviewing the fundamental concepts of structural design for reinforced concrete structures, the course illustrates the design principles governing key structural elements, including two- and three-dimensional frames, floor slabs, and plates, while describing typical solutions and reinforcement arrangements. Furthermore, it also addresses issues related to degradation and long-term durability phenomena in concrete and reinforced concrete elements. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The course of PROGETTO E VALUTAZIONE DI OPERE IN C.A. aims to achieve a series of detailed educational objectives that will provide students with the theoretical and practical skills necessary for the structural design of reinforced concrete (RC) buildings under seismic actions. Students will be able to demonstrate the following skills and knowledge: Understand the Principles of Structural Safety; Know the Properties of Construction Materials; Develop Structural Design Skills; Learn to design reinforced concrete structures following the criteria of serviceability and ultimate limit states; Address Structural Degradation and Durability; Design Simple Structures such as composite concrete floors, continuous beams, and columns; Seismic assessment and design. PREREQUISITES To successfully follow the course of PROGETTO E VALUTAZIONE DI OPERE IN C.A., students must have a solid foundation of knowledge and skills in several key areas, acquired in previous modules, including a strong background in mathematics, statics, structural mechanics and of Tecnica delle Costruzioni course. TEACHING METHODS Frontal Lectures: conducted to provide a theoretical foundation on the main topics. Lectures include theoretical explanations, practical examples, and in-depth case studies. Use of PCs and Software: Students become acquainted with specific software used in the construction sector, such as structural modeling programs (e.g., finite element analysis software) and structural calculation software. Practical lessons may focus on using these tools for structural design and analysis. Throughout the course, Excel spreadsheets, FTOOL, SAP2000 and VCASLU are used. Design RC project: A crucial component of the course involves the completion of an individual RC design project. Students have the opportunity to apply all acquired skills to solve a real or simulated structural design problem under the supervision of the instructor. Students who have valid certification of physical or learning disabilities on file with the University and who wish to discuss possible accommodations or other circumstances regarding lectures, coursework and exams, should speak both with the instructor and with Professor Federico Scarpa ( ), the Polytechnic School's disability liaison. SYLLABUS/CONTENT COURSE OBJECTIVES and INTRODUCTION "Cementitious Composites and Sustainability: The Crucial Role of Green Materials in Climate Neutrality Strategies by 2050" REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES Residential buildings in reinforced concrete: Structural elements that characterize them Foundations; Beams; Columns; Slabs; Stairs; Balconies. Historical cementitious conglomerate: Introduction; Regulatory framework; Verification methods. Introduction to FTOOL. Introduction to SAP. Reinforced Concrete Floor Systems: Cast-in-place slabs, semi-precast, fully precast Design of floor systems subjected to vertical loads Band criteria, static scheme, and load model. Design of Floor Systems Subjected to Vertical Loads (Continuation) EP Part I Design of Floor Systems Subjected to Vertical Loads (Continuation) EP Part II Openings **Openings - Exercise **Stairs + EP 4 **Stairs: EP 5-1 Stairs: EP 5-2 + Corner Offset EP 6 EP 7 - The Columns Degradation and Durability Seismic Actions: 1D - Elastic Spectrum Seismic Actions: Inelastic Spectrum - q EP 08 seismic floor masses - EP 09 SAP model construction EP 10 floor beam actions - EP 11 preliminary design of all columns SAP Model - SLV and SLD load combinations + Response Spectrum Analysis RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Notes from Lectures. Cosenza, E., Manfredi, G., & Pecce, M. (2008). Strutture in cemento armato–basi della progettazione. Ulrico Hoepli Editore Spa. G.G. Penelis, A.J. Kappos: "Earthquake-resistant Concrete Structures", E&fn Spon, An Imprint Of Chapman & Hall. M. Capurso: " Edifici Soggetti A Forze Orizzontali: Calcolo Automatico", Cremonese. F.M. Mazzolani, V. Piluso: "Theory And Design Of Seismic Resistant Steel Frames", E&fn Spon, An Imprint Of Chapman & Hall. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD ANTONIO CAGGIANO Ricevimento: In-person Office Hours: Days and Times: Every Thursday, Prof. Caggiano will be available for in-person meetings in their office. Remote Options: Via Teams: Students can schedule an appointment to meet with the instructor on Teams at any time during the week. Via Email: Available 24/7 via email. The instructor commits to responding within 48 hours of receiving the message. LESSONS Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Realization of project work and/or homework assignments + Oral examination. ASSESSMENT METHODS Regarding the assessment methods for the course of PROGETTO E VALUTAZIONE DI OPERE IN C.A., students' competency evaluation will be conducted as follows: 1. Design Project Evaluation: Students are primarily assessed based on the design project they have developed during the course. 2. Theoretical Questions: The exam may include a section dedicated to theoretical questions, covering fundamental topics discussed in the frontal lectures.